Does anyone know the best deal on unlimited (or close to) calls to the Philippines now that the Boost have stopped offering this? So expensive ringing if you don’t have a deal. I would appreciate any advice.
Unlimited Calls to Philippines

Can do the 6 month plan with them too if you don't need that much data or just want to save money.
FaceTime calls?
WhatsApp, Line, Signal…
Boost mobile prepaid, $200 per year.
unlimited call to Philippines.New plans of Boost $200 is only 1200mins $300 is 3600 mins to Philippines up to 29 March 2022. A lot of international call allowances have been cut
facetime calls
For context much of the Philippines is not covered by 4G/5G or slows down a lot in crowded places (Think Woop woop Oz or everyone trying to connect at the same time on a crappy network). 2G or 3G is a more reliable form of communication in those areas
You be pretty silly to pay for calls when WhatsApp and Viber are available for zero cents
Thanks for all the advice everybody. Found sometimes that signal wasn’t great ringing Antipolo City using the free apps. Was always able to make successful calls with Boost, hence looking for an alternative now that that option has disappeared.
calls to the Philippines now that the Boost have stopped offering this?
I'd wait a bit until China invades and takes over the country.
Boost include free, unlimited calls to China……
Otherwise use messenger, FaceTime and whatsapp where possible.