It's been a few years and I'm looking to replace my sheet sets (fitted sheet, flat sheet, pillowcase). I'm looking for something that are decent quality; doesn't have to be luxurious but just good value for money. Any deals for double bed sheets that you'd recommend?
Good Value Bed Sheet Sets (Double, $60-$100 Budget)?

You can try Muji, although they dont sell sheets I think (sell fitted sheets and pillow cases). So you will need a sheet from somewhere else. Should just be within the budget
Target/Kmart are fine, Aldi as said are good value if you can wait until they are being sold (who knows when).
Myer currently (and fairly regularly) have a big sale on bedding, up to 40% off. Heritage 400TC is probably good enough for you…
On the advice of my allergist, I put my sheets in a tumble dryer. She says that sheets are huge pollen catchers if line dried outdoors.
I find that the sheets come out of the drier extremely wrinkled.
Does anyone know if that is normal or does it have anything to do with the thread count and quality of the sheets?
By the way, I have a heat pump drier.Kmart are good quality and value
Marbrett , purchase online who are based in Perth .
Excellent business , great prices & quality.Found your comment when searching on this topic. Bought these and they're awesome. Nice recommendation!
Keep an eye on the Aldi Special Buys - they regularly run deals on 600TC cotton sets that will fit your budget; are nice to sleep under; and are good quality.
Their 1000TC sets are brilliant for the price, but a bit over your budget.
If you're not that fussed, then Kmart's cotton sheet sets are okay bang for buck.