Anyone else a little giddy with excitement?
Mod — emphasis 5GB free on the title.
I have 26.5GB of Dropbox storage, and 25GB of Skydrive storage = total 100GB.
Didn't pay a cent for it either…. so no.
only 5GB free you fool, change the title
will offer up to 100GB
I've highlighted where "fools" might have issues reading English.
i dont understand how this would be a deal otherwise? drop box and skydrive offer more.
Better change your title to -up to 16TB
also site up (not working yet)
25GB - $2.49/mo
100GB - $4.99/mo
200GB - $9.99/mo
400GB - $19.99/mo
1TB - $49.99/mo
2TB - $99.99/mo
4TB - $199.99/mo
8TB - $399.99/mo
16TB - $799.99/mo
Yeah im not excited at all. Last thing I want is google digging through my data.
Google can already do that with just about everyone having a gmail account.
Yeah only your email and surfing. Now with google drive they can dig through your docs now.
All your data are belong to GOOGLE.
You have no choice but to sync data.
For great justice.
if your system is connected to the internet, your data is no longer secure so live with it being snooped on :)
Sorry people, I really didn't qualify why I'm interested/excited about this. To keep it simple, I'm excited about the prospects, not the product in it's current form.
An analogy for those that used Android 1.6 on a G1 or HTC Magic. Android was a tedious to horrid experience generalising but now…. oh now, Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 is a beauty to behold by comparison.
Can nobody think of the many ways online storage could be better?
You're excited because the product is coming from Google, and not, say Microsoft?
True, google makes fairly innovative products but IMO 5GB of free storage isn't much to sing about at the moment. If anything I believe Skydrive would have the edge because its going to integrated into future releases of Windows, not to mention its also awarding it's current users with 25GB of storage right from the start.
HELL YES! Given Google's fantastic track record, I'm exceptional excited to see where this leads. Compared to MS Skydrive which, let's be honest now, only just recently became competitive, interesting, useful. IMO.
Let's short list some of the Google achievements:
After having a quick play with Google Drive now it's out I've noticed:
It would be 'foolish' (word of the week apparently) to think this is where Google will stop.
Heres a bit more….good website for techy things as well……
Here's a site which describes a few alternatives for cloud storage…
Dropbox is the most popular but is not the best for everyone. Some alternatives, as listed in the blog, offer more space and technically better.
For me the biggest issue is the lack of an API. I currently use amazon and was hoping this would compete for a cheaper service (or result in amazon lowering their prices), but it clearly isn't meant for the likes of me.
Very much targetting simple end use applications.
Very limitted and for 'web' applications only - you have to auth your app.
Yes it is an API, but it is very clear that Google don't want this being used as a general purpose low level storage tool.
I recently paid $5/yr for 20gb of Google storage for my Google account.
But this is $2.50/mth for 25Gb….weird pricing.
yeah same here. It saids mine will expire if i change plans after the 30th of april. will it remove itself after 30th april or will it just stay on that plan? I only need 20gb. No need for 25gb for 2.50 per month.
I now wish I'd gotten more space…it looks like they're keeping the legacy plan so it'll be $5/yr for us lucky ducks!
No :/