Excellent price on this triple fan RX 6600 video card and even cheaper than the Scorptec deal posted yesterday.
There's also the Gigabyte RTX 3050 Gaming OC 8GB video card on sale for $499.50, as well a 6600 XT OC and 6800 XT OC on sale listed below.
Discount applied at checkout, free delivery and 1% payment surcharge with select payment methods.
Now wheres all those that told us and negged us saying 'holding is useless', 'cards will not be at rrp until years later', 'thats how the market works just pay up' huh? Who wanna bet they are either scalpers and/or miners hoping to get rid of their stocks?
Cards are going down in price by each day. This is excellent news, maybe it wont be back to how it was years ago, but at least cards are looking more affordable and DIY pc building will not cost you a kidney and half anymore