• expired
  • targeted

$20 off $35+ Orders (10 Uses) @ UberEATS App


Just had this offer pop up when I clicked on the UberEATS app. Its targeted I believe so just check the app to see if you've been selected.

*Available on Delivery and pickup orders, excludes delivery and service fee where applicable.

Referral Links

Referral: random (1452)

$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.

Related Stores

Uber Eats
Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • +3

    I appear to have 10 $15 off $30 in my promotions page. Clicked “get this offer” or whatever on the first one, now it’s showing 10 of them, all expiring 20th March

    • Same

    • Same

  • +3

    Wow I actually got it - thanks. Probably because I haven't used it for a year, was too expensive, switched to Menulog's delivered by restaurant discounts

  • +9

    Got 10 - 50% off (min spend $25, max discount $20)

  • Seems to be targeted with different promotions. From my account 'For 10 orders, Enjoy 50% off (up to $20), $25 minimum order'. Expires 20th March.

  • +2

    Got it, thanks for the heads up. I use UberEats every now and then when I've left dinner too late or they've got these kinds of deals on, so they're not just targeting inactive accounts. Probably random

  • Nothing at all here

  • -1

    Nothing here

  • +5

    Got nothing, thanks UberEats!

  • +1

    I'd like to know if they give these promotions to regular users or to temp irregular users back.

    I only ever use delivery services when there's a bargain to be had, so rarely get these type of offers.

  • where do you look for in the app exactly?

    • +1

      It should pop within a few seconds of opening the app, if it doesn't then I guess it's not your lucky day.

    • +1

      Mine didn't pop up, went to the promotions menu and there was a "claim voucher" button for 10x $20 off $35, so definitely go check manually!

  • -2

    sweet. Got $30 off $30 minimum order.

  • I got $10 off grocery, excluding Woolworths Metro. That's the only store I'd use it on..

  • Nothing here

  • Nothing doing for the wife and I. I’d like to say it’s water off a duck’s back, but would be nice to get targeted at least once!

  • Got it !!

  • +2

    Thanks for sharing!
    Got $15 off $30 spend x10 vouchers

    Combined with share tea buy one get one free..
    Got 4 drinks for $15 lol 😅

  • Got 50% off next 10 orders capped at $20. Probably caus I haven't used uber eats in about a year 🤣

  • +1

    Amazing! Nothing again

  • Mine is only $15 off $30 spend

  • +4

    I got a deal like this last year. Something insane like 10× $20 off $30 spend. I ate like a king and never used the app again

  • Zilch.

  • +1

    Nice, got $15 off $30 of food

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Got the same deal on my other account that I haven't used for 5 months.

  • Got 50% off (up to $20, $25 minimum order) x 10

  • +3

    $15 off a $20 grocery order. No thanks lol

  • +1

    15 off 30 here * 10

  • Nothing here on either of our accounts. Typical.

  • +1

    I got the offer my Asian friend! Just before my Melbourne trip so I can eat like a fat bastardo

  • +1


  • 50% off x10 on my secondary account where the last order was in March 2021

  • I only use the desktop version. Do offes only come in the app?

  • +1

    It would be great if there was some option when posting a targeted deal to have a simple yes/no poll asking "were you eligible?"

  • Of the 3 uber eats promo they just put out is this the best one being offered? Someone do the math

  • +2

    Has anyone else noticed that uber eats promotions are not of any value?
    For instance, I have a $30 voucher from uber eats. If I buy 3 dominoes pizzas, it costs $15.
    If I use the uber eats voucher, which is $30 "value", it's not even enough to buy 2 pizzas.
    So the value is less than $10.
    Sure, it's delivered (hopefully without the driver eating some), but the delivery hit is over 50%.
    For that reason, I'm out.

    • +1

      Unfortunately dominos is the most overpriced store you can find on ubereats and therefore a bad example haha, many stores are close to or the same as their menu price instead of being double+!

  • +1

    Try creating two accounts with different email address and mobile number. Use only one account at a time. I did not get promo in my secondary account this time but got one inmy primary. It was the opposite the last time.

    I only do pick up from restaurants so I don’t pay delivery and service fees and round up order to the minimum spend.

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