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[Switch] Wingspan $20.10 (Was $30) @ Nintendo eShop


Did you get Wingspan for $49 in that Kmart deal? Did you understand how to play it?
Why not spend more money on this switch version of wingspan so that you can understand how to play the boardgame!
Don't have any friends to play the boardgame with? Enjoy AI competitor goodness.

$20.10 down from $30.
We got it and quite enjoy it.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Bought the boardgame from Kmart. Then bought the Switch version.

    Did the Switch tutorial once. Watched it twice more. Still didn't understand it.

    Watched YouTube tutorial. Was still confused.

    Opened the actual board game and did the Swift Start pack and now it has clicked and is honestly quite easy.

    Switch version is really good, but controls don't feel the most intuitive. That's the only real hurdle.

    • Oh man,
      I feel like the learning curve is steep, but once you get it it is just so good.
      We haven't touched catan in a long while

  • Great board game after you understand it haha

  • I've wanted to get this boardgame… having it available on Switch for half the price makes this a whole lot harder.

    • just do both!
      i do the physical game with friends and the game solo.
      The physical board game is very beautiful and well made

  • +1

    Upset I couldn’t get the physical copy for $49 from Kmart. They honestly have the worst online stock checker and click collect experience.

    • I already owned, but man that $49 was an epic price

      • +1

        Even better when matching the $49 at JB HiFi with 10% off code then having gift cards you got with 15%.

        • Coming soon: Ozbargain - The Board Game.

          Even better when matching the $49 at JB HiFi with 10% off code then having gift cards you got with 15%.

          The winning move.

          • @ChiefAJ: Ozbargain- the board game

            The game challenge is to find the board game for the cheapest price!

        • Oh wow thats fantastic!

          • @cheapjack: Got lucky around the black Friday sales, was the only one on the shelf and couldn't even find it in Kmart but still had the ad online fortunately.

    • They don't even have Wingspan listed any more :(

  • Went to two k-mart's with no luck -_-

    • It was a black Friday deal last year. Very limited stock

      • Yeah I know, that's when I went. Both showed as in stock on the website before I went in too.

    • +1

      It would be a great game to play at an unforgettable luncheon

    • Found several copies of it in a far away regional kmart long past the ozbargain hunt

      Got to love the logistics they use where each store gets equal stock allocations regardless of the demand such items would get

    • :-(

  • i bought the $49 deal from last time, however I still haven't play it once.

  • Been playing this game regularly with friends since getting it in the Black Friday deal but ended up getting the digital version too (on pc). Really good game. Only really confused us on the on first reading/first play through but after that, had a pretty solid handle on things.

    • I can recommend Oceania expansion.

      • Likewise, I love the way it evens the game out and.opens up new strategies

        • Yup, feels like there's less wasted turns, especially when there is no good food in the tray

          Plus Aussie and kiwi birds are awesome!

  • +1

    Will buy physical version next time it is on sale

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