Microsoft Office Professional 2021 for USD49.99 which is about AUD69 (Note: 10% GST is charged at checkout)
Officeworks is selling this for $637 (…).
Microsoft Office Professional 2021 for USD49.99 which is about AUD69 (Note: 10% GST is charged at checkout)
Officeworks is selling this for $637 (…).
Same, never heard of this website before.
It's legit in the manner it gave out free software keys. You can see previous deals on OzB from their site
Never bought anything from it though
cheaper on aliexpress
It will take two months to finish installation.
Bought it for $32 online through Facebook market place
This bloke good preety good reviews and tried and tested and works well with lifetime activation.
Why ppl negative your comment without making a comment 🤔
Because the keys bought through unofficial channels aren't legit, go against licensing and have a chance to be deactivated at any point.
Said who? the link I have shared the seller have mentioned the keys are genuine and can be only used once ..why don’t you give a go ?
@Sunnyoz: Just going back to basics here; when somebody makes an unverified statement like "genuine" or "legit", it doesn't necessarily mean that actually product is. In this case it is likely the keys are not official MS retail keys, but tied to some organisation or trial program. If that were the case, this is not a bargain.
@buffalo bill: likely is not the same as verified fact ….. with 1.3 billion windows 10 licenses in the world, some are retail, enterprise, educational, etc. for example OEM licenses which you can buy when you buy a motherboard or new CPU from retailers like MSY aren’t transferable to new hardware in USA or Australia licensing but they are under EU licensing laws …….. it’s the same with office and many other products from EU sellers, not australian sellers ….. this seller might be in EU which has different licensing laws that for what can be sold or transferred. when you activate a product, you can check the type of license e.g developer, (msdn) retail, corporate, etc.
likely is not the same as verified fact
That's correct. That's why I used the word "likely" instead of "verified fact". It's a possibility the seller has bulk genuine licenses that won't ever expire. It's also a possibility the keys provided by that seller will expire of be cancelled and you'll receive the old "can't create new document" Office error at some point. Just something to be aware of.
@Tacooo: if the people that make the product activate the product they must be happy or their wouldn’t activate ……
Hi. Just been in contact with seller. He is asking for a screen shot of my settings overview for compatibility reasons. Did you have to go through that?
Yes it worked out fine , no issues at all look at his reviews more than 300 5 star reviews
Thanks man 👍
lifetime activation
How do you know it will actually last a lifetime?
They shared the license. I had a chat with Microsoft Supporter, they said that each key can be entered for an amount of times only, e.g. Windows key is 20 times. So the guys from un-official sites can sell it to 20 people. That's what Microsoft Supporter told me.
Because I had a problem before, after my 3rd time, I can't enter the key anymore, I called them and they said the key was entered 21 times.
MSDN licenses are multiple use and not for commercial use ….. retail are one time per machine, once activated you need to call support to transfer to a new machine …. when you have activated, from the sku and the key you can check what license you have …… MSDN, retail, enterprise, educational , OEM, ,etc.
worth doing that before calling tech support …. tech support is only for retail editions, all others you get tech support form retailer (OEM) or your company IT (enterprise) or school IT (educational).
Thanks , I might give it a try. Risking $32 is better than risking $69.
Did you try it, Did it work?
Not yet. But I bought Office 2003 from India in $1. And I still have it. Just want to change it and try out… But not yet. If try first than let me know as well
It worked like charm. Ended up buying 2
4 GB available of hard disk formatting such as HFS + (also known as Windows OS Extended or HFS Plus)
lol wut
HFS+ is an old MacOS file system and has nothing to do with Windows. These aren't Microsoft's system requirements, they're the garbage you see from unlicensed resellers.
If you’re happy with non-legit keys, you can get them cheaper.
These are not legit keys.
He literally just told you that you can get it cheaper…
You can't really say that if these are really non-legit. You might as well say get a pirated copy for free.
This get you free updates, pirated don't, I think.
@boomramada: First page of google results for “ms office cd key” has keys from $4.
MS doesn’t sell keys this way.
@mskeggs: I think $4 one are phone activated, well technically its think product is activated other on isn't they are bulk licences. two different products right?
Last I checked Office was never shareware.
BG is selling a few on the side on the cheap to pay for his divorce.
That's about as likely as these being legit.
is it worth upgrading office 2016 to office 2021?
Personally unless I had an O365 subscription, I would only bother with an update when security updates have ended. MS says that is 14 Oct, 2025 for Office 2016 (unless you have some sort of cracked/non-genuine version).
i have office 2016 and 2019 from our old work HUP program, moving to 2021 gets you up to date for outlook features, etc. the problem with office 2016, 2019 which they call “long term support” is that they don’t get feature updates, only bug fixes and security updates, no feature updates, for that you need 365.
so 2021 would just give you a snapshot of office 365 features as in 2021 for things like outlook or word, etc. not a large uplift in features … i also have visio 2019 and 2016 so need cheap visio 2021 ….we no longer have HUP at work as out IT dept decided to cut costs, now we can just download Microsoft 365 but they didn’t get visio in it ……ahhhh.
A bit off topic, are these sold at HUP as well?
My current employer doesn't have access to HUP, but the last time I was able to access HUP it looked like they moved from perpetual licences over to discounted yearly 365 instead.
same, we can download microsoft 365, when we leave job ate off-boarded and nolonger in company AAD , it stops working after 30 days .
prefer the perpetual versions so that you can use outlook and write resumes and stuff while looking for new job which is typically longer than 30 days for me ….
Just out of curiosity, does the license link to your MS account? I have a legit retail Office 2021 (Standalone not 365) licence and it's linked to my MS account along with my older HUP licences, my guess is this is a Volume licence key with multiple activations. These keys could be killed at any time by MS or run forever, but the risk is there.
SharewareonSale do genuine sale of softwares from direct companies so it looks genuine if they have collaborated with distribution partners.
in past, I bought VPN through them and activated for 3 years.
if you don't want paid office suite for basic tasks, i recommend LibreOffice. They have portable version as well.
companies used to resell windows 10 licenses from trashed computers ….under EU laws they’re transferable but not under AU or US because they stay with the hardware ….. not sure the moral dilemma people have buying from EU when they live in australia ….
I saw this exact deal at techspot just now:…
They're a bit more legit than "" no?
That being said, I have not purchased from TechSpot nor have any affiliation or knowledge of them, so maybe not better than the original deal place.
Who knows.
Having done some poking around, I found one from AndroidAuthority as well:…
They're all "reseller" pages through (Check the footer of the page) - I suspect it's all from the same pool of keys being sold.
So the real question is whether stackcommerce can be trusted to be selling legit keys, rather than these other sites.
Thanks for the digging. Feel confident enough to buy from one of these.
Looks like the same deal is available on…
And StackSocial sign up will provide $10 referral credit if you sign up with referral link, so that might work out to be a better deal.
Is this website legit?