This was posted 3 years 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4, PS5] Control: Ultimate Edition $20.98 ($17.98 for PS+) @ PlayStation Store


I know this game was free before on PlayStation and other platforms for curtain period of time, but if you missed that, this is not a bad price.

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  • +1

    Such a great world/story that they created

  • I bought PS4, still haven't played it.

    Tempted to buy ps5, and try sell my PS4 copy.

    Shame no free upgrades
    I never saw it for free!

  • +2

    May already have it. The PS5 version was given out in PS Plus back in February last year.

    • +3

      Yes, in my pile of shame (partially because I played from GamePass previously).

      Interestingly, PS store now provides an option to allow you to purchase it outright even if you owned it via PS Plus. The default option is purchased and download is available, but there is a new option to buy it. I think it is a step in the right direction.

    • I wasn't a member :(

      Literally been all junk since I've been a member 6-7 months

  • +2

    It's a good game but it didn't suck me in enough to bother completing it. Got to a point where it just felt grindy.

    • +1

      I got about half way through on PC and the pistol / telekinesis combo had lost its charm and I stopped playing it.

    • yup. same thing here

    • Not sure I'd justify $20 on this, pretty sure you'll be seeing it cheaper again in the near future.

  • -2

    wasnt this free on ps plus at one point

    • I don't know where you could have possibly got that idea from!

      • He is right. It was on PS+ last year I believe

        • I don't believe you.

  • +1

    Great story and gameplay. The ashtray maze was the best part of the game. Truly one of the most underrated games made.

  • +2

    Brilliant game, well worth the price.

  • Great game as the reviews indicate, I just didn't enjoy it that much and judging from the sales since launch I wasn't on my own.

  • i don't like the story much but the game play is great though. I like how I am able to control object at will and just throw it and people.

  • Great game, I spent 30 hours on it but still felt short

  • The curtain period of time has drawn to a close…

  • Great game, and it was one of the first legit ps5 games for me due to the graphics. Cool game play and story, too. I would never have tried if it wasn't free, so I'm glad I did.

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