im out looking for a decent camera when i stumbled upon this…
$605 delivered (after $10 discount coupon) my question is that is this a good deal or should i move on?
im out looking for a decent camera when i stumbled upon this…
$605 delivered (after $10 discount coupon) my question is that is this a good deal or should i move on?
Also, the mob you linked are charging $80-100 for shipping.
Latest page of the whirlpool thread on buying the 60D cheap.…
EDIT - Apologies, that is the 60D, not the 600D, i have not had enough coffee
But still somewhat relevant, like you i wanted the 600D, but my gut is really pushing me to find the extra for this one,
I'm curious if anyone has dealt with these guys before…
Kogan has body only for $600 afaik, so this would be 'better', dont know about warranty though.