I live at the end of a street and water comes rushing down the road every time it rains and into the Telstra pit stuffing up my internet connection - there is nothing that Telstra will do to shore up the pit.
I need to work from home and am wondering what would be the best mobile broadband option to use with my laptop as a backup?
Thank in advance.
If you're currently on a fixed line plan with Telstra, consider getting a Telstra Gen 2/3 Smart Modem if you don't already have one. It has free 4G backup built in, so whenever the pit gets flooded and your fixed line drops out, the 4G should kick in, and will revert back once the fixed line is restored. Providing you have decent mobile coverage, you should get up to 25/5 Mbps while running on 4G backup, if you think that will suffice for your circumstances.
You may get lucky and find a used or new-in-box Gen 2 for cheap on Gumtree/FB Marketplace, otherwise you'll have to request one from Telstra.
When I arranged this for my folks (who are existing customers), Telstra wanted $9 per month/24 months, however when I asked if they would upgrade the modem if they stayed on for 24 months (which is what Telstra are currently offering for new customers), they obliged. YMMV.