I have been a front sleeper for a long time and my las mattress was starting to give me problems with my back. I went to a Snooze mattress store and they did their profiling and said i needed a soft mattress. It was very expensive though. I went and got a Sleeping Duck and my lower back pain disappeared completely. However, I am still getting back pains but in a different spot. Sleeping on my side hurts my shoulder and when i sleep on my front the middle of my back hurts. I have found the SD mattress to be hard. My wife loves it. I have now ordered the soft insert and will be receiving it this coming week.
What mattress is good for a front sleeper like me? Hard or soft? This hard SD mattress took away my lower back pain immediately but not further up my back because i think my spine curves up leading to the head. I have a flat pillow. Any suggestions will be welcome.
Maybe put a pillow under stomach when front sleeping