Just wanted to check what everyone thinks.
Have you eaten anything inside a cinema?
Anything other than Popcorn and the standard food offered by the Cinema.
Would your answer change if it was an almost empty Cinema?
Just wanted to check what everyone thinks.
Have you eaten anything inside a cinema?
Anything other than Popcorn and the standard food offered by the Cinema.
Would your answer change if it was an almost empty Cinema?
I love Cinema Nachos. You don't seem to get them here, but pretty common in UK/US. You get a tray of warm nacho chips and pots of nacho cheese and sour cream/tomato salsa with drizzle of jalapenos on top.
It's such a weird thing to have in a cinema but works so so so well.
In terms of Gold Class hot food here, have tried a few times and they're all completely awful and not worth it.
Village Cinemas used to do nachos and hot dogs in their traditional theatres maybe 10 years ago now.
Wheres the
Yes (Dont care about others) option?
Where’s the No I never eat in the cinema because I know how annoying it can be for other patrons.
Never brought any hot food to the cinemas, always some of our own chocolate or chips or lollies. Cinema food is always crazy overpriced, so we don't buy anything from them besides the tickets.
Sometimes cinemas ban outside food (and lie about why - like saying it's because hot foods affect the air conditioning)
Some cinemas offer hot food, or at least they used to pre-covid. I was taken to a gold class cinema once and there was a menu with slider burgers, pizza, wedges with sour cream, amongst other things available to be delivered to you during the movie.
I rarely go to the cinema but when I do I tend to go gold class and have something to eat while in there.
These days I just wait for the digital release and grab some burgers to have at home. Generally a nicer experience.
Yes, have you not ever been to gold class? Can get 3 course meals.
Yes, nothing quite like enjoying a movie while eating a can of surströmming with a fresh durian for dessert. 👍
Yes, will openly confess to taking a big bag to smuggle food in. In my youth it was the infamous Country Road duffle bag. I wouldn't take a whole meal in because it's a bit hard to eat in the dark but I don't think there's anything wrong with food like hot chips etc.
Personally I think the noise is more of an issue than the smell. I'd avoid food with loud and annoying wrappers, or really hard crunchy food.
Uhh, have you ever been to Gold Class OP?
It's literally people ordering the greasiest food you can imagine while lounging around.
Just wanted to check what everyone thinks.
Have you eaten anything inside a cinema
Does Canberra not have Gold Class, LUX or smaller independent cinemas that offer food during the movie?
I don’t sneak in food to the cinemas much but have eaten food in the cinemas, e.g. hot dog and nachos at Village Cinemas when they offered them, not sure if they still do it, and also Gold Class.
The smell from food can sometimes be annoying in a theatre where hot cooked foods are not allowed.
Is this some sort of market research?
My friends and I used to sneak kebabs in when we were teenagers, but it's been a few years since I've been to a cinema with everything being online these days..
Sneaking food?
I sneak beers ;)
I take in stuff but not something that smells. That is rude to people around me.
Yeah I used to sneak all kinds of stuff when I was a student. Not to save cost really, just because I wanted to eat something good.
The trick is to go with a female that has a large handbag.
We'd take beers/cruisers and McDonalds in. Generally this was during the day, because we were students and it was often cheaper.
Depends on the movie!
Munching, munching Twisties, sure can be a drag.
Put a little hole, in the other end of your bag :)
Another Skyhooks fan.
blood oath
I love Women in Uniform
Horror Movie.
Watching Countdown was great.
Molly’s interview with Prince Charles.
“I saw your mum on the TV”
“you mean her majesty the Queen”.
Just Molly being Molly.
@try2bhelpful: My mum actually looked like the queen, I am a Republican
I loved watching Countdown, that was after we all went to the Mathew Flinders Pub
for a drink most of Saturday arvo. It was a Courage pub, yuck; but it was the only one around in a dry area.
One Saturday arvo we were up the back like usual and there was this really good band on, they were really good. It was a pity there was not many people in the pub to see them perform. A few weeks later I heard one of there songs on Countdown - Baby Please Don't Go
@the Unforgiven: It must’ve given you a touch of satisfaction to think “I knew them when….”
Most of my Countdown watching was when I was at high school so I didn’t see a lot of live bands. I did see “Mother Goose” live once. I, also, saw Jesus Christ Superstar, live, with the original Australian cast. Just absolutely stunning. I also saw Mike Oldfield, live, and they did excerpts from Tubular Bells. It was a very busy rendition and they had a stained glass lighting effect as they played the Tubular bells bit. A tad before the OTT stage performances. However, I do wish I’d seen Queen, live.
I’m a bit of a Prog Rock tragic. Rick Wakeman, (Journey to the Centre of the Earth), Jethro Tull, (Thick as a Brick), Pink Floyd, etc. Give me lush orchestrations and a theme.
@try2bhelpful: I did see AC/DC when they did the Back in Black tour at the Melbourne Myer Music Bowl
Was Jon English in JCS? Did you know that he died whilst having a stent put in? The same prodecure I had months earlier. He might have been alright but the Libs cut the budget so they don't have a cardiologist and a heart specialist at the same procedure, they are only together randomly now to save money; fvcking Liberal Government
I liked Tubular Bells, #1 only & Journey to the Centre of the Earth; good picture too.
what sort of speakers do you have? I have Polk S60's.
I saw these this morning
@the Unforgiven: Just saw the freebie MSO John Williams concert at the Sidney Myer Music. Bowl. They started with Star Wars and finished with Raiders of the Last Ark. Absolute magic.
Yes, Jon English was in JCS. Absolutely brilliant. I saw him in Pirates of Penzance and that was, also, great. In fact my brother was a muso, in Geelong, and his band backed Jon English at one point.
My man had stents a few years ago. Fortunately no dramas.
We have some Bose speakers we brought back from the USA about 20 years ago. Mainly I listen through my Sony WH-1000XM3. There is a decent version of “Journey to the Centre of the Earth” up on you tube.
I’m quite keen on Tubular Bells II, as well.
@try2bhelpful: I am older than you, that is why I like Tubular Bells the Original
Could you put a link to that uTube video for me please
Here is one in return
@the Unforgiven: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ9W2pZwvlY
Journey to the Centre of the Earth.
I have the CD of this.
@the Unforgiven: You might want to listen to these ones as well.
@try2bhelpful: This is the Saltwater I remember
@the Unforgiven: BTW my brother was a sax player and he was killed in a car accident in 1997 so your track was a bit of a heartstring tugger.
@the Unforgiven: Please don’t be sorry, you didn’t know. It will always hurt but it was a while ago. Because he was a muso the funeral was amazing. Lots of bands playing.
@the Unforgiven: He would’ve enjoyed it immensely.
New Orleans is, definitely, a place you should go to. We didn’t see a funeral, there, but we did see a wedding. They, certainly, know how to eat, drink and party there.
@try2bhelpful: There was a Bond movie that started off as a funeral, but it ended up as a party, after the spy was killed!
It would take a long time by boat, as I have never flown: anyway, I am a pensioner, so I never have any money
@the Unforgiven: I went to Midsumma, in Fitzroy, a couple of weekends ago. If it is on next year I recommend it. It was a hoot.
@try2bhelpful: I escaped Melbourne years ago, before it had the pollution dome over it
I was only back once, and that was overnight, to tie up things after me mum kicked the bucket
I may go back if there was a Metallica concert :p with AC/DC joining them
@the Unforgiven: as we go along that looks more and more unlikely. At least you weren't hanging out to see Warnie bowl again.
@try2bhelpful: It would be a grouse concert.
I think I heard that Judas Priest was going to tour for a last time
Rammstein is unreal to see in concert
We can go together to see Rammstein at the Myer Music Bowl; posh eh
As long as the staff don't see you sneaking in hot food, they won't allow it.
However, if you sneak it in and no one complains…
My sister once invited me to the movies with her boyfriend at the time and they were eating rice and stir fry!
I could not believe it.
When I was much much younger, we'd load up on 50c Cheeseburgers and take them in. Obviously showing my age as they haven't been that price for a long time!
Don't go very often now so we'll generally get the full gold class package. Pricey not no need to take anything else in.