Mines relatively large (6x9m), and I'm pretty lazy with cleaning out the cobwebs.
How Often Should One Fumigate One's Shed?

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- 0more often, screw the ozone!
- 3once a month
- 4once a season
- 13once a year
- 25less often, bugs have souls!
Where will the eastern browns & redbacks go then?
Leave them. They'll get the flies/mozzies for you!
One should never fumigate one's own shed.
One should pay someone else, once.
What is the point of that? Won't the spiders come straight back?
I use a cobweb broom twice a year. I don't spray for spiders.
I keep mouse baits around all year.
Dust is my biggest PITA. Every few months I blast the shed out with the shop vac in reverse. My 2T blower is too powerful and just creates a dust storm.
My shed is 10m X 40m. Concrete floor.
mouse baits
What do you use?
My shed is 10m X 40m. Concrete floor.
Keep a tractor or two there? Or what?
I find these seem to work well.
Just the 1 tractor plus implements. 2 restored cars, 2 waiting to be restored cars, 4 donor cars, 2 boats and a horse float.
How Often Should One Fumigate One's Shed?
Like um never…. unless you have a issue!
Do you have a bug/spider issue?
it's a preventative measure.. If I don't do it once a season, it gets a bit out of control.. but I do feel like it's a bit too often, hence the question
Maybe wait till you start seeing some 'issues' appearing and then do it then?
People who say "one's shed" usually have their manservant do it.
volunteering then?
I have my man Jeeves do mine, then he has to do the pool and make my bed.
Fumigating will probably be a bit OTT. I recommend using Aldis surface spray (under $2-3). I used to have a hundred flies and mossies hanging on my screen door and I would have to use a different door to walk all the way around. Sprayed that door very thoroughly with that spray and it's been bug free since. Cheap enough to do every month
is this like code where shed is down there and fumigate is shaving?
cobwebs is crabs?
monthly is ok
Bought a $30 ozone generator from ebay. (Normally 50)
These things need to be used with caution. Turn on and off remotely. Then air out completely. Soft plastics may suffer.
Results are great: No more smell, no more pests. Lost a $6 fan as the soft plastic blades fell apart. Good idea to remove all electronics first.
Even got a $89 ozone meter from Banggood. It leaves a log and tells you when it is safe to return.oo.. very clever, might look into this, thanks!
i don't think my dad ever fumigated our sheds, but we used to have possums crapping in the cupboards in the one that was rural.