Elden Ring Coming out Tomorrow. Build New PC Now or Wait a Lil Longer?

With elden ring coming out tomorrow and the specs it requires..
There is no way my 2014 built desktop could run it (GTX970 GPU).
I've been thinking of the most economic way to be able to play it
Not really keen on getting the PS5 as I try to stick with PC

so the question is
Is it a good time to build a new PC now
I've pretty much picked all parts needed for a mid-range desktop on pcpartsbuilder
comes just under 2k without monitor, accessories and OS

then I was saw some of the GPU posts that have been put up on here and people mentioning about price dropping daily as well as new gen of GPU coming out soon..

of course i'd like to have my desktop a bit future proof (last me 6 or 7 years at least)
so should I wait for the unkown while other start playing elding ring or getting a new PC built now?

Poll Options

  • 5
    Do it now
  • 17
    Wait for better valued parts become available


  • +1

    GPU prices aren't going to drop, best time to build was yesterday. If you're super keen on Elden ring and got the $$ then build the PC.

    • It will according to the news, OP just wait for 2 more weeks and see.

  • There is no good or bad time to build a PC. The market is what the market is. Do whatever you want based on desire, need and budget.

    No good GPUs being 50% off in 2 years time, if you're sitting without one for 2 years…

  • -3

    5 years from now no one will like the 3080/3090 so the price will drop significantly or more likely free.

  • +1

    I would build now.

    Sure you might be paying more on the GPU, but all the other parts have come down a huge amount in recent years so you save on them.

  • +1

    What are your current PC specs? Those minimum specs for Elden Ring are over exaggerated and people have been getting by fine on lower specs. Remember that this game is also releasing on PS4 which came out in 2013, so having an older PC won't necessarily rule you out of running it. A GTX 970 isn't that far behind the RX 580 or 1060 so I think you'll be fine. If you haven't got enough RAM, it'll be much cheaper to just buy some more rather than a completely new build.

    Give it a few days and I'm sure you'll have plenty of reports of people running it on older hardware like GTX 970s and older CPUs. I'm going to be buying it even though I've only got an i7-3770 which is below minimum specs.

    • Hi there, I've got a i5-4690K @3.50GHz, 16G of DDR3 1600MHz RAM, Z97 MOBO, and a GTX 970 4G GPU. Should I bother giving it a go first?

      • A lot of people are having serious stuttering issues with the game at the moment, regardless of how powerful their computer is. I'd hold off until From Software fix things up as unfortunately the Day 1 patch hasn't helped.

  • +1

    Your dreamin for any PC to be relevant in 6 or 7 years without major upgrades.

    • A GTX 1080 and Skylake CPU are still plenty relevant for gaming today and are from 6 years ago. I'm on an RX580 which is slower than a 1080 and i7-3770 which is from 2012 and it is fine for 1080p gaming at 60FPS. Granted I can't crank everything to maximum settings but that hardly makes it irrelevant.

  • From all the reviews I’ve read it runs like a pig on pc.
    It actually runs better on console apparently.

    • The 1.02 patch has just been released that is supposed to fix the stuttering. I'm hoping it does because I hate playing stuttering games and a PC is all I've got.

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