Conveyancer Solicitor Recommendations for House and Land Package [ACT]

Hi everyone I am buying a house and land package in ACT. It's my first home so I have very little knowledge.

Any recommendations for conveyancer solicitor in ACT for house and land package?.


  • I always use Alveer Singh, he's with Matwal Legal now - his own firm. He used to be at Colquhoun Murphy who are also very good. They're both on the pricier end though, although so is Canberra more generally for professional services/tradies (or anything really!).

    • I have used this guy like 10 years ago, haha
      Too hard to comment on him, usually you know how good they are when shit hit the fan. But I had worst solicitor since him, guy from Dickson, he wasn't good.

      • He's been pretty good for us and his team are/he is very willing to chase banks/the other side when required. I first got put onto him by some former colleagues who had also worked with him and thought enough of him to make a recommendation haha

        • How much can I expect to pay?

          • @BBR: you are spending $500k+ so don't be cheap on them lol
            probably around $1000 these days?

            • @boomramada: Is that for both house and land ? Or $1000 each?

          • @BBR: Tried to PM you but wasn't able to do so, but it's more around $1,500.

  • +1

    Solicitors are hit and miss in ACT, usually the commercial once are better. But make sure to tell them its house and land package as some try to charge you as two transaction, house and land separately.

    And check this out…
    Few buys got caught on this in my area.

    • I wasn't aware of these. Finger crossed . Hopefully we don't have to go through this, I have no energy to deal with those.

    • some try to charge you as two transaction, house and land separately.

      Well yeah, if it is two separate contracts that you need to get advice on, then you would generally pay two lots of fees.

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