Looking to buy affordable and quality WPI, Micellar Casein and a Mass Gainer to put on a abit of weight. I've been looking at VPA, Amino Z, Blackbelt, INC Sport and Musashi (I've used Bulk Nutrients in the pass but as much as I liked it it gave me digestive problems). Which ones the best, or is there better companies out there.
Best Protein Powder in Australia?

BullMilk 100% Whey, the 'morning fresh' has good reviews.
let me know what you think!bulk nutrients anything
Gold Standard
VPA is my go-to, occasionally had Bulk Nutrients which is similar. Although these are cheaper, the taste is pretty average.
Bulk Nutrients or AminoOz WPI. True Protein is also very good quality but also very expensive. Almost double the price for WPI and I can't figure out why. I mean there can;t be 'that' much difference in the product can there?
AminoZ WPI is what I use. Stock up when there's a deal!
Any ideas when the next deal is?
No idea, subscribe to their store and you'll be alerted next time
Amino Z ice coffee flavour is pretty much the only palatable one for me.
I prefer the chocolate. :)
Have tried both.
Don't think I've tried it. Banana is decent too.
Their Choc flavours are pretty low in protein in comparison, and their serve size changes from flavour to flavour.
Their choc serve size is 33g which is 3 less serves in a 1kg pack compared to others.
I think they do that so their per serve protein looks better than it really is.
Says to me they use more cocoa than others so whether or not you're getting better value depends on how much more you appreciate flavour over nutrition.
Bulk Nutrients is great. Optimum nutrition is also good
Creatine will make you put on weight.
Then don't take it.
OP wants to put on weight
Only through extra water retention though.
Maybe want to try plant based ones since whey protein seems to give you digestive problems
Protein Supplies Australia any day of the week
$69 for 1 KG of WPI?
The VPA and Bulk Supplements items I looked at contained sucralose which is non-digestible (hence 0 sugar), but also leads to leaky gut and digestive issues.
bulk nutrients is best value for money and provides plenty of info without the 'pixie dust' of proprietary blends on top.
Suspect the digestive issues will be the same regardless of brand and will come down to the type of protein and your tolerance.
I would go WPC for best bang for buck as you aren't worried about extra calories if you are also taking weight gain shakes. On them, real food is better health choice than mass gainers, but if you have trouble getting the calories from meals then go ahead.
If you are just starting out I wouldn't bother with Casein. Yeah it's slower absorbing but you'll pay a premium for it. Keep it simple, hit your macros, train appropriately (frequency and intensity) and be consistent.