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Wacaco Portable Espresso Machine Sale: Nanopresso Grey w/Case $69, Barista Kit $29, + $9.95 Shipping @ AlternativeBrewing


Good deal on this portable espresso machine particularly if you combine with accessories on sale to save on shipping. Add hot water and start pumping for espresso at camp, in the car/van without electricity, or at home. Just took delivery of mine (quick shipping - 3 biz days) and also bought the Barista Kit for double espresso and bigger coffees. Plenty of crema, and this is going in my bag whenever I travel.

Wacaco sale: https://alternativebrewing.com.au/collections/sale?gf_356499…

Other accessories include the adapter for Nespresso capsules ($24.90).

Minipresso is also on sale ($47.90 for capsules, $49.90 for ground coffee, + $9.95 shipping).

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  • Looking at that thumbnail link, it looks like Wacaco are gonna have some serious copyright issues with AeroPress!

    • Yeah. I linked to the Wacoco sale, but it shows the overall sale pic, and can't change it to the Nanopress. See what I can do. There we go.

  • BTW, what are people's opinions on the portable gear that produces the best quality coff?

    1. AeroPress
    2. Moka pot
    3. Minipresso
    4. Bellman's
    • +1

      Aeropress is the winner for me, comfortably better than French press and Moka pot for me personally. Haven’t tried the minipresso.

      • What's the difference in your experience between Aeropress and Moka?

      • +1

        Aeropress here to.
        Love it

    • +1

      I've been using a French press for years when I travel but it's just not espresso, so I bought the Nanopress. Looking good so far. Moka pot is usually too strong and bitter for my taste.

      • How close you reckon Nanopresso is to an espresso?

        • +1

          It IS an espresso, just a manual machine. It takes quite a few pumps and it's not as convenient as my home machine, of course, not quite as much crema either, but like any machine it takes a while to get the formula just right. The results are impressive first up though.

    • +2

      I've had the Minipresso and now using Nanopresso with barista kit.

      I'd say Nanopresso is noticeably better (and closer to a coffee machine) than Minipresso. Nanopress is 18 bars of pressure vs. 8 bars for Minipresso and this makes a big difference.

      Overall I'm a happy customer and will happily keep using this instead of buying a coffee machine (cheaper, portable, doesn't require electricity).

    • +3

      Hi Muwu, have both.
      1. AeroPress - similar texture and taste to filter coffee. If you enjoy watery / pour-overs this is for you
      2 Nanopresso - similar texture to my Breville Barista Express Pro. That's because you're pushing 22 psi through the grounds. I enjoy espresso shots more than filtered coffee, hence Nanopresso hands down for me (need the doubleshot Barista kit).

      Paid RRP and think it's worth it. Combine with a Hario Ceramic Coffee Mill Skerton (3-notches down from full wind) for a perfect match with the Nanopresso.

      • Nice set-up!

        I've got the same espresso machine at home.

        I've just bought my first set of portable gear. After focusing on Aeropress (probably due to popularity), I opted for Bialetti gear. I got a 6-cup Moka pot, and the Tuttocrema. Along with a Rhino (ceramic) manual grinder.

        My thinking was I wanted something for volume - the 6-cup can go around for a few people, the Rhino does 42g grinds, and the Tuttocrema makes for a lot of frothed milk. The second thought was that some people rave about the Moka (and I think it's a clever device), so thought I might rotate it along with espresso at home (though I'd need a smaller 2 or 3-cup pot). From reading, it's looks like there's a few tricks with the Moka to improve the product, to make something strong and less bitter (and avoid burning).

        I've only tried a couple of runs. My first few were poor, but it made a couple of great coffees on the weekend with a friend. The coffee is very good, and I think getting the Tuttocrema to really froth up the milk helps mimic the silky texture I'm use to from a machine steam wand.

        Interested in the picopresso now… 🤔

      • Weird that you say the aeropress is watery.
        Never experienced that myself.

    • +7

      Depends entirely on what results you are after.

      If you want actual espresso, only the Minipresso (from that group) will give you that. (Although, the Minipresso is pressurized, and I'm not sure whether it can be used un-pressurized. The Nanopresso, the one in this deal, is also pressurized, but the spring can be removed to use it unpressurized. The Picopresso, which is by far the best version if you have a decent grinder, is unpressurized.)

      A moka pot (especially one like a Brikka) or the Bellman would probably give you results next closest to espresso. (But NOT espresso.)

      But if you just want strong black coffee (NOT espresso), Aeropresso is hard to beat, with its simplicity and portability. It won't give you espresso - so if you want espresso, look elsewhere. But if you just want coffee, it's probably the option I would recommend.

      But if you want proper espresso I would get none of the above, tbh.

      I would consider these:
      -Flair Classic/Signature/Pro 2 (somewhat portable, but will give you legitimately great espresso paired with a good grinder.
      -Cafelat Robot (less portable than the Flairs, but doesnt require preheating)
      -Picopresso (a bit more finicky than the others, and might be a bit more limited than the others, but if portability is the priority, this is the best option).
      -9Barista - the moka pot upgraded - actually makes real espresso. and bloody well, apparently. extremely expensive.
      -Uniterra Nomad (quirky option)
      -other options: Portaspresso Rossa, Espresso Forge, Mypressi Twist (if you can find one - discontinued), Aram, Kazak Rota, etc

      If you can't afford one of those:
      -Flair Neo (pressurized, but upgradable, version of the above, for if you dont have a good grinder)
      -Nanopresso (results wont be as good as the Picopresso and others, tbh, but it's a fair trade-off for portability and cost, especially if you add the Barista Kit and NS Adapter, which gives you a lot of flexibility for travel, eg. using pods as a fallback. And not requiring a good grinder like the Picopresso. It will give you "OK" results.)
      -Bialetti Brikka (if you have to go a cheap moka pot, this is what I would get. Hoffman didn't like it, but I don't think he used it properly - sorry JH!)
      -Aeropress (as I said above, if you are happy to forget about espresso and just want black coffee - this will give you the best value for money).

      But "best quality": I think this is too subjective, but in general I would think it would be either: one of the Flairs, Robot or 9Barista.

      • +1

        Amazing write-up 👏 Thank-you 🙇🏼‍♂️

        • I spend far too much of my life reading about coffee gear, so I may as well share my thoughts to make the time spent worthwhile! 🤣

          FWIW, I own a Flair Signature, Nanopresso (with NS Adapter and Barista Kit), Bialetti Brikka, Aeropress. Have an Odyssey Espresso Argos on pre-order (not a portable unit). Nanopresso will probably be replaced with Picopresso at some stage. Brikka will probably be replaced with 9Barista at some stage.

          Btw, I forgot to mention Delter Press, which is an alternative to Aeropress. Consider the Delter if you prefer cleaner pour-over style coffee (not my cup of tea).

          • @caprimulgus:

            (not my cup of tea)

            Or your cup of coffee 😏

          • @caprimulgus: thoughts on ground coffee vs pods in the nanopresso?
            Ive heard its hard to get the grind right.

            • +3

              @mouseman99: For me, freshly ground coffee will always beat pods, if it's a viable option. I'd rather faff around a few times getting the grind right, and having a better result in the end! But, that's not always an option, so pods definitely have their advantages for convenience. YMMV

              If you mean pre-ground vs pods - I'm not sure (I never buy pre-ground!). My guess is it would be much of a muchness. If it's pre-ground from a specialty roaster, it might be better in the short term (while it remains fresh). After a while, it's probably up in the air whether the fresh coffee exposed to the elements and time is better than older coffee that has been vacuum sealed in a pod. Both will be less than ideal, but I've never done a comparison between the two.

              Supermarket pre-ground vs pod - I'd probably just use pods, tbh! Both will be old, so you may as well have the convenience of pods (sorry environment!).

              FWIW, I mostly used pods with my Nanopresso whilst travelling (not for a long time!) - because I was mostly making coffee for my wife (who usually drinks pods anyway!), and it was just more conducive for me sleeping in! Although, it depended on what kind of travelling we were doing: on the move international travel, trying to make the most of the time we had there (pods) vs relaxing weekend away chilling in an airbnb (hand grinder). The few times I have used the Nanopresso at home, I would always use freshly ground coffee (having the benefit of time and a better grinder at home).

              Sorry, I hope that long-winded answer is somewhat helpful! :)

      • +1

        Nice one in sharing your thoughts and research.

        I own a Flair Pro 2 and a Pico. I have the 1zpresso J-max as my grinder.

        I'm the only coffee drinker at home, and at the time of buying the Flair, if the pico was released I would have bought it instead due to it being a fraction of the price.

        That said, my daily is the Flair, however I was trying to dial in the Ethiopia Sidamo beans that was a deal a few weeks ago and kept failing. Mind you the Flair has ~45.5mm narrow basket size and accessories are few and expensive. Also as a result, your variables to extract really differ due to the generic metrics measured on the more industry standard of 58mm.
        Back to my story…..so I decided to try the pico (and i'm not sure if the beans being omni-roasted has anything to do with it), but the first shot was already much better than the Flair.

        Long story short, flair is great, but so is the Pico. If you dont want to put too much in the manual espresso game, the pico is hands down the best entry level. You overcome the finicky bits very quickly. It's just getting more efficient at the workflow.

        Btw, i make two espresso's a day and if i was to go to the office more regularly this year, I'd leave the pico at work.

        Happy to share more if interested :)

        • +1

          Yeah, I dont think any one machine is "better" than another. There are far too many factors, as you mentioned, and as you've demonstrated, you might prefer one bean using one machine, and another bean using another machine! Same goes for grinders.

          I would say overall, I think Flair would probably have the upper hand, and in general easier to adjust on the fly - and hence why you probably use the Flair as your daily driver. But that is not to say it will always produce better results, as you've shown! :)

          But yeah, Picopresso definitely seems like a capable unit!

    • +1

      Aeropress is bleh. The only reason it's so popular is that it gets pushed by people who live in a country that drink filter coffee. It's a french press.

      Nanopress is significantly better than the Minipresso, but it can be annoying to make (esp first thing inthe morning!). That goes for basically all manual espresso pumps, though.

      Bellmans and Mokas can produce great results but are a hassle.

    • I've got a Uniterra Nomad. It makes incredible espresso. We actually use it as our home machine. It seems expensive, and is completely manual, but produces better coffee than most home coffee machines under $2k.

  • If you're going to brew with ground coffee (not capsules), I suggest going the Picopresso and skip the nanopresso/minipresso.

    The newer updated design is just so much better.

      • Yeap

    • Also more than twice the price.

      • +1

        It's worth it. You can wait for when sales come up.

    • +1 - I have the Nanopresso with barista kit, Aeropress and now Picopresso. Love the Pico by far - easier cleanup, smaller and works well with the Porlex hand grinder. Love the Aeropress for more of a filter coffee, but anyone want to buy my Nano?!

  • +2

    Nanopresso worked liked a charm each time, as long as you clean up after every few shots or so. Never travel without it. I prefer matching it with the NS adapter, and pop a few capsules into my luggage when I travel. That was pre-pandemic of course, since the 3-day business travel days are over.

    Minipresso too weak. Never tried the Picopresso though.

  • +2

    I have been using my Nanopresso (capsule variant) daily lately, since my Breville 870 is in need of a service. Such a neat little gadget, doesn't take much time or effort to get a shot out and the results are pretty damn good (for capsule coffee)

  • My 2c:

    If you have a good grinder, and want great espresso, get the Picopresso instead.

    If you don't have a good grinder / want the flexibility to use a cheap hand-grinder, pre-ground coffee or even pods, and aren't so much focussed on the quality of espresso (ie. "passable" quality will do), Nanopresso with NS Adapter and Barista Kit is not a bad travel kit! Flexibility to pack a couple of pods instead of beans and a hand grinder, or even purchase pods at your destination, is pretty handy!

  • Pitty SCA no longer sell the battery/ electric version of one of these. Got good reviews and could also heat the water up (unlike this where you still need some way of getting hot water).

    Guessing the battery longevity was poor? Anyone got one?

  • If you are going travelling for a couple of weeks and wanted to take the nanopresso and some ground coffee, would it be possible to pre-grind the coffee or would it be better to get a hand grinder? If the latter, any recommendations for one please?

  • These (w/o case) are on discount in my local ALDI store for $29, Doncaster East, VIC

    • Definitely Nanopresso, not Minipresso? $29 is a steal!

      • Ahhhh can’t remember…sorry

      • +1

        Was doing some shopping and checked, it’s wacaco minipresso ca (expressi capsules), sticker says discounted to 29.99 was 49.99, 7-8 units left.

        • +1

          Ah right…I figured it must be…

          Dammit, I would have potentially trekked out to Doncaster to grab one if it had been the Nano (spring can be removed in the Nano to make it unpressurized)!

          Cheers for reporting back!

          That Minipresso would still be pretty handy for anyone that already has an Aldi Expressi machine at home: would make for a convenient travel unit - just bring some pods! (Nanopresso has an NS Adapter for Nespresso pods, but AFAIK, doesnt have an Expressi adapter if you have an Aldi machine at home)

          • @caprimulgus: No worries mate.
            After posting the previous comment I found last one of nespresso system sitting in some random aisle for $23! Grabbed a bargain and made my day XD

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