Any suggestions on cheap movie tickets all the time.
Cheap Village or Hoyts Cinema tickets all the time

Do you have to show a student card to buy them from this bookshop. What time is it open till & where about is it located at Monash Clayton campus. Thanks in advance Kego.
It's building 10 which is logically located next to building 3. Download the Monash app so you don't get lost, Parking is a ripp off $3.60 per hour. No student card required they sell Student and Adult tickets.
I buy the Village tickets from The Entertainment Book for $11
haven't tried that before … do you have to pre-pay… and wait for the tix to be delivered?
Yes. Pay for the movie vouchers first which is delivered. Exchange the voucher for a movie ticket at the box office.
thanks. :) I looked it up also. Think the new price for the 2012/13 ent book has gone up to $11.70 so might be a good idea to pick some up before the 2011/12 book expires.
Where can you buy this Entertainment Book cheap. How much does it cost & what else is in it. Thanks Melbournian :)
If you are an Optus Customer, then you get $10 tickets all the time, except after 5pm on Saturdays and on Public holidays. Surcharge for 3D or VMax, but you'd pay that surcharge for the paper vouchers above as well.
Plus you can book online, rather than having to exchange paper vouchers at the cinema counter.
Just ask friends and family until you find someone who uses Optus. You only need to know their home number or mobile number to create yourself a login.
There is also a separate post about using Rydges for cheap VMax tickets ($12 instead of $13 for VMax through Optus Movie Rewards).
I tried this, but it appears to be effective only for event cinemas or village, birch carrol coyle. Not available for Hoyts only cinemas :(
You're a legend. Just used this as a last minute purchase. Screw waiting a couple of days for Entertainment Book to send out the tickets.
If you have Student Edge you can get Hoyts movie tickets for $10.50. Just scan the card at the box office.
excludes Saturday after 5pm though.
Optus one is the easiest and cheapest option. $10 including online booking surcharge is a bargain :)
Good info guys
Sorry, should have mentioned in my post that the Optus deal is only good for Village/Event Cinemas, not Hoyts. Thanks Janeymac.
Just found out about the optus deal - worth grabbing a sim card to get access to $10 movie tix? do you need to have an active number for it to work - ie if I get a sim card, have it activated and use it to register, do I need to keep the phone number active?
monash clayton bookshop has $11.50 tickets to both hoyts/village