• expired

1kg Aussie Grown Flavoured Macadamia Nuts $53 Delivered ($60 Value) + Free 100g Mystery Pack ($11 Value) with Coupon @ MacNutHut


We are back on deck after a challenging few weeks due to the floods that took place in our region of Lismore, NSW. In order to kick things off again we have decided to post up a short sale that runs until Friday.

The Deal

Enjoy our delicious flavoured Macadamia nuts at discounted prices. The value pack brings them down to just $53 per kilo with the ability to choose any two flavours! (500g each)

Plus get a free 100g mystery Macadamia pack with any order of $50 or more when you enter the coupon code OZBARGAIN *while stocks last.

If you don't want your free pack to be a mystery, you may request a specific flavour in the order notes and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Multi-Buy Discounts

Get further discounts by ordering more of any product in our shop, including multiple value packs:

Order any 2+ packs get 5% OFF
Order any 4+ packs get 10% OFF
Order any 6+ packs get 15% OFF

These discounts are auto-applied to your cart and require no coupon code.


We offer free postage on all orders of $50 or more.

About Us

Macadamia Nut Hut is a small family run business located on 78 acres of picturesque countryside in the hinterlands of northern New South Wales. We offer delicious premium quality flavoured Macadamia nuts Australia wide through our online shop.

Our Aussie grown flavoured Macadamias are far tastier than anything purchased in supermarkets and contain upwards of 90% Australian ingredients in most instances.

You are effectively buying direct from our farm-gate - Happy shopping and thank you for your continued support OzB users!

Related Stores

Macadamia Nut Hut
Macadamia Nut Hut

closed Comments

  • +2

    excellent timing, was about to order some earlier in the week!

    • +1

      Excellent, we really appreciate your repeat business! We have also restructured our multi pack discounts now so you only need to buy 2 packs together to get a further 5% off.

      • DOH
        should have gotten more lol
        next time

      • +1

        Is there a difference between these and the ones you can get from Woolies/Coles for $40/kg in convenient 120g boxes? I'd love to know why it's worth paying an extra 50% for these nuts.

  • Done

    • Thanks for your support! They will be sent out to you soon.

  • ordered.
    Would also be interested in bulk packs of raw nuts (with or without shell).

    • +1

      Hi Radar, thank you for your order.

      Please drop us an email via our contact form and we would be happy to supply you with a quote for bulk Macadamias. ๐Ÿ™‚

        • +2

          The value packs pricing is not based on the premium raw Macadamias alone as you are able to select any flavour you like, including the chocolate Macadamias which are the most expensive in our range.

          The price for a bulk amount of our premium raw Macadamia nuts is dependant on the quantity you wish to purchase. If you don't wish to get in touch via email that's fine, however I would need to quote it based on your desired quantity.

        • +1

          I'm sure if you buy >5 tons of raw macadamia you'll probably hit the lowest price they would sell to you at

          • -7

            @ltwo: If I was going to buy 5 tonnes of nuts, I probably wouldn't be looking here.

            • @salmon123: ok so we've established that you dont want 5 tons. do you want 5kg then?

            • +1

              @salmon123: Not sure what is it that you are after…….

              If you are talking about retail pricing then just buy on the website, that's probably the best price already listed online. Otherwise if you are after a wholesale amount (no one knows if you want 5kg or 4.999 tonnes?) it is all up to negotiation and it makes sense to contact the seller directly?

              Do you expect the OP to write down a list of his best price, ranging from 2kg, 3kg, 4kg, 5kg nuts all the way up to 4.999 tonnes?

              • -4


                Not sure what is it that you are after … Do you expect the OP to write down a list of his best price, ranging from 2kg, 3kg, 4kg, 5kg nuts all the way up to 4.999 tonnes?

                Yeah - if the OP has a deal on wholesale nuts, then just post it. send me an email comments are f**** annoying.

      • Cheers, when I said bulk I meant just consumer bulk (not wholesale). I'm really only thinking of 3-5kg depending on price.
        And I'm after approx. $35-40/kg delivered (metro).

        • Hi Radar, our retail pricing doesn't change until you meet the bulk minimum order quantites, sorry.

          The cheapest we could do them would be if you ordered x6 500g packs (3kg) of premium raw Macadamias on the website which would give you 15% off automatically.

          That's a saving of $23.40 and makes the per kilo price $44.20 delivered.


          • +1

            @bargain-nut: Thanks for the response, not quite what I'm after.
            I'll try find some local growers or fall back on marquis and their pricey shipping.

  • +1

    Never tried these guys, but always heard good things.

    This is the easiest flood relief to get behind!


    • Had nuts from them several times last year before Christmas. Much better than the stuff from the supermarket!

      • Great to hear that! Thank you.

    • +1

      The problem is stopping - just be careful with the Lime/Pepper as citrus is a diuretic and too many at once can cause a quick trip to the loo for #2.

      Just a note to MNH - the last time I felt the Lime was slightly over salted and the Moroccan was slightly under salted. It may have been a batch thing and I have ordered the Lime again so will see.

      Great to support a great Aus small business.

      • Thanks for the constructive feedback, I will pass it on to our processor.

  • +1

    Hi OP, ordered two 1kg packs. Order id, 0657. Will I get two mystery packs or just one?

    • +20

      We will send you two! ๐Ÿ˜‰

      • Do I get also 2 if I order 2X 1Kg packs please?

      • +1

        nice! ๐Ÿ‘

        • Do I get also 2 if I order 2X 1Kg packs please?

          • +14

            @emilytsay1207: Everyone will, we noticed people would place two seperate orders otherwise in order to get the mystery pack twice. It's not a problem if they're both in the same order. ๐Ÿ‘

            • @bargain-nut: Thanks for saving us the hassle. 0908

            • @bargain-nut: Do we required to post the order number here to get 2x mystery pack or everyone will (for code ozbargain). The order been packed only show 1 on invoice. Maybe i will wait the order arrived and see. Thanks!

      • Order number:

        • +1

          Thank you!

  • Awesome!!!
    Order in.

    • Thank you! Would love to hear your feedback once you try them ๐Ÿ˜‹

  • Ordered!

    • +1

      Thanks for the support! We will have them out to you soon.

  • Ordered :) thanks for the special offer !!

    • You're welcome ๐Ÿ‘Œ

  • Thanks ordered

    • Thank you!

  • +4

    Fair warning, had their lemon herbs flavour from last deal and went thru the 0.5kg bag in 1 go. Addictive stuff, for me at least.

    • Lime & Black Pepper? That's my personal favourite too!

      • yeap. that's the stuff. would have finish the whole kg had I order 1kg bag.

  • +2

    Deez nuts.

  • Ordered. Feels good supporting an Aussie business and I can't wait to try them out!

    • We can't wait to hear your feedback, thank you!

  • Any flavour recommendations for something sweet? Hows their chocolate ones?

    • +1

      Honey Roasted is our most popular sweet flavour! They're very addictive. ๐Ÿ˜‹

  • +8

    Sorry to be the devil's advocate

    What am i missing that constitutes a deal given this is equivalent to RRP for Woolies?
    Woolies is also supporting local Australian Macadamia growers.

    Our Aussie grown flavoured Macadamias are far tastier than anything purchased in supermarkets

    They're literally nuts


    • No chocolate Macadamias at Woolworths…

    • +1

      It's a fair point depending on what you want. It's also worth noting some of the macadamia nut farms sell direct to public with online stores. Pricing per kg is usually better but im yet to find one that has reasonable shipping rates (unless you're buying 4+ kgs).

    • +2

      They're literally nuts

      There's quality differences in nuts just like every other food item. It would be like a deal on gourmet pizza coming up and someone saying "it's literally pizza" and linking Dominoes.

      • +7

        Not really an applicable analogy

        Pizzas are rather ingredient complex
        Nuts are nuts

        • +7

          You would hope so, but not always. They can vary due to age, environment exposure, process and quality of any coating/seasoning/roasting. For macadamia's i try to buy from producers directly. When making a trip up the NSW north coast typically buy a few kg's and get them for $32-40 per kg depending on variety.

          • +2

            @Xizor: Lets not forget the op's nuts still have to be packaged and shipped which also adds to the questionable freshness

            • +2

              @Drakesy: FAQ page on OP webpage states that:
              "We pack all our nuts in foil pouches to ensure that we seal in the freshness" and "During the warmer months we post chocolate coated nuts in an insulated bag with frozen ice packs".

              From this, I doubt that shipping and packaging would affect freshness.


              • @Stingy Student: There's a big difference between supermarket macadamias and health food store one. (flannerys)

                You can get organic macadamias from those stores for similar price and they are all whole, not pieces like in supermarket. Taste is also better if they are fresher which I imagine this would be compared to supermarket

        • +2

          Nuts aren't nuts. Compare low quality cashews to high quality ones as an example. The best quality cashews have a golden brown hue, will have a slight sweetness, be well formed, and have a crunch. If the nut tastes fishy, or doesn't have that crunch, it's indicative of poor health in the nut. Like anything that grows on plants, quality varies a lot between producers and are graded accordingly.

          This particular seller also sells flavoured nuts, including things like chocolate covered macadamias. Complex ingredients.

          • -4

            @GhostofB: It's literally a marketing scare tactic to make you think their product is superior when in reality the point of difference is pretty much non-existent. (although admittedly these have a dollar of flavouring added to it)

            It's been used on here when sellers were called out for selling at retail such as butchers, only for those who receive these "high quality" cuts to be disappointed when the local Colesworth would've had a better cut for the same price (and didn't need 2 days to deliver across Australia).

            I guess there's the warm fuzzy's of supporting an Australian business though.

            • +1

              @Drakesy: My opinion is not marketing, I am not selling anything.

        • You could say 'beans are beans' comparing coffee beans from woolies vs beans from an independent roaster; there's a massive difference - do yourself a favour and compare woolies nuts to these and you'll understand.

          • +1

            @ViperAMD: Beans come from different parts of the world's and they have different hybrids/species

            Macadamias are macadamias and all of these come from nsw/qld

            • @Drakesy: I disagree.

              Having bought Colesworth macadamias on/off for years, they're fine, but they've never been as good as buying from similar to OP's 'artisanal' nut places.
              Whether it's storage, flavouring, or the warm fuzzies I don't know, but they're definitely a tastier nut.
              Not wanting to shell out for a kilo of nuts that you don't believe are any different? Well, if you find yourself at a farmers market, find someone selling macadamias and buy a small bag and you should be able to taste the difference as many other people in this thread have noted. Hell, I've even sent a kilo bag of them to a mate in the US and they noted how much better they were than their local macadamia option.

    • +2

      In my experience not all nuts are the same. The fresher the nut the better the taste also… how long do these things sit in a warehouse before Woolworths packages them and sends them all around Australia.. Are they exposed to air and moisture for a little longer then they should be?… From shell to mouth the process can be a long one.

      Taste is a little bit of a lucky dip sometimes.. :) I've had both good and bad nuts from my local supermarket..either raw and dry roasted

      • +2

        Yep, but its important to remember the same applies to online sellers and specialty shops. I've had very average ones from all types of sources except for when i physically buy from a producers shopfront, never had a bad batch then.

    • +1

      Understand your point and itโ€™s worth discussing.

      My story is, we buy apples from the Victorian farmers markets where the stall holder is literally the apple farmer. They are so different to supermarket apples that weโ€™ve bought, much fresher and crunchier! The stall holders have told us that the supermarkets are still selling last yearโ€™s produce, which has been stored and treated to last for months. I would bet that nuts are similar. Iโ€™ve had mixed results with supermarket nuts, some have been stale and others pretty fresh/crunchy. For the money Iโ€™d be buying nuts from these guys. (Which I have and they are great).

      • Thank you for your support and we're glad you can appreciate the quality and taste difference that comes from buying them directly through a farm.

        • Yeah, the hickory ones were delicious too, that was a bit unexpected!

    • +1

      As someone who buys both green and roasted coffee beans ("they're literally seeds") I can state categorically that the farm practises, handling, transport, roasting (where applicable) and storage of a commodity product can vary greatly.

      Big supermarkets are in a race-to-the-bottom for price with the best possible retail margin. Corners can be - and are cut - all the way along a value chain for most centrally distributed Colesworthiga products.

      Don't be sorry about being the devil's advocate. It can be helpful. But please be open to the possibility that you might be very wrong, too.

  • +1

    the mystery pack isn't very good, perhaps it was black ivory or Kopi Luwak.

  • Forgot to add coupon code ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

    • Maybe contact the nut guys. I also wait for a response to my question. They maybe just go nuts seeing all those orders coming in!

    • +7

      Pm us your order number and we will add it anyway!

  • +2

    thanks OP
    will buy some for the missus
    she hates macademia so i guess i will have to finish it off for her

    • Buy her some flowers!

      • +2

        but I can't eat flowers..

  • Thanks :) picked up some honey roasted and dark chocolate.

    • Many thanks! Let us know what you think when you get them ๐Ÿ‘Œ

  • Thanks OP. Bought 2kg. 2X Milk chocolate, 1x dark chocolate and 1x white chocolate!

    • Awesome! Thank you. We will have those posted out asap.

      • Perfect! You must loose a lot of nuts today! We just love them here in the SA Outback! Will order more in future. Really interested in the honey roasted and lime black pepper but didnโ€™t had the nuts to go for them this time. If they come in those mystery packs it will get me an idea for our next orderโ€ฆ cheers!

        • +1

          Message us with your order number and we will be happy to make it happen ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • Any deals for 1kg of Raw Macadamias? :)

    • +1

      You will receive 5% off by purchasing X2 500g packs. ๐Ÿ™‚ The discount will be automatically added to your cart.

      • Thanks!! Ordered!

        I just saw you did tasting packs so I got one of those too!

        I did a request for my 100g flavour in the notes section - hopefully came through!

        Thanks heaps!!!

        • No problem, it will have. Thank you!

  • Bulk Honey Roasted Maccas, sign me up!

    • ๐ŸŽ‰

  • Ordered since everyone's raving - keen to taste! Cheers

    • Thank you!

  • As I mentioned last post I found the honey ones I got from a similar deal in Jan, had little to no honey taste to them, but people rave about them, so going to order again, but ask that the free pack be honey roasted, so I can give them another go! I did really love the hickory-smoked ones last time, which is what I got for free back then.

    • +1

      Not a problem, we hope that we can change your mind on them. Did you add that to your order notes?

      • yes, order #827

        I'm always willing to give things a second go :)

  • Just ordered 2kg. Yum.

    • Thanks so much ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • Hi, just ordered and forgot to put the code. Order number 722 if itโ€™s not too late. Looked terrible up there with so much rain. Good luck with everything.

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