[Unobtainable, NSW] Free Weekend Travel and Half Price Peak on Sydney Trains for All of March

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Reported on various news pages as an apology for rail shutdown

Screenshot confirming details included


The transport minister David Elliott has denied reports Sydney commuters will be given half-price tickets as compensation for last week’s travel chaos, according to 28 February interviews and news reports.

This deal is currently unconfirmed as we don't have an official statement from Transport NSW (expected today).
It may be moved to the forums or unpublished as unobtainable if the announcement of the deal deviates greatly from what is written on the news articles.

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Transport for NSW
Transport for NSW


  • +11

    When do they plan to revert to precovid fares?

  • +2

    Including the airport?

    • +1

      mmmm, a good question indeed.

  • +4

    its ridiculous, theyve been ripping us off for the past 2 years but somehow arent prepared for the recent sydney rains and have to close down tracks and lines. Where is all the money going to then? if they cant even do minor improvement?

  • +42

    What strikes? The gov shut the trains down.

  • +17

    This is editorialising by OP - these weren't strikes (and the screenshot, from news.com.au no less, makes it clear that this was government action)!

  • +2

    Just in time for a weekend trip to newcastle and wollongong

    • Do those count as Sydney trains?

      • NSW Trainlink services were also not operating.

    • +2

      I havent been to kiama in a while. Maybe worth a visit again.

    • Haven't taken a good sniff of V set brake dust in a while.

  • +4

    Taxpayers paying for a government blunder. Maybe spend that money on improving wages and working conditions for transport staff instead…just an idea Diminic Parrotet.

    • Too many of them, not enough money. This will cost less

  • +11

    The trains didnt stop because of strikes

    • Does it matter for the deal? Free / half price trains!

      • +1

        Exactly. Why does it matter? If they want to get hung up on something. Get hung up on is who is really paying ultimately for these free/half fares.

    • +10

      There were no strikes.

  • +4

    it is not a strike, the description is not accurate

  • +1

    It would be interesting to know which party is covering the costs associated with this free travel.
    If it is the NSW Government, I assume that comes out of taxpayer money?

  • +1

    Illogical. If train workers are asking for more money, how can the govt afford to give you out free rides. Only one solution, more or higher taxes on everyone in the coming years.

  • Anyone know when it actually starts?

  • +1

    The Metro service between Tallawong and Chatswood has been operating flawlessly. Back to 4 minute intervals too as of last Monday. Great to see that the politicians and unions are not in the driving seat. Kudos to either the Windows or Unix train drivers for getting us from A to B and back again.

    • Assuming the metro line will also be half price/free?

    • Yeah I'm not exactly for privatisation of things like rail lines but I gotta admit the metro is absolutely fantastic and when the alternative is it being run by a dysfunctional government it's really an easy choice

  • +4

    Pathetic "Sydney Trains". I loved their previous name "City Rail" so I can pronounce it "Shitty Rail". Their service, timetable and pathetic high charges justify it. In the morning when I catch a train it runs on Sunday timetable but they still charge me "Peak Hours"…..CHEATERS!!

    • You might be interested to know that Sydney Trains doesn’t set or collect fares. They just run the trains. This government set up another bureaucracy called transport for nsw to set and collect fares.

      Sydney trains doesn’t even do timetables. Yep tfnsw again.

      • Someone doesn’t like facts lol

  • -6

    They are making so much and still demand more:


    Don't forget this all originated from the industrial action from union and there were industrial action planned that day. For the Monday incident, I call both party are responsible. On a macro base union and drivers are holding Sydney commuter at ransom, basically thugs!

    I can see we have the same bunch of local 5c on the RBTU Facebook so feel free to twist the reality to suite your argument and bully your way to those against RBTU!!

    edited: wow I expect this to be nag to death in the first 5 minute! Well done to myself😂😂

    • So 5 nag so far. just because I don't support train drivers 🤔 🤔 🤔

      RBTU 5c is really loving OZB, its even less effort than facebook trolling as you can kind of shut someone up without having to type a word!! Jut get people Neg Neg Neg.

      Just wonder those neged, that is because?

      • No, because your opinion is self absorbed. What do you want to achieve, push wages down?

        They’ve convinced you to complain about other workers pay instead of complaining about your employers crap pay.

        We should be fighting to bring everyone up, not amongst ourselves for the scraps.

  • Ummm I'd much rather spend $1 more and not have a train every 30 mins.

    It's not a strike, it's the government having another dummy spit

  • Does this include trains to Newcastle/Wollongong?

  • Not a strike OP. NSW Government threw a dummy spit and shut Sydney down and is now using your money to placate you. Pathetic

  • still no official announcement from transport for NSW - so assuming its not happening this weekend

  • +1

    The lack of announcement from Minister of Transport regarding this makes me think if this is just some kind of “virtue signalling” just to make people think that the government is trying their hardest.

    Too little too late, methinks.

  • -1

    Anyone catch a train today. Free travel or not?

  • +1

    Update: NSW Transport Minister denies reports of free train tickets
    Source: https://www.2gb.com/nsw-transport-minister-denies-reports-of…

    • +1

      lol the half price fares would have encouraged people to come into the city and revive it

      guess i'll continue to wfh

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