• expired

Huge Liquidators Stock Clearance at Retravision Maribyrnong (27-29 April)


Here's something you'll want to know about if you are in the Melbourne area.
The folks at Maribyrnong Retravision have received over 2,500 new & ex-display items from a recently defunct major electrical retailer.
For 3 days only they are offering all these items at STUPIDLY low prices. Most items will be going for less than the wholesale price.
These are never to be repeated offers with very limited numbers so DON'T MISS OUT.
Mark it in your calendar, tell your friends & family. Starts Friday.

All their normal stock will be reduced as well.

Extended Hours:
Friday 27th April: 8 am – 9 pm
Saturday 28th April: 8 am – 5 pm
Sunday 29th Apri:l 9 am – 5 pm

Maribyrnong Retravision - Highpoint Homemaker Centre - 179 Rosamond Road - Opposite Highpoint Mall

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closed Comments

  • Hi REP, thanks for contributing to ozBargain. However you should observe the guidelines http://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/help:title_guidelines and post (sample) actual items & prices even if it is only a small proportion of your offering. I'll retract my neg when that is done.

    • He has already done this in the Facebook link, can you please supply the model numbers of the Panasonic Plasma's Screens?

      • +2

        My mistake, vote revoked.

      • TH-P50VT30A, TH-P50X30A & TH-P65VT30A are there. I don't know all the stock that is there but there is one each of these.

    • For the most part yes, for new goods the manufacturer warranty still remains. For clearance items sold "as is", this may not apply.

      e.g. if you buy a fridge and it fails within the first 6 months, you contact the manufacturer for warranty support.

    • Yes you do get the full warranty with the liquidator stock as you would on anything else in store.

  • If its anything like the one they had at retrovision hoppers crossing, don't bother.

  • +1

    wow, for a liquidation the prices arent that great…

    sharp 2.6kw:$597 - from retravision…

    pretty much same price…(599) for a new item:

    same price again (actually 2 bux cheaper! for the new one) 538 vs 536…

    considering this is a liquidation, shouldnt it be much cheaper…??

    tripple handset 39 here, 46 on the list

    without model numbers its too hard to compare though…

    hisense with 3d and 100hz is only 200 more than just a normal 55"
    (full price without negotiations even?) and its not even 3d… couldnt find a standard one to compare it too…

    it really is no wonder these stores are going under charging the stupidly high prices they charge, the business model no longer works. then they cry cause other people can do the exact same item at a much cheaper price.
    retravision should learn from the failings of others…

    adapt or fail.

    • Good comparison. If its liquidation, it should be a much higher discount.

    • I don't know all the models they have but I do know that the Samsung front loader you put a link to they sell for under $500 brand new.

  • No wonder they went down.

  • +1

    When Townsville's Retravision went into liquidation, they held a massive auction of everything.

    There were TVs, Fridges, Ovens, IT Goods, and more, all being auctioned - and 90% of it went for ABOVE the retail price of the item. In fact, several TVs had their RRP labelled in big writing on a sticker on the front of them, and they STILL went for more than the retail price. This being in a shopping 'district' with a JB Hifi, Harvey Norman and Dick Smith within walking distance.

    I'm surprised more liquidating companies aren't going that route, because damn they would've made some money that day.

    • Ive been to many many physical auctions.

      People seem to attend auctions thinking "yeah, I know how this works". Unforunately, there are a large number of very stupid people. Especially people that can't "add x% sellers margin"; dont understand to keep their traps shut and not bid when there is a large volume of an item being sold 'per each'; or just get carried away and buy stuff that defies the limits of good taste.

      At least this way, if you are an early bird, you may get a good deal. But there wont be too many good deals to be had.

  • The kambrook kettle looks cheap

    But only 11 for sale

    Are these ex display models?

    • There might be one ex-display model in there but the rest are 100% new. We will be up-front about whether things are ex-display or not & will check inside boxes to make sure all accessories are included.

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