Lite UHT milk delivered in bulk

I'm getting sick of buying milk every time I shop. I already prefer UHT milk, it seems more environmentally friendly and it tastes fine, same same but different to fresh milk.

So how can I get it delivered but still pay cheap supermarket prices. Colesworth have it for $1.35 a litre, my IGA has the Devondale in the nicer cartons for $1.45 a litre still. I'd really like it delivered for the same price though, even if I have to buy 50 of them at once. I prefer the Devondale cartons but will take the Colesworth version too, or any other brand.

Amazon don't sell reasonable price milk at all. Officeworks sells it for effectively $1.80 a litre, which isn't bad I suppose. Woolworths will deliver it for a fee.

Anyway I just want to know where to buy Lite (2%) UHT milk online for cheap.


  • +5

    UHT milk is likely less environmentally friendly since most councils do not accept them for recycling. You would want to check your local rules if that matters to you.

    • But it saves on needing refrigerated trucking/storage, and on wastage because it lasts so long on the shelf it doesn't spoil before it's sold. The saved carbon emissions has to be worth the inability to recycle the container, you'd think.

      • Good points. I think it goes to the complexity of what sustainability looks like. Of course, treating UHT milk and making the tetra pack is also more complex than just sticking regular milk in waxed paper or a plastic bottle.

    • Nah. Think about all the refrigation required for fresh milk that only lasts one week.

    • +3

      Arguing about the environmental consequences of how to package cows' milk is like arguing about how to drive a hummer in a more "environmentally conscious" way.

      • -1

        Electric Hummer conversions exist. Brand new Hummer EV on the way too. Bad example.

        • +1

          Plant milks exist and new synthetic milks are on the way. Great example.

          • +1

            @fantombloo: Almond milk is also not great for the environment.

            • -3

              @dust: True. Still nowhere near as bad as cows' milk though. If you have a problem with almond milk on environmental grounds then don't consume it and definitely don't consume cows' milk and its derivatives.

  • +5

    UHT milk tastes ghastly

    • -2

      It tastes sweeter than normal milk imo. I've come to enjoy the slight burnt taste.

      • I tried lactose free milk.

        Surprisingly tastes pretty good.

        • I have to drink lactose free milk, its considerably sweeter then normal milk
          so to have it with cereal I mix it with water.

          Coffee/tea I cant taste the difference, still add my normal amount of sugar

          Generally if its mixed with something you cant taste the sweetness since pretty much everything you mix it with is sugary, but to drink a cup like fresh milk, its too sweet for me

  • Hi,
    Costco Adelaide are having a non-member day 24/3 and 7/4.
    I presume they sell UHT.

  • +4

    Have you considered powdered milk?

    • Powdered is good. We buy up on special and use it for everything except tea - and I’ve used it there too in a pinch.
      I don’t think it really works out cheaper at around $10 for 7 litres though

  • +3

    What's stopping you ordering 12 packs from Coles for delivery then?…

    $2 delivery on Wednesday.

    • -2

      $2 is reasonable I suppose. It's cheaper than Woolworth's charge anyway.

      • $2 is reasonable

        16c per unit to have it delivered. So yeah $2 is very reasonable to have 12kgs of product delivered!

        • It's my go to atm unless Amazon is cheaper. Prime is so good but so bad for the environment.

          What will I do with all these cardboard boxes I can only keep so much.

          And I still feel that recycling in Australia is a myth not that it doesn't happen more that so much gets contaminated from other households that it just goes to landfill anyways.

  • +1

    Costco had them in 12 packs
    or powder format

  • I don't know if it's the same in every state, but in QLD I just do online orders with Woolworths and pickup at drive-through for $0

  • +2

    Call me crazy but why not just buy a bulk amount (say 10) when you go shopping?

    Do you really want/need 50 cartons of milk sitting around your house?

    • -2

      Do I really want to lug around 10kg of milk during each big shop too?

      • +2

        do u lift br0

        cheap gym session

      • +3

        Do I really want to lug around 10kg of milk during each big shop too?

        They have these shopping trolleys at the front of the store……

        Do a bulk buy one day, and then don't worry about it for the rest of the month!

        • -3

          If I do that then I won't be able to bulk buy something else instead. I want to get as much of my shopping as possible done online. I feel like such a chump going to a store and buying something, especially if it's just one thing I need. If I had to pay myself my hourly wage when I went to Officeworks because I needed a 99 cent black marker because I didn't have one, then that 99 cent marker suddenly costs over $100 in wasted time. That's way too expensive for a marker. Plus I can't buy it in my underwear after having a few beers like I can at home when ordering online.

          • @AustriaBargain: if you are order that much of everything costco is the way to go

            or online delivery between amazon, coles and woolies and you get get BULK

            or you can troll

      • +1

        Oh yes good point. If only the supermarkets could come up with some way to help people lug there groceries around the store….

        • -2

          What I don't understand is the milk companies send it to the distribution centre, then send it to the shop, where it is taken out of the carton and put on a shelf, then I need to drive to the shop, take it off the shelf, put it in my cart, line up at checkout, carry it to my car, then drive it home.

          Why not skip all that and just have it sent straight from the distribution centre to my home?

          • @AustriaBargain: This is a very good question.

            Lots of extra unnecessary labour and energy spent I agree.

            You could be onto something here.

            Something like a milk only express delivery service where they bypass the middleman and deliver it straight from the source no need to waste shelf space or precious human labour and time.


  • +2

    time to buy a farm, milk manufacture and a distributor, you seem to drink enough milk for a small country town!

    • I wonder if you just drank only milk for a year no water if you would be fine.

      • u might start to mooooo

  • you can also freeze fresh milk, put it in the fridge for a few days to defrost. There is only a slight difference in taste for me

    I would try one 3L bottle first though, i think there is a slight difference in taste but some may not like it.

  • +5

    new company idea
    milk delivery to homes
    once they finish they leave the empty cartoons/bottles by the door and it gets picked up , clean and reused

    I'm gonna make millions
    from austriabargain

    can u put you down for 1000 cartoons a day???

  • Milk from an animal that isn't your mum is wrong.

    Do the right thing and get used to the plant based stuff.

    • -1

      But it's expensive and tastes foul if you buy the unsweetened versions.

      • It's currently slightly more expensive and takes a bit of getting used to.

        That's a small price to pay for not supporting the evil milk industry.

        • If no one drank milk or ate beef then the cow would be extinct today. I'm not comfortable with ending an entire species.

          • @AustriaBargain: I'd rather not live than be enslaved for life and slaughtered to end up as hamburger meat.

            • -1

              @Vampyr: That's all well and good for you, but you can't make that choice for other people. The cow species deserves to live and you're advocating for genocide here.

          • @AustriaBargain: stick them into a zoo then!

  • +1

    I prefer the taste of UHT milk as well but I rarely go out, so I've been getting the long life soy milk from Amazon instead. Not sure why they don't sell uht milk, would be so convenient

  • Does UHT Lactose Free milk have the same nutritional value as regular milk? (besides no lactose etc.)

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