This was posted 12 years 10 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Nintendo Wii Zelda: Skyward Sword Limited Edition (w Gold Wiimote) $119.00 Delivered JB Hi-Fi


Zelda: Skyward Sword limited edition for the Nintendo Wii is in stock at JB Hi-Fi for $119.95 including FREE shipping. The Limited Edition includes:
• Skyward Sword Game
• The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony CD
• Rare Golden Wii Remote Plus bearing the Hyrulian Crest.

Although this may not be classed as a bargain, it is the only Australian retailer that has this still in stock. This was released back in October 2011 and I thought I missed out by not preordering it however all was well when I found this!

I have no idea how much stock they have left so it may run out quick.

EDIT: This price is relatively cheap for Australian stock compared to eBay offerings.

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closed Comments

  • +11

    Gotta love the smallprint:

    • Note that the golden Wii Remote Plus will simply be golden in colour and will not contain any actual precious metals

    Pity, I was hoping it would be solid 24k.

  • +9

    At this price I thought that the Wii might be included! :/

  • +6

    is it really a bargain though?

    • -4

      considering its nintendo and its availability is limited, yes, but that doesnt mean it applies to everyone

      • +4

        It's hard to find, sure, but this deal is still simply selling at the RRP, which can hardly be considered a bargain.

        • -1

          Feel free to find it cheaper, by all means, because its still a bargain until you do.

        • You have a strange definition of "bargain".

        • -1

          yawn its like talking to an ATM machine

      • +2

        RRP doesn't equal bargain. Availability plays no part in whether it's a good deal or not, as you can almost buy the console for this price.

        • +1

          Ever heard of supply and demand before…?

          I'm not saying that this is a bargain, but saying availability plays no part is silly.

          If a product is not available, but is highly demanded, then it can sell through other means at a higher price. Therefore, even at rrp, it could still a bargain compared to how much it could otherwise be purchased. Even if the price seems high for what it is, if it is sought after, the demand/supply imbalance has caused it's value to go up.

          (but that’s not necessarily the case here)

        • +4

          Have you ever heard of Price Elasticity of Demand? The Demand and Supply model is an imperfect one. It's rational to say that if I released 10 games at $200 each and 50 of the same games at $25 each, consumer demand would be higher for the higher quantity at the lower price.

          People come on here hunting for bargains, not 'rare finds'. I wouldn't expect that I'm alone when I think this 2011 game at RRP is out of place on this site.

        • everything you said is completely irrelevant.

          i am not disputing at all whether this is or is not a bargain. i am just saying you made a stupid comment. and if you do know anything about economics (which you apprently do), you know your comment was stupid, so own it.

          also, i have absolutely no idea what your example of releasing games is meant to show…why would you release the same game for $200 and $25??? of course demand for something at $25 will be more than for the exact same thing at $200 (price elasticity of demand - well done!). but if that $200 game is some sort of limited edition thing that certain people want, then there will be demand. the demand might still be far less than the $25 version, but it's not the relative demand between the two products that is important - it's the demand for the good compared to the supply. or, it's the cross-price elasticity of demand, but with goods that are not very good substitutes (for some people).

          your example says ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING against the fact that insufficient supply can increase the price of a good, and therefore can render an RRP a "bargain".

          if the $200 copy of the game includes a $1000 diamond in it, do you still think the $25 version will have a higher demand? do you think anyone who wants the diamond will really decide the $25 version is a good substitute? can you not see how, even at ABOVE RRP, the $200 game with diamond would be a bargain?

          ps. i am an economist. from your economic reasoning, i'm guessing you did intermediate economics. well done.

        • +1

          I understand how collector items/packs work. You provide extra goods to an individual for a premium price. Everybody gets that, it's Year 4 Commerce. However, I see it completely irrational to classify it a bargain if it's the RRP.

          RRPs are generally a recommendation (who would have thought?) on the standard retail price that the good should be sold at. I (and most likely many others) will define a 'bargain' as a "deal wherein the good(s) offered is acquired at a price or circumstance advantageous to the buyer".
          A recommended retail price which meets the market is not a price that can be considered "advantageous" as (wait for it) the buyer has no advantage. "50% off" and "buy one get one free" are two good examples of bargains. "The same product exact product we released last year, WAS $199.99, NOW $199.99!" is not an example of a bargain.

          You're an economist? Congratulations. You're also completely irrational.

        • -1

          you're completely missing the point here…

          where the demand for a good far outweighs supply, then the RRP is not an accurate price for the good, because people will value the good at a price higher than RRP. ie. the RRP was set at the wrong price.

          also, where a good is unavailable in one market, and costs more to obtain from another market, then the effective price is higher. ie. if the RRP of something is $200, but you have to pay $250 to get it here (by buying it overseas and having it sent over), then the real price to you is $250. even though the RRP is $200, the cheapest you can actually buy it for is $250.

          in either of these cases, RRP can be a bargain. if the cheapest you can get something used to be $250, and you can now get it for $200, isn't that "advantageous" to you???

          mate, just because you don't understand economics does not make me irrational.

        • +1

          perfect example: the first iphone. when the iphone was first released overseas, people were paying far above RRP in order to order one from overseas.

          they valued the good, and having that good months before anyone else, at more than the RRP. personally, i think that's a bit silly, but that doesn't make them irrational, because to some people that is important.

          to those people, buying at RRP (months before everyone else) would have been a bargain.

          my point is "RRP is not a bargain" is not completely true: availability DOES make a difference. therefore your initial statement was wrong.

          next you'll tell me those tv deals selling for 90% off the "RRP" is a bargain…forget the fact the RRP has been completely inflated: it's a bargain because it's 90% off the RRP!!!

        • +4


          IS this how the GFC started?

        • +3

          aha, yeah those Hyrule mortgages set off the Ganon Financial Crisis!

        • So now paying ABOVE the RRP is a bargain if you can justify it with geolocational factors?

          When the iPhone first came out, the Australian consumer busting for the iPhone had a rational economic decision to make:
          1. Pay $899 + $100 shipping (for example); or,
          2. Pay $899 in a months time.
          I will resist the urge to whip out the time value of money. But the consumer will assess whether that month of waiting is worth saving $100. This is a subjective decision based on that individual person. Blah blah, revealed preference, blah blah, axioms, tradeoffs, blah.
          But a bargain is something universal. Something that is undercutting the market. Something that will not be a subjective decision.

          Also, I think I might sneak in the fact that the Demand and Supply model falls to pieces when you apply it to games. Supply and Demand is a model emphasizing the Economic Scarcity Problem, that there is infinite demand and limited resources. There's no scarcity when it comes to games. To make a single disc, it literally costs the company next to nothing to produce, and consumes an extremely limited amount of resources. With recycling in place, it's not so much of a stretch to say that humans can create as many CDs as they see fit, as opposed to say, oh, an infinite amount of diamonds? Your example relating to a diamond is ridiculous, as you're trying to compare an incredibly scarce good to an incredibly common good.

          If Nintendo said, "Hey Guys! We're releasing this epic game called Skyward Sword! Buy it! It's $119.00", people would purchase it normally.
          If Nintendo said, "Hey Guys! We're releasing this epic game called Skyward Sword! But we're only releasing 10,000 copies! Buy it! It's $119.00" THEN people are going to go batshit. THEN the Supply and Demand model kicks in. The fact that there's a limited quantity supplied to an unlimited demand is what bumps the goods value up.

          However in this situation, they've released a game last year, with no supply side enforced limited release quantity, and they haven't lowered the price. There is no advantage buying this game today as there was November last year. They even offered the Gold WiiMote, and advertised it pre-release back in August.

          Too long, didn't read?

          [[ The consumer is at no advantage buying it today as they did on day of release. Hence, this is not a bargain. ]]

        • @ABC: Curse those Sub-prime on-sold Masks of Majora. Now look where we are.

        • 1) you are clearly missing the point on the iphone example. for someone who wants an iphone before everyone else, the good isn't just an iphone, the good is an "iphone NOW". therefore, the consumer's immediate decision is: do i want to pay for an "iphone NOW", at the price of $999. the SUBSTITUTE is to get an "iphone LATER" for $899. for most people, the cross price elasticity between an "iphone NOW" and an "iphone LATER" leads them to wait for "iphone LATER", because they don't mind waiting for an iphone (ie. "iphone NOW" and "iphone LATER" are near perfect substitutes). BUT, for someone who DOES place value on having the iphone immediately (ie. "iphone LATER" is NOT a substitute for "iphone NOW"), they are willing to pay the price for "iphone NOW" ($999). if the price for "iphone NOW" is $999, and then someone finds it available for $899, then this IS a bargain - the $899 price is "advantageous" compared to the $999 price it would otherwise cost for an "iphone NOW". EVEN IF the price is ABOVE RRP (but less than the otherwise available price).

          2) i don't know why you mention time value of money (aside from trying to show that you "know" economics), because it SUPPORTS my argument. if people are willing to pay MORE and pay EARLIER, then obviously there is some value placed on the good above the RRP.

          3) this scenario is closer to a game + diamond, than just a game. it is game + limited edition controller. therefore everything you just said about the cost of production is ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT. the controller IS scarce. (but well done for trying to incorporate "economic scarcity" and "cost of production"…i think the one you're looking for was "non-rivalrous good". you almost got there!)

          as i have continued to say, again and again, i am not disputing that this particular deal is or is not a bargain. i am simply saying your initial statement (that RRP can never be a bargain, and that availability has no relevance) was completely false. and it was. i have given you 2 cases where RRP may be considered a bargain. you have attempted to name as many economic concepts as you can, in attempt to appear like you know what you're talking about. you don't.

          seriously, you clearly fail to understand basic economic concepts. i'm guessing you failed intermediate microeconomics, hey!

        • You really need to stop posting comments about things you clearly know next to nothing about

          Edit: not you Caprimulgus

        • Tal, are you talking to me or birdy?

        • "if the price for "iphone NOW" is $999, and then someone finds it available for $899, then this IS a bargain"

          If the price for Skyward Sword Ltd. Edn. at release is $119.00 then somebody finds it available for $119.00, six months later … its… a bargain?

          EDIT: How can the controller be scarce if it's been on sale since November?

        • +1

          At the end of the day isn't the concept of price completely subjective? So therefore how much something is worth is the price people will pay for it (ie. the "market" determines the price).

          Therefore wouldn't all deals posted on OzBargain be subject to whether each individual thinks it is a bargain or not? And OzBargain therefore has the voting system to determine whether deals are "good" or "bad".

        • @ABC: What you assess this controller + game combo pack to be worth is completely up to you. But the fact that the release price is $119.00 and the +6 month price is $119.00 makes me feel that this deal is hopelessly out of place.

        • 1) what part of "i am not disputing that this particular deal is or is not a bargain" do you not understand? i have never once claimed that this is a bargain.

          2) but, ok, i'll humour you: yes, if it WAS available at $119 before, but IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE at $119, then yes, $119 COULD be a bargain. if, because of its limited availability, it would otherwise cost you MORE than $119 NOW (let's say it would cost you $150 from overseas) then yes, the $119 is "advantageous" compared to the $150 you would otherwise have to pay to own it.

          it isn't "advantageous" compared to the $119 you could have paid before. BUT THAT WAS BEFORE. the price isn't $119 anymore (in this hypothetical situation), the true price NOW is the price it is available for NOW ($150). so if the current price you can get it for is $150 from overseas, then the fact you COULD HAVE got it for $119 before is completely irrelevant. the $119 NOW is a bargain compared to $150 NOW, and the $119 BEFORE is irrelevant.

          again, i am not saying that it DOES cost $150, or that this IS a bargain. i am simply stating that IT IS POSSIBLE that something at rrp COULD be a bargain, and that your argument (and understanding of economics) is completely wrong.

          3) whether this deal is "hopelessly out of place" is your subjective opinion, and you have not provided a sound rational argument why it isn't a bargain. as i have said about 50 million times, i'm not disputing your contention that this isn't a bargain (because at the end of the day i do not know, nor care, whether or not this is a bargain), but i have already provided you with multiple examples proving that your intitial argument was completely wrong. your arguments ARE incorrect, and your postition (correct or not) appears to be based on your extremly poor understanding of economics.

          i have absolutely no interest in whether this is a bargain or not: it's your failed logic and improper use of economic concepts that i find intellectually offensive.

          but whatever…you clearly don't understand, so there's really no point continuing this argument. good day.

        • Sweet! So we've established it isn't a bargain, rite?
          So since this is OzBargain, not OzNotBargain, it's not a stretch to say it's out of place! :3

        • nah, not at all. this is what we have established:

          1) can availability affect whether something is a bargain or not? ABSOLUTELY YES.
          2) is it possible for something selling for the RRP to be a bargain? ABSOLUTELY YES.
          3) therefore, was your initial argument completely flawed? ABSOLUTELY YES.
          4) but, is this particular deal a bargain or not? I DON'T KNOW, AND I DON'T CARE. all i know is that it isn't NOT a bargain (double negative) for the reasons you have stated.

          as i stated: "i have absolutely no interest in whether this is a bargain or not: it's your failed logic and improper use of economic concepts that i find intellectually offensive."

        • "2) Is it possible for something selling for the RRP to be a bargain? ABSOLUTELY YES."

          Are you able to provide a real world, domestic example?

          Inb4 iPhones shipping overseas.

        • well, the iphone is a perfect example, where people were willing to pay ABOVE RRP (and thus RRP would have been a bargain).

          but if you want a different example: many limited edition CDs and vinyl releases are jacked up to prices above RRP almost immediately upon release. you are pretty much unable to find them at RRP, and if you do, it is a bargain and gets snapped up quick because everywhere else is selling it for double or triple the RRP. i have purchased many limited edition CDs/records at above RRP (because they are unavailable anywhere else) and then found them in a random record store for RRP - bargain.

          and if you want an example of something being released, and then LATER being a bargain at RRP: Since I Left You by the Avalanches. the original pressing contained samples that were taken out of the international release due to copyright infringement. as such, the OG pressing became much sought after, months/a year after its original release. by that stage, most record stores that were wise to the change had increased the price of OG copies to above RRP. so, even though the album had been readily available at a discounted price earlier, once it became a sought after limited edition release, the price went up, and finding it for RRP was a bargain.

          ie. it was released at $30, but was widely available for $20 at most shops, so $30 was not a bargain. but then, when the second pressing was released in an edited version, the OG pressing was jacked up to $40 (MORE than RRP). notwithstanding the fact the RRP was $30 or that it had previously been readily available for even less than that ($20), if you could find it for $30, that was a bargain. where previously the RRP of $30 was not a bargain, it had become a bargain DUE TO AVAILABILITY.

          i managed to buy a second copy for $30 at HMV. it was the last OG copy, hidden amongst a whole bunch of second pressing copies. suffice to say, i was extremely happy with the purchase, even though it was still at RRP (and MORE than what i could have paid 3 months earlier if i had known the second pressing would be edited).

          is that an acceptable "real world" example for you? are we done yet?

        • and while i'm here i might as well put the icing on the cake:

          Dr Pepper was released to the australian market in the 90's (at an RRP). it was a massive failure, and distribution was withdrawn from the australia market.

          for many years after the withdrawal, you could not purchase Dr Pepper in australia for the RRP - you had to import it yourself, or purchase it from a specialist importer at a significant price premium. the cost of obtaining a can of Dr Pepper was far more than the original RRP, and thus if someone was selling it for RRP, it would be a bargain.

          nowadays, with it slowly gaining popularity (particularly now, with the rise of american cuisine in australia) it is being imported to australia on a larger scale. so now it's cheaper than before, but NOT cheaper than the RRP when it was officially distributed to the australian market. some would say it's a bargain…

          the end.

        • +1

          The end - as it was time to go home from work…

          You finance guys get it easy :P

        • ECONOMICS AND FINANCE ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!!! you might get shot around here for saying that!!! aha :P

          but yes…home time! ahahaha.

        • +1

          I am pretty sure anyone who has purchased AFL grand final tickets off ebay or a scalper at over-inflated prices would consider paying RRP to be a bargain when tickets have already sold out.

          Personally, I would love to buy Apple shares at US$22.00 per share which is the "recommended" price per share when Apple first floated.

        • "for many years after the withdrawal, you could not purchase Dr Pepper in australia for the RRP - you had to import it yourself, or purchase it from a specialist importer at a significant price premium. the cost of obtaining a can of Dr Pepper was far more than the original RRP, and thus if someone was selling it for RRP, it would be a bargain."

          Even at RRP that stuff wasn't a bargain. It tasted foul :P

        • +1

          Aha, well I like dr pepper, but you didn't deserve a neg for that!

        • haha ta.

          To be fair I only tried it the once 14 or so years ago. I may like it more now days. I can relate but, had to buy a Cherry Cola when I saw one despite it being about $4 a can.

  • +1

    Please Xibit, wont you Pimp my Wii?

  • +1

    $120? Jeez, what price was it on launch?

    • … about $120 :/ That's what I paid for mine.

  • I didnt think Aust got this version, thought it didnt come with both the CD & Remote.

    I was wrong again..

  • +2

    That Club Nintendo thing (where you get points/stars from buying games and entering the codes on the site - currently has a gold nunchuck for 3000 'stars' that'd match the wiimote :)

    • really expensive points wise (its just a nunchuk not the SNES classic controller like last year… ) however mines in the mail :P

      • Yeah, I think I only have about 1300 points, so no chance of me getting one for the boy. Ah well. Enjoy it when you get it!

      • +1

        i don't know how club nintendo works: can you buy up all these $1-$5 games at dick smith, and then input them all (including multiple copies of the same game) to rack up lots of points?

        oh wait…forgot about the staff!

        • You cannot redeem more than 1 copy of the same game. I managed to score some 3DS games at the 2nd Dick Smith sale for $7 each and some Wii games too! This helped me reach the required 3000 stars as each game is worth between 150-250 stars. Also it is only Nintendo or Nintendo published games that can be redeemed.

          Better start collecting. Btw I have a SNES controller too. Brings me back to my childhood :)

    • +1

      I purchased the golden nunchuck for 3000 stars and that is when I went hunting for the controller to match!

  • +1

    Also I paid $98 for this at DSE last year (GameON sale probably had it for some ridiculous price). Heard some retailers were clearing out stock for $88 at some point.

  • I still think this thing is bloody ugly. What were they thinking?

  • Not a bargain if its selling for the retail price that it was at release, sure, it may be hard to come by now but thats to be expected 10 months down the line. I can think of plenty of things which are hard to come by, most of which also probably aren't a bargain to pick up. This was easy to grab at release for the same price from any number of places.

  • i will buy this game if gannonndork is in it

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