This was posted 2 years 11 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[Pre Order, PS5] PS5 Disc Console Bundles $838-$850 ($200 Deposit Required) @ EB Games


Pre orders are available now for new PS5 bundles at EB Games. Strictly 1 per customer. Pre Orders are for a 31st March shipment date.

PlayStation 5 Console + Horizon Forbidden West Bundle $850

The following links are currently inactive:

PlayStation 5 Console + Midnight Black Controller Bundle $838
PlayStation 5 Console + Starlight Blue Controller Bundle $846
PlayStation 5 Console + Cosmic Red Controller Bundle $846

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closed Comments

    • +45

      more helpful than your comment

      • +5

        Are you still lifting bro?

      • -5


    • Bro you can't afford it

  • +9

    PS5 Bundle = PS5, Game and Controller ($850) or PS5 and 2 controllers ($838 - $846, depending on controller colour)

    Might want to add some more info to description OP, 'PS5 bundle' is a bit vague

    • Which game?

      • Looks like Forbidden West + Extra Controller from the link.
        For $850 that's actually not a bad deal at all

        • +32

          Its not an extra controller. Just the 1 that comes with the console + the game. So you are basically paying $100 for the game

          • +2

            @cyrax83: Oh I see, my mistake. Guess they are featuring what you get these days since there's so many colours. Makes sense.

      • Well the $850 bundle on the website includes the console, a controller and Horizon Forbidden West

        Don't know if it's only that game or any other one. Did you click on the link?

  • +11

    The Red and Blue Controller bundle says you can trade in your PS4 with $495 or PS4 Pro with $445 which does not sound like too bad value

    The black controller and Horizon bundle are closer to $600 with a PS4 Pro trade in. Not sure what’s going on there

    • +2

      Does seem like a good deal for trade in.

      • Yeah, anyone know if you can put the deposit in online and just trade in when you go to collect?

        • +2

          That's how it was for my Xbox Series X purchase in 2019. $200 deposit for pre-order on launch day, and then simply bring in the trade in device on pick up. They'll adjust the balance accordingly

        • +2

          Yep, have done it numerous times.

    • +2

      These deals usually or always stack with your EB Games rewards tier. So add an extra 20% for a level 4 member to whatever the value of your PS4 is turning out to be under this deal.

    • +1

      Can you trade in a console which was previously opened (as in void warranty sticker gone)?

      • I doubt they’d check. Most of the hardware they get will be out of warranty anyway. They sell refurbs themselves which are likely to not have the manufacturers seal if it was opened as part of the refurb process, and those refurbs could be traded back.

        I think you’d just need to be honest if asked about any issues and the like if there are any so as to not misrepresent the sale, but I don’t recall them ever asking me any questions about the state of the system the two times I’ve done trade ins of hardware.

        • I had to open mine because my PS4 Pro needed a clean and plug back the hdd to light up due to too much dust wouldn't power on. So I dunno but thanks for tip

  • +5

    Finally could Preorder one!! The 2 controller deal is definitely the best offer

    • +1

      Awesome! Managed to score a 2 controller deal as well :) I thought about getting Horizon, but decided the trade in value was a bit better. Not sure what your thoughts were on whether the value was better for controller or game - would love to know!

      • +2

        Took one look at the game and said nah I wouldn’t play that, considering EB sells the white controllers for $110 and coloured ones for $120 I think controller was the better deal.

  • +3

    Pretty tempting deal to get the two controllers, but when I put it in cart…I'm just left wondering, what games do I want to actually play on the PS5 that I can't right now (games that are either PS5 exclusive or significantly enhanced on PS5 compared to either PS4/PC)? Right now, I can only really think of GT7 and it's super fast load times, but that's just the one game…

    • +3

      Yea same here I have a PC+PS4 Pro and I'm struggling to find an excuse to get the ps5 at this price. I can only think of future exclusives that I want to play like final fantasy 7/2 and 16 or the star wars remake but who knows when they'll come out.

      • +1

        Yeah true price is too high. There are no titles I want to play on PS5 warrants that price

      • +1

        Waiting 12-24 months is the smarter move, console will be more refined AND cheaper, so will any titles you held back on. Plus if you've got a backlog, there's no rush. My PS4 games will keep be going to 2024.

    • +2

      Not going to lie, outside of Ratchet and Clank I've mostly just been playing PS4 titles at 60fps also; but I mean that's not necessarily a bad thing.

      I paid twice the cost of these for a new video card just to pull better performance afterall :P

    • Only reason I would want to buy a PS5 is GT7 but that I would not mind paying this kind of money for as the game looks great.
      I have an SX so most of my games are catered for but that GT7 does look glorious.

      FWIW peeps, there is a newer controller design that has some internal upgrades so make sure if getting an extra controller that it is that 1.…

      • +2

        Same here all I want is GT7, too bad can't even buy a new PS4 anymore, otherwise I don't really need to go for PS5

        • what? PS4 and PS4 Pro surely you can get on off eBay….

          • @neonlight: LOL, even PS4 slim brand new is like $600 starting bid on ebay !!! no point buying that …

            • @kaikor: Ah ok it's gone up so much due to Covid-19 and lack of silicon chips? Just get second hand

        • Got 3 new PS4 consoles, that i bought a few yrs ago. Slim 500Gb, GT Edition & Pro. Also an Xbox One 500Gb. Moved, so put into storage…Will go look over the weekend and unpack…

    • Elden ring, GT7, GTAV

      • +1

        Elden ring is on all platforms and GTAV is a PS3 game lol

        • +1

          GTA V is remastered to utilised better 3D engine. Elden ring is best to play with PS5.

    • +2

      Have you seen the comparison between GT7 and Forza Motorsport 7?

      FM7 which was released 5 years ago and now obsolete from Microsoft store can match the graphic from GT7, if not better, especially at night time racing and rainy days.

      • Yes, GT7 is a lot better with more cars mate.

        • +1

          That is exactly opposite of what I was saying lol

  • +4

    Insane trade in value for a PS4 Pro. You get $400 off the trade. :O

  • +7

    Wow, a PS5 pre-booking thread still alive and in-stock after 20+ mins? Bad news for scalpers…

    • +1

      only the game bundle stayed in stock more than 5 minutes

  • Just wondering what the better deal here is - with the game, or controllers? What are your thoughts (as I start to panic)?

    • +6

      Controller honestly, especially with Horizon you can get the PS4 version for much cheaper and there's a free upgrade.

      • Thanks! :) Just wanted to clarify what you meant by the free upgrade again?

        • +1

          you get free upgrade for PS5 digital copy of the game. you still need the PS4 disc to play it.

    • +6

      I'd go with the controllers. Games drop faster in value, and you can pick one up soon after on a bargain.

      • My thoughts as well :) if you do the calculations it ends up better value - thanks again for your thoughts

    • +3

      Nothing to panic about but I would say controller. The games decrease in value pretty quickly, controllers typically always cost this much

      • haha just excited is all! But I totally agree with you on the price of controllers being the same all the time - something that I was made aware by another user too.

    • +1

      The bundles with controllers are gone. Only the bundle with game left. Be quick!

    • From value perspective controllers, but if you play alone you don't need more than one controller.

  • OP

  • top 2 are oos

  • +1

    midnight black and starlight blue now not showing up

    • +2

      Looks like all but the Horizon game one are gone

      • If the Horizon one is still up, I'd say go for it regardless - it'd be a good way to place an order down if you're desperate

  • +2

    Damn would have liked to trade in my PS4 Pro.

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