Hey guys,
First time ever I had a car crash behind me. Just got me wondering…..
Busy road, forgot which road, but a ute wanted to turn right on unbroken lines and I knew he couldn't do this but he was backing up traffic. The car in front went into the left lane straight away and I slowed down, everyone slowed down behind me and I decided to wait cause I get traffic merge paranoia.
The car behind me decided to merge to the left but he crashed into the back-right of a van. It was a loud bang and I shat myself, but my car is ok. I do understand it's the car's fault for merging and not the vans.
The ute in front of me noticed what happened and he did a runner and decided not to merge and go straight.
To my understanding, you cannot cross unbroken lines unless you're entering or exiting a property such as a home or petrol station. Therefore, the ute cannot turn right into a road.
My question is:
I don't have a dashcam or anything, but if there was evidence of the ute trying to turn right on unbroken lines, made traffic which caused drivers to merge, would the ute have been at fault and made to pay whatever bills, such as insurance or other?
You're responsible for what you do with your own car. Car driver could have merged safely if possible, or waited like you did if this wasn't possible. It isn't the ute's fault the car driver decided to do something dangerous instead of the safe thing. Car driver at fault.