How do I edit a forum post?

I feel like I'm missing something really obvious, but I wanted to add some items to my list on the forum post, and I see a number of posts with "[Edit]" or similar, which makes me believe this should be possible.

Can someone please let me know how it's done. Or if it's not possible.


  • The irony is now, I see an "edit" tab next to the "view" tab for this topic, but I actually wanted to find out about editing a comment on a topic which I did not start.

    • I'm sure it's documented somewhere, but you can only edit your own comment for a limited time and I think once it's been responded to, it becomes read-only.

    • You only have a limited time to fix your comment. If you need to edit it after that period you can hit the report button and we can put a note in there.

  • At the moment for forum topics it is 12 days before OP can no longer edit the topic.

  • Thanks for the info

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