Assassin's Creed Valhalla is free for a weekend. Started yesterday Expires 28 Feb.
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Assassin's Creed Valhalla is free for a weekend. Started yesterday Expires 28 Feb.
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If I start downloading it now, will I be able to play it before the weekend ends? These games are so big :(
Probably not :( Lucky we've got the NBN right? Right?!….
Need to check the weather forecast. Nope, rain 80%+ for the next couple of days.
Only partly joking. Sad :(
It took around 3 hrs of download last night before I could start playing. I've got NBN 50.
Better start now. Thx OP
NBN 50, Downloading at 18Mbps… Completes in 7 hours… 🤦
Ordered NBN100/40 but NBNco tested and said I could get up to 50/20, which seems to be optimistic still…
*I've just cancelled the download as I won't be able to play after the download is finished…
Not a great game. After 4 hrs you're basically done. Then it's just grinding for another 30hrs.
4 hours? I was like 40 in and still not done
Yes, grinding. Same shit over and over.
@[Deactivated]: Like.. no? I was following the story.. the story is not 4 hours long bro, stop posting stupid shit.
Played this for the first time and enjoying the game. Graphics turned to Ultra settings look fantastic, playing on GeForce Now.
Usually a CS:GO type player, but Im really enjoying this type of game.
Nah got Elden Ring and Horizon already T_T
Ubisoft are trying their best to distract everyone from those two games.
Ok but no girlfriend?
No time for girlfriends. Too many games to play.
It's one or the other that's for sure, especially if you go the long haul 😢
A gamer girlfriend?
Same! I'm playing horizon first until Platinum then Elden Ring!
Possible to complete whole game in 2 days?
no chance
Speed runners can finish the story in 44 and a half hours apparently. If you don't sleep or eat and play while sitting on the toilet you might just finish.
I wonder if majority of players actually want so long games…
I've actually started to specifically look for short games. Just finished 12 minutes and Donut County recently. Really nice to actually finish a game. I think I kinda ruined my playthrough of Doom 2016 by trying to do a 100% run. Still only halfway through and don't really want to play it. Would like to finish one day…
Depends what you're doing. Repetitive escort and fetch quests, no thank you.
I like long games when they're actually fun. Ubisoft rarely fits that definition.
Haha. Not possible for me.
4 days maybe, 2 days would be tough even if you skip all cutscenes/dialog/side missions.
Took me about 100 hour as completionist.
Main story only?.. no dlc surely. This game is huge.
Oh. I’m not sure, I did 100 hours about 1 month into the game being released, so no DLC’s since launch.
@ATangk: There's a tonne of dlc now also. New locations France, Ireland, more challenges like river raids etc. The game has almost doubled in size. I am 330+ hours in myself.. new dlc about to be released again on the 10th of March that is also huge.
This might be the biggest game in history…
@ATangk: Paid via season pass. Which has other seasonal events to participate in your village. Worth it imo.
New dlc about to be released is a separate purchase again although I'm sure can be bundled. There is alot more content than release now with loads of new abilities and skills that are more fun.
good story (not naughty dog level good, but decent), fun combat, lengthy game so you probably won't be finishing it during the free period.
I ended up buying Odyssey after one of their trial periods a couple of years ago. Just got a new PC and a nice new ultra wide monitor. I had no chance.
ultrawide monitors are amazing
Valhalla is much better overall and less of a grind fest. IMO.
great game, sadly i rage quit towards the end of the campaign due to bugs causing me to reload my save
It has bugs but the game play and sheer size of the terrain are incredible. The graphics are also top notch.
Tempting… But I'm trying to finish Horizon ZD so I can start Forbidden West.
Same. How good is HZD
Speedran ZD friday to monday last week. Pretty early on in forbidden west but loving it so far
I do like it - maybe not up there with the best for me, but enjoyable. I think it's growing on me at least. I want to go through it fairly quickly to play the new one but I can't help but do a few too many side missions lol. About 22 hours in, but 10 of those I did well over a year ago.
ruddiger - How long did it take you? I assume you have finished it before if speed running.
Played it initially and finished it when it first came out, hadnt played it since. Finished the DLC in a day and the rest of the game on the first 2 days. Story is pretty well done and the side quests are pretty decent.
FW is so good. ZD was the reason I finally bought a ps4 about 3 years ago.
mediocre story, the first assassins creed game i found myself actually getting bored with. feels less polished than odyssey, huge amounts of grind.
The last AC I liked was 2. The story was cheesy and campy but the high production value sold it. I played this for 1 hr and just could not be less interested in they killed my father/ brother rivalry or whatever was going on. I also cannot stand padding- killing waves of enemies, pointless horseback travel, poor writing in general. I am no elitist or anything- I like heaps of popular games- but I don't like games that don't respect the player's time and try to hide behind a litany of lazy game design elements.
Played this after ghost of Tsushima when it first came out. Made this game look and play like trash lol.
I think I know what you mean. Ghost of Tsushima is better, right?
Y ai I played this for 1 hour, the graphics don't look good so I deleted it.
For those that want to buy this game, it's currently $20.98 via Epic Games if you have a $15 coupon.
PS5 version is not free even when it says it is. Anyone has same issue?
I download it from the ps app on my phone
I got PS4 version, could not find the ps5 version.
Bloated , boring , endless
Do you get upsells or nagging emails or notifications when you try these free game trials?
grindfest game
No PS5 version on the trial though 😞 (well it would only let me download the PS4 version).
Whoever came up with the concept of a viking assassin
Nah. No time. Busy playing Dying Light 2 to bits to look at another game ATM.
Unbelievably boring game.
A total waste of potential.
The whole formula needs a huge shake up.
how do i install this on pc?
spent hours downloading this and could only bare to play the first 20 minutes.. this game is unbelievably clunky! ubisoft, dropped the ball hard on this one.
So no one got this for $9 from target when it went on sale in december?
When exactly does it finish for us in Oz?
I've seen 3-4 different times listed (or implied) from official sites/launchers.
If you go by the US times, 5am Tues, other times, end of today so midnight?, others today 9pm?
Also, can you keep your save game in case you buy it in the future?
I read the page but it's not entirely clear the way it words it - if it will translate over to any PC game key version (eg epic, ubisoft, steam etc)?
I'm curious what FPS can you get on a 12th gen 3070 Ti OC, 32gb RAM with Highest (useful) GPU settings?
According to the countdown timer in the current game Im playing the free weekend should finish at 6am Australian Eastern time on Tuesday 1st March.
Save games get saved to the cloud on ubisoft connect, so if you decide to buy the game you can resume from where you left off in the free weekend period.
If you download the game, just run the benchmark built in the game. Go to the Benchmark menu and run that on high settings.
Hi @baboon
I installed it in Epic - will that have save games in both Epic and Ubisoft Connect then?
Or will it force me to open it in Ubisoft Connect even though I installed it in the Epic Launcher (still downloading)?
Re the benchmark - can't I just check the fps in game? What's the simplest way to do that?
Thanks for the 6am thing too BTW.
It's all I know good luck
Great game