• expired

Skydrive - Free Upgrade to 25GB


If you are a current Skydrive user, just log-in and claim your 25GB of free online storage before they permanently make it only 7GB.

Mod: Fixed URL to link directly

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      • Dat is really witty vt!
        Chcuckles all round!

  • i posted about this on Whirlpool http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=1905687 but Ozbargainers way more interested!

  • Thanks OP. Mine works as "Your storage: 25 GB free of 25 GB"

  • Awesome, thanks!

  • I usually work Dropbox, but at this price… why not!

  • Thanks OP, upgraded.

  • Thanks. Just upgraded.

  • Thanks OP, champ for this :D

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Got to keep my 25GB. Nice of MS to send out an email to it's users about this change…assholes…

  • Can this do what iCloud does? in automatically uploading photos (under WIFI) to the storage so it can be accessed on the computer?

    • Not automagically, no.

    • Not sure, but if not, DropBox can do it.

    • Damn. That sucks. Does it have any advantages over iCloud besides the storage space? I wonder if I ever even use it.

      • Well for starters, unlike iCloud (for obvious reasons), it supports non-iOS devices. If you're using an iDevice though, and you're happy enough with iCloud, you may as well stick with it.

  • +1

    Getting: "Sorry, other storage plans are unavailable right now. Please check back later. "
    Tried IE, FF & Chrome. Haven't really used the account but set it up ages ago.

  • Your account has been upgraded
    You now have 25 GB of free storage. Thanks for using SkyDrive!

    Thanks bahgain.

  • Wow, thanks op.

    Never even knew about SkyDrive (or bothered to click on it)

  • I never check my hotmail, so I would have missed out if I didn't read this post. Many thanks.

  • Thanks op

  • Signed in. Tried to upgrade and got the message "Sorry, other storage plans are unavailable right now. Please check back later." Tried with Chrome and FF.
    That's weird. Why does it work for many ppl and doesn't work for me? Is it because I never used it, even though I have had hotmail acc. for ages?

    • It says the same for me after the upgrade. How much does it say next to "SkyDrive Free"? For me it used to be 7gb and there was a button "Free Upgrade" or something like that… now it shows 25gb.

  • -1

    dont really understand how this got so many votes, does anyone even use this upload feature at all?

    • +2

      You cannot understand how FREE storage got the votes?

  • thanks. worked for me

  • guess I am another nub who forgot they had a skydrive account….viva le 25GB!

  • Any registered SkyDrive user who has uploaded files to SkyDrive as of April 22nd can opt in to keep 25GB of free storage while still getting all of the benefits of the new service

    • Aye, apparently I uploaded something back in 2009.

  • Thanks op..

  • FYI, Google has just launched its Drive service.
    Coincidentally, it is a 25Gb service! M$ is cleverly getting in first, spoiling Google's Drive launch…
    According to Mashable.com, "You can choose to upgrade to 25GB for $2.49/month, 100GB for $4.99/month or 1TB for $49.99/month. When you upgrade to a paid account, your Gmail account storage also expands to 25GB.".

    Google Drive only offers 5Gb free and charges for the larger 25Gb version…just wanted you to know that the M$ freebie is a comparative bargain and Google Drive spoiler, haha.

    Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/start#home

    Review of Google Drive (though you may not even bother!) http://mashable.com/2012/04/24/google-drive-hands-on/

  • I have a Dropbox, Skydrive and sugarsync account.
    A techie told always have TWO backups. So if MS, Dropbox or Google etc corrupt your data (it has happened before)
    you have at least one more avenue for RESTORE.

    I backup photos etc to Dropbox (best integration to my apps), then mirror it to the others!

    • +1

      Do consider that SkyDrive are already have some redundancy and although not impossible, it would be very rare for your data to be wiped off the face of the earth. However, there's no harm in having more than 1 backup.

      Personally, I backup content locally and having another copy in the cloud is sufficient given the minimal chances of both failing concurrently.

  • +1

    Easiest 25 gig storage I've ever opened after years dormancy, Wow thanks for putting it out there.

  • i cant getit , in IE it says "Sorry, other storage plans are unavailable right now. Please check back later. "

    and in Chrome, i need to pay for the other options…

  • Beautifully done!

  • Thanks OP, now got 25GB, I guess I'll start using it now.

  • Thanks OP. I've been using Skydrive but didn't know about this offer. Much appreciated.

  • For those who received this message "Sorry, other storage plans are unavailable right now. Please check back later." It's because your account was not considered as loyal account user. One of my account was created less than a year doesn't have the option to upgrade.

    • I have an account that i created 5+ years ago and im getting still getting that message :\ . I managed to upgrade my other account which i have had for 10+ years though.

  • This is excellent OP - was going to pay for such as service and this has more features. Now I have plenty of room to store my ISOs ** edit - family photos

  • Thanks!!!

  • 2 accounts upgraded. probably will never use it though -.-

  • +1

    Your data (0.1 GB)
    Free space (6.9 GB)
    Storage plans
    SkyDrive Free


    7 GB total storage

    SkyDrive +20


    Add 20 GB to your free storage

    SkyDrive +50


    Add 50 GB to your free storage

    SkyDrive +100


    Add 100 GB to your free storage

    No additional free for me. (:

  • +1

    its closed now.


    • I just did it, and it still worked.

  • +1


    I didnt use the skydrive to store files prior to 22 April so I can't get the free expansion…

  • I didn't get the expansion either…

    Meh, just opened a dropbox account and upgraded it to a bit over 7GB in a few minutes…. I'd rather something with cross-compatibility then lock in to the MS product.

  • I got a Lumia 800 at the start of the month and it uploaded a test file to my skydrive (which I didn't sign up for) when I connected my Windows Live ID to the phone - I didn't even realise it had done so but I was still eligible for the upgrade :)

  • Thanks OP I didn't even now I had skydrive space but I signed in with my hotmail account and voila free space now I just have to find out exactly what one can do with skydrive lol

    • IMO it is much better than drop box,

      • More space
      • Able to sync folder (just like drop box)
      • Able to view all folders on your computer (in case you forgot to put something on your folder)
      • Able to create documents - word, excel etc online.
      • Cheaper to purchase more space

      and so on…

      • Office Web Apps alone is reason enough to use SkyDrive over every other Cloud service.

  • Awesome! Thanks!

  • this is dead isnt it

    • Nope.
      I just upgraded both my accounts not more than two minutes ago.

      • how do you do it?

    • I've just tried, and have had my Sky Drive for over 2 years, and it didn't upgrade mine. Do you think it detects if you're using google products and denies you?

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