• expired

[Afterpay] 3 Months Free DashPass When Checking out with Afterpay @ DoorDash

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To celebrate, enjoy $0 delivery fees and member-only offers for 3 months with DashPass when you check out with Afterpay*

All you have to do is add your Afterpay account and set it as your payment method on DoorDash and your first 3 months of DashPass are on us - only $9.99/month after that. Cancel anytime. Trust us, $0 delivery fees and 0% interest are better together, just like fish and chips, fake tan and stain remover, or scented candles and bath salts.

3 months of free DashPass with Afterpay: Offer only to users in Australia. Free 3 month trial offer applicable for 90 (ninety) days from the day it is initiated. Free trial offer is valid until 11:59 pm AEST on day 90. AFTER DASHPASS TRIAL PERIOD ENDS, YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE CHARGED $9.99/MONTH. SEE FULL DASHPASS TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND LEARN HOW TO CANCEL AT www.doordash.com/terms. Only applicable to orders with a minimum subtotal over $20 at eligible stores. Promo is valid only for users who received this email directly from DoorDash. All deliveries subject to availability. Must have or create a valid DoorDash account with a valid form of accepted payment on file. No cash value. Non-transferable. See full terms and conditions at dasherhelp.doordash.com/offer-terms-conditions

Referral Links

Referral: random (688)

Referee gets $1 off first 1 or 2 orders over $15/$20. Referrer gets $1 credit once referee places an order over $20.

Check the web page heading before joining as there are multiple sign up offers.


$400 Bonus for referrer and referee if referee does a certain amount of deliveries.

Related Stores


closed Comments

    • Updating the app worked for me. I just tapped the offer on Home through the app then tapped 'Try DashPass for 3 months'.

  • now if only the app would work for me and any restaurants here worked with it

  • +1

    Doordash even fully refund me the member fee paid late last month after the activation of this trial. Good job!

    • +10

      DO NOT do this. It will cancel your dashpass immediately.

      • +2

        Sure wish I saw your comment mate :(

  • If I cancel straight away, will it still let me enjoy the three months? Also will it let me use the AFTERPAYDAY code?

  • +3

    Cant get it to work :( Press the try for 3 months button after adding afterpay account and it spins then does nothing.

  • Thank OP. Bad for my diet but money saved is great.

  • +1

    Anyone able to get this to work? It just says "Afterpay cannot be used in this Country" https://i.imgur.com/odQFmxl.png

    • +1

      I’ve also got this problem.

    • Same for me

  • Not working for me, after hitting confirm button for afterpay in doordash, nothing happens.

  • Does it still work? Only getting the usual 30days trial

  • Just tried.
    Doesn’t work the promo code anymore.
    Called DoorDash and they gave me $20 in credit. Not as close to the 50% buying for $50-.
    They reached the limit and code doesn’t work anymore.
    Didn’t use the after pay option.

    Please update the post.
    Still got 3 months pass though.

    • Worked for me this week, adding AfterPay via link in Deal

  • For some reason a lot of the restaurants I've tried around me don't accept afterpay all of a sudden, which also ends up invalidating the doordash discounts if you try to use a backup credit card payment. Is this a restaurant issue or doordash one?

  • +2

    Don't cancel your subscription straight away because it invalidates the offer for some reason (even though every other free trial service I've tried cancels it after the actual period).

    Don't even bother contacting support because they're useless.

    • I cancelled early. Ordered flrst time after that, no problem. Second time, but of a problem but they apologised and fixed. Third time, I was given the run around by an agent who didn’t know his job and refused to refund. In fury, I went through support again and without too much difficulty got the refund. Just be careful because clearly some of their staff don’t know or understand the ts & cs of their own policy, which is that you can cancel early and still claim the benefits.

      • uh oh, best to set cancel reminder 1 day prior then

  • Afterpay cannot be used in this country. What could be possibly wrong? I am using an existing account, in Australia.

    • +1

      Worked with AfterPay for me a week ago, clicking through Deal link.

      • Thanks. Just tried again, still ays Afterpay cannot be used in this country.

        • Check your DD account has selected country as Australia. Mine was set to America as I used my google account.

    • Tried it on safari and got that error but it worked in chrome

  • Anyone work out how to do this if you have credits from all the gift card promos? Seems you can't get

    • Mine work. I just pay using my doordash credits

      • I added afterpay but it didn't give me the pass.
        The 'support' staff don't understand english. Keep sending me instructions how to add afterpay.

  • I placed an order with a restaurant but the service fee is still 10%. Is this meant to be cheaper?

  • forgot to cancel got snagged $10

  • can they retract this offerat any time?

  • Anyone try sign up recently?

    Thought I signed up successfully on mobile, since I got the following email "You have set up a recurring payment profile with DOORDASH.COM. To make changes to your agreement, simply visit DOORDASH.COM."

    However in DoorDash App in the DashPass section it still tells me to sign up and pay $9.99 per month, etc.

    If I try again using web browser this is what I get… "An error occured while contacting Afterpay. Please try again."

    The App just spins round and does nothing if I try to following the link on the mobile https://www.doordash.com/dashpass-v2/afterpay/

    • Yep i got the same thing - i thought maybe i needed to place an order with Afterpay to activate it but still showing the same after i ordered..

      • +1

        Have you used a free DashPass trial before? That is the only thing I can think of.

        Chat were useless. They said they will send me an email with troubleshooting steps (just to get me off the chat) and of course the email never came.

        • Nope, only signed up for doordash in the last month or so, never had the trial

  • +2

    I havent even been able to add my afterpay account, it just keeps spinning in the processing part. I have tried both the app and the desktop.

    • Same deal here, might have to try DD support. All else fails I have the one month free trial option.

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