How to make free calls to the US?

I used to use the Google Chat to call friends in the States earlier. But now that they are closed, I am chatting to them via skype. I was pondering if anyone still knows how we can make free calls to landlines or mobiles in USA. Please share any ideas you know.


  • +1

    Google voice.

    • Sadly its not free now. I was also referring to google voice, but couldn't remember the proper name so I said google chat. Anyways, it is only free if you want to call from within the US or Canada and is 1 cent from everywhere else in the world.

  • meh it's 1c per min… pretty damn good deal (an hour and 40mins costs you $1… less due to conversion rate)

    • I am afraid its not as good as free…..

  • download vonage app in android or iphone

    It has unlimited free calls to US and Canada till further notice:)

  • Read this very carefully, it uses Data, or your home or free wireless.

    Read carefully

  • Thanks for the other options…. I forgot to mention that I don't own a smartphone (geez, I look like a tool saying it in this day and age). But, my iPhone broke down 2 weeks ago and I don't want another smartphone now. I am waiting for the galaxy s3. So, basically, other ideas to call without IOS or Android?

  • send smoke signals.
    but then again you would have to go purchase matches, so i guess technically not free.

  • Use whistlephone.

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