The price is down for the Note at Kogan.
To buy or not to buy?
Samsung Galaxy Note $499 + $19 Delivery @ Kogan (Black Only)

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i heard a few negatives previously and a few positives recently. So it's neutral now. LOL
Positives could be written by Kogan staff or their family members. And there are more negatives than it appears, because Kogan actively tries to get mods on here to delete negative comments about them.
So all online sellers are basically doggy.
The rep hasn't even been here for a couple of years,
All comments and votes are checked by OzBargain. Feel free to provide evidence. EDIT: Accusing user.
EDIT: We don't remove comments based on user or retailer demands. Commenting guidelines
I assure you it is not a false statement. Someone at Kogan tried to get one of my negative comments removed 2 months ago, not "a couple of years". The comment was here:
A mod deleted it, but I provided evidence to substantiate my claim, and he subsequently reinstated it.
neil, I have sent you a private message with the evidence.
I've had quite a few positive experiences from Kogan. 3 LED TVs, iPad 2, iPhone 4GS and they've all been perfectly fine.
Kogan actively tries to get mods on here to delete negative comments about them.
This happened only once, and your comment specifically. I've PM'ed you for response so I can get argument from both sides. I didn't get the response from you until more than a month later. Hence your comment was unpublished for review, and subsequently published again when you responded my PM.
Positives could be written by Kogan staff or their family members
I have to emphasis on that yes, it's possible Kogan staffs or their family members can write good reviews. OzBargain constantly watch our logs to see any evidence of sockpuppeting, and we will surely put them into penalty box if caught. In fact Kogan and Milan Direct were both banned here before due to sockpuppeting issue, and Ruslan Kogan emailed me on 21 June 2010 that
I (Ruslan) can give you my personal assurance that no Kogan staff will participate in posting deals on Ozbargains or vote on any Kogan deals posted by Ozbargains members.
I do have to comment that Kogan has employed PR agency to look after their online image. They have the money if they need to fight for defamation cases. There is also no free speech in Australia. Website operator's protection from user-submitted content is also relatively limited, comparing to the US.
Thanks for clarifying matters, scotty. Yes, I did not respond straight away to your PM because I was new to the ozbargain system and didn't notice I had mail sitting in my account until much later. But I found it surprising that a mod would delete a post simply because the poster did not respond to a PM "in time", a forum like this is supposed to attract open discussion.
It's interesting to learn from you that Kogan has a PR agency and can fight defamation cases, that shows Kogan IS indeed taking steps to quash negative comments about them online. They might call it "defamation" but remember, truth and honest opinions are complete defences to defamation. It is up to THEM to prove that a user's negative comment was untruthful, or was not an honest opinion. I don't see how they could have proven that in the circumstances. Ozbargain should therefore not be afraid of legal action. It is easy to "play it safe" and avoid all risk of legal action when Kogan comes knocking on the door, but the risk is really non-existent!
I hope ozbargain continues to allow negative comments about retailers to be published on the forums, it is an effective way to keep retailers honest.
Indeed we have let the comments go through when you have replied me. After all who can prove that the so-called defamation is indeed truth when you don't have the truth to back you up?
Do also remember that at OzBargain we have to guard against competitors making false statements.
If you wish to continue discussing this, maybe we'll bump that old thread, and keep this focused on the Samsung Galaxy Note offer.
I have bought both a Xoom and an iPad from Kogan, both were brand new and arrived quickly. The Xoom I ordered was a Wi-fi only which sold-out so they gave me a free upgrade to the 3G one.
doggy's cant use computers ;)
Someone tell me how this is a good deal when it is $509 delivered here -…
There's no black Galaxy Note.
Lol add $9 for blue.
I prefer White you can buy Blue/Black colour from many sellers. White version is only from some sellers and have to pay a premium but this time is quite the opposite.
shipping there? and previous posts from some seller said the blue looks almost black, so I assume that's his one.
also, eglobal and their sister site (DWI?) have much worse feedback here and on whirlpool than kogan, which might make kogan a better deal based on overall purchase experience.
disclaimer: i bought from kogan for the Galaxy Nexus, and had no problems at all. When the price dropped another $30 two days after I ordered, I rang up and they were happy to refund me the $30.
I haven't purchased from eglobal or DWI.because you pay $10 difference for the Australian Warranty. And better customer service. I would not recommend eglobal to anyone.
I have purchased quite a lot of camera gear from DWI (sister site to eglobal) with no problems. They have "Australian warranty" (handled overseas I believe, but you post it to an Australian address if any issues). I think they are fine - you get the service that you pay for, but you also get what you bought.
What is the problem with Kogan?
Kogan branded products tend to be generic branded products in reality, but with Kogan name on it. Poor quality and have lots of technical issues.
However, they started selling iPhones, iPads, Samsung phones and Galaxy Notes for a while now. For those Apple/Samsung products, people's responses were generally positive. The main negative response I've read was iPhones/iPads from Kogan seem to have a shorter warranty period (when you check the warranty status on Apple site).
Kogan have found an area where not many Hong Kong online shops are doing - selling high end smart phones / tablets overseas.
I bought this from Kogan a few weeks ago. Great service, can't complain.
wait. do you really want a note first? or you want a better phone? galaxy s 3 is coming out next month. but 508 is a good price.
Note has bigger screen and a stylus. Also Galaxy S3 is being announced next month, probably won't be available until 3rd quarter according to some sites, and will be expensive at launch. Things to weigh up.
agree, note is better than gs3 in my opinion, i love the s-pen function so much which gs3 will not have it. and the bigger screen is so good for gaming and youtube.
may not be better thahn the note 2
Just bought one last week (for $519 + $20 shipping, it always happens), but I'm very happy with their service.
My LG phone pooped it self, so I ordered on Tuesday night, arrived Friday Lunch from Hong Kong. I can't complain about that.
was it factory sealed?
Yep all the Factory seals were in place, it was well wrapped in bubble wrap so the box was mint (I have OCD when it come to boxes) and it even came with an AU charger (wrapped separately). It was shipped in a Fedex shipping bag.
OMG, didn't know about Kogan's dodgy practices done in their past deals !
Thanks CuteBirdy for sharing your experience !
I didn't know it either, was about to order the Samsung Note. Thanks Cutybird, you're a cutety. :-)
The "claim free TV" scam story from CutyBird ensure me to stay away from Kogan. They may be cheap but using dirty tactic, change the price to $1 cheaper while put user on hold to avoid giving away a free TV as promised is not on.
bye bye Kogan.
i would like to purchase from kogan but they don't have white so i bought it at dwi today. they said it will ship today or tomorrow latest and the box will be sealed so i will see how it goes
Wake up Kogan! Where is your White version?
totaly agree
So this one here says it has an extra year of warranty for an additional $20 or so:…Would the Kogan version also have 24 months of Manufacturer warranty in that case? The one above also comes with screen protector & car charger, not that they're worth a huge amount…
Galaxy Note joint the game in Aus just a tad too late in my opinion. If it became available in Aus straight after its global releases, I would have got it already. (yes, I know I can get it from various online store/eBay, but I prefer Aus stock with aus warranty).
But with all these new chip (e.g Tegra 3 or Samsung's new quad core chip) in the market, I just wait for the next successor. I think this new Gen chips are significant enough to justify the wait (and yes, I got your "if you wait, you might as well not buy anything, I'm with you on this one most of the time). However, I "personally" consider quad-core a "minimum spec" to run Android OS flawlessly as of today and "slightly" future software-update-proof, hence the wait. At the end of the day, Android is a one for all OS (in other word, lack of device-specific fine tune), sheer chip "POWER" still plays a huge part.
For those people who just want to have a good device, by all mean, this is still one top notch device and last long. But for me, since I've missed the first release, I might just wait for the next gen release…hopefully this time they will release in Aus much early though..
The release had been slowed for the past models. So it would be the same again for the next model to be released in AU. There is no good time to wait as you said.
HOPEFULLY, this Galaxy note still get a good sales, so Samsung are willing to bring them in on time like other hot cake (e.g. HTC one X) in the future release…
Broken seal or what?
Kogan items are grey market in most cases. You pay for grey market at cheap prices and get to enjoy a decent resale value even after a year and buy the later model. At $500 I think it's a steal :) Wish I could upgrade from my stupid white iphone 4.
I've bought two items from Kogan: A Samsung Galaxy S2 (a year ago) and a galaxy Note (a month ago) both times I got my item extremely quick, in perfect conditions and I had no reason to complain at all. In every case, it was the cheapest price for those items by far.
As for the Galaxy Note, I'm absolutely ecstatic about it. I'm even glad of having paid $19 more than this just because I've been able to enjoy it for the past month. Totally recommended.
I just received mine from Kogan today, the most amazing phone I have used and this is coming from a Desire HD
Perfect condition, still factory sealed in the box, Australian charger came separately.
Looks like they listened to customers and stopping putting the Australian charger inside the box.
Also in my situation there isn't going to be a better phone then the Note for a very long time, simply because the screen size and stylus make it an amazing phone, anything smaller would be too small.
I am torn between Note & Nexus….Personally i prefer Nexus screen size as i think Note is too big but i am not too fussed about that. Which one do you guys thinks is better performance wise?
The Note FTW.
Note ++++
note is much better but if you think its too big then nexus is not a bad choice but soon the galaxy s iii will kill the nexus, so i suggest you choose between the note and the gs iii.
Definitely the Note for most of us. It is going to be all times favourite.
I bought an iPad 2 off Kogan with no drama at all. I would deal with them again on grey market items. Having said that I doubt I'd buy any of their own branded product or any no name brand TV's etc from anybody for that matter.
I have never purchased a Kogan product, however I like the fact I can buy grey 'HK priced' import stuff from a larger company with some kind of Australian based warranty.
I purchased this product from Kogan only a month ago and it was delivered so I'm happy although slightly more expensive.
It comes with cheap price without s warranty. So should b ok.
ordered today…see how it goes….
I finally gave in. I've been sick of my iPhone 4 - home button works 50% of the time, so multitasking doesn't really happen - mail app crashes every time I open it - music is completely broken, album art mixed up and some artists don't even play.
I was going to try to restore the phone, but got "iPhone disconnected" errors whenever it started the restore process.
Bring on Android!
Just to let you know - Bought the Note last night through Kogan and looks like there is no shipping being calculated into the sale (Save $29). This might be a glitch in the new website/system (hence why I didnt put it up as a new deal) - so take advantage of it whilst you can.
But it's Kogan, all you have to do is do a search on Kogan and all sorts of dodgy practices come up.