28 Degrees Card Price Protection - on Vehicles / Jet Ski?

I have the 28 Degrees card with price protection.

I'm struggling to find their actual terms and conditions. Does anyone know if you can use this on more expensive items like a vehicle or jet ski if you would rather pay in cash? I signed up for a $14k new Jet Ski yesterday with subject to finance as I was going to get a 2-5 year loan. But today I thought, maybe I should just buy it outright and hopefully see it cheaper in the next 12 months.

Does anyone know if you can get these type of items with the price protection?

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28 Degrees Card
28 Degrees Card


  • https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/402414

    might of changed a bit since. but all i did was type in 28 degrees price protection limit.

  • +2
    • Awesome this is what I was trying to find.

  • +2

    If you can afford to pay it with cash / credit card (assuming you can pay it back without interest), why would you consider getting it financed?

    According to the PDS, the maximum benefit they will pay is $1000.

    • why would you consider getting it financed?

      Appreciating asset makes interest tax deductible?

      Or got all their money sucked into crypto.

      • "Appreciating asset makes interest tax deductible?"

        Hang on.. is this an actual thing? lol

  • +1

    5 year loan on 14k jetski.

    I’d of thought being a lawyer would pay better 🤷🏽‍♂️

    • Unfortunately I had some problems with a previous client and I'm not practicing at the moment.

      • You Better Call Saul

  • Buy it on CC, bank the FF points, churn the balance over to a introductory interest free period card every time you need to.

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