What to do when item -not- received from Hong Kong based vendor (paid via PayPal; non-eBay)

So, after quite a few perfectly -fine- transactions with RadioGearPro.com (most via eBay, but some direct - using PayPal, of course), we ordered a $400 item, which NEVER ARRIVED.

HK Post tracks it -until- it "Arrived AUSTRALIA" & that's all we know.

Ie, Australia Post claims they don't have it, & it's been well over 4 months, now.

The vendor has reported the loss to HK Post, but - so far - all I've received is a Letter (from AU Post) asking me to Confirm my loss, but to non-delivery.

So, AU Post has until ~4 May 2012 to reply to HK Post's loss report…

How to maximize the chances that I'll - sooner rather than later - receive my item -or- my payment, in full, back???

Can PayPal help? Is the full extent of my loss likely to be covered? etc.



  • "it's been well over 4 months, now."
    Contact PayPal ASAP
    they might not help that much though as Im pretty sure PayPal Only cover for 90 days

    • I've been negotiating with Seller for months, I wonder it evidence of our eMail negotiation would be useful, to PayPal, so they can assist…?

      • I'd give it a try, Sneakydean is right, contact PP ASAP!!! Was it insured?

        Get AP to do a full investigation for you too, in the old days they had a stat dec form, I'm not sure how they do it now?

        TBH, I find AP to be pretty good nowadays, I haven't had anything really go missing in literally decades. That said, the word 'genius' is not on either the essential or desirable selection criteria for AP employees, so it could be sitting on a shelf somewhere coz some fool was late for lunch or had to run to the dunny or something when it arrived & they just shoved it somewhere, then forgot about it! :p

        • AP good nowadays?? I had mail on "hold" for 2 weeks and on return it was nowhere to be found. No one at AP could give a hoot. A claim lodged received a reply… we are looking into your problem with "redirection" not "hold"… yawn! That was the last I heard.

          Always contact PP on any delivery that is nearing their 90 day limit regardless of the situation. Still do it now anyway.

          A $400 item with no signature on delivery used by seller or the likes?? Odd indeed.

        • AP good nowadays??

          Yep I stand by that, but remember I'm speaking in the context of parcel post reliability as per the topic of this thread. I've found the eParcel service to be excellent TBH; even if the contractors might occasionally knock on air & card you without spending more than 3 seconds waiting! :p

          That said, the same may not necessarily hold for other AP services like redirections or holds as with your example. Hence my jibe about the staff not necessarily being rocket surgeons! ;)

    • Paypal will NOT assist you, because you must lodge a dispute within 45 days of payment.

  • OP, is there
    any update
    on t'is?

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