This was posted 12 years 11 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Multifunctional Head Neck Stress Release Massager 99% Off, AU$0.015+Free Shipping -


Hey guys, is back with a surprise.

This time, we offer you a 99% Off discount coupon to thank all your support.

The coupon is valid only for this item and is limited for the first 300 users, each account can use the coupon code for only once.

Here are some reviews from our customers who already bought this product:

1.I've seem more expinsive of these, and this was afordable and great quality. It feels good on my head, if you want to try one buy it, its worth the low price!

2.Firstable my body massager showed that extraordinary tool to me. When she used it on my head, i felt very strange. Like the nervs was coming out from my brain. After that you feel very comfortable. In some people it makes very pleasant feelings. But at all it is very relaxing.

3.I bought this simply because I was curious about it.I tried once but was not too impressed and thought it was too flimsy and not strong enough. So just let it sit in my room without touching it for a long time.
One day I had a headache and decided to give the massager a try. To my surprise, it helped! I had tried everything all day but nothing could reduce the severity of my headache. At night I sat in my bed and used the massager every 5 minutes and my headache became less severe.
These days, I use it for a quick head massage before bedtime; it helps me sleep better. I am not sure if everyone will receive the same effects but for something this cheap it's definitely worth trying.

We also have this product with different colors:




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closed Comments

  • where do you enter the code ?

    • +1

      I hit the paypal button. enter my details, click continue and then the page with all the shipping options. It is down the bottom.

      • thanks, found it…

  • doesn't seem to work for me.

    • Hello, we have tested it, the coupon code works fine, please note that it is not valid for other colors listed in the description. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

  • works for me. ONLY the one from the top link. Discount code not valid for other "colours"

  • Grabbed one for 1c, nice. Thanks.

  • ta, worked fine for me.

  • Thanks, got two.

    • +12

      You got more than one head?

      • +5

        Tasmanian maybe ???

      • +4

        Yes that's the most logical reason. Not that I have family members that would like one as well.

        I can't believe I got negged for buying 2. It's 2 not 20.

    • +4

      you move it up and down your head and enjoy the waves of pleasure.

      • +10

        You could also use it as an egg whisk.

      • +7

        you move it up and down your head and enjoy the waves of pleasure.

        keep it clean please…

        • I'm not sure how pleasure is dirty.

  • +3

    didn't work for me with the top link (or any) - tells me that the code could not be applied due to the promotional items - or something like that?

    • +1

      same with me..

    • +1

      sorry for the problem that you have encountered, we will check the problem and solve it as soon as possible.

    • same

  • Drats….doesn't work for me..

  • Doesnt work for me either

  • +1

    Sorry, we have a bug here, and trying to solve it now, it will be ok within 10 minutes, we appreciate your understanding and your patience.

  • Doesn't work for me.

  • +1

    It should be OK now, please kindly try again.
    Sorry for any inconvenience.

  • Nice its working now. Thanks

  • Very cool, just got it with paypal for 1cent (:

  • Works now thank you.

  • The website is slow but how do they make any money from this? 1 cent and paypal fees lol

  • Cheers, OP! Just what I've been waiting for. I don't think the other colours are discounted, only the original one offered.

  • +6

    I love 1c things. Means I'm always getting parcels.

  • Worked for me. Make sure you enter the code after you've logged in to PayPal, when it takes you back to TinyDeal to confirm your order.

  • I go to pay but then it says my IP address does not match my location??? :S

  • code still works. thanks op!

  • +1

    How do I pay the half-cent exactly?

  • coupon works. Thanks for this, these things are awesome.

  • don't know what this is really for. Bought it anyway LOL

  • This is called the Orgasmatron, isnt it?

  • many thanks

  • I look forward to trying this out.

  • Lol, the reviews all sound like they were written by the same person. Someone who, strangely enough, has terrible English, a bit similar to the OP.

    • Our customers are from all over the world, so not all of them are from English speaking countries.
      Besides, even in English speaking countries, there are differences between Australian English, American English, British English and Indian English, aren't they?

    • +1

      Why do you care? It does what it says.

  • code expired?
    tried it on purple(gf want this color) and it show expired

    • +1

      Coupon code is only valid for the yellow one, sorry.

    • Only works on the original colour, yellow.

  • I didn't do anything with colours but mine just went through fine.

  • Don't choose red and purple ones. Just got 1 through.

  • works here.
    wow 1cent!

  • +2

    1cent, might as well be free good deal thanks
    mother day gift sorted

    • +2

      You were going to give your Mum something worth $1.50 at full price for Mother's Day??

      • +1

        i am going to give her a head massage with it. Surely she will appreciate it as it is the thought that count anyway.

    • +1

      Thats the ozbargain spirit!!

    • I'm glad it's 1c.
      If it was free, they would all be gone in 10 mins. Because they're 1c, I'm able to log in 6 hours late and still get the deal :)
      There's a world of difference between free and any cost!

  • Does the price update when you apply the coupon? Or is it just me that nothing appears to happen when you apply it :S

    • Seems to only work for the yellow coloured one.

  • +1

    Cool hope it arrives, hate how you have to apply the coupon after doing all the paypal crap though. Imagine going though the whole process only to find the coupon doesn't work

  • +1

    I've bought a few of these last time a deal came around and they're not great. The ball caps on the spindles tend to fall off, then you're left with a head scraper.

  • Got mine, coupon worked great, thanks!

  • Just bought. Coupon works fine! Thanks OP.

  • bought one, 1c, why not!

  • Bought one, coupon right at the bottom, Paypal doesn't complete transaction unexpectedly.
    See how long it lasts

  • +3

    I have no need for such a silly gadget but I sent one to my local Federal MP's office, hopefully he'll feel confused and insecure.

    • good luck with your money saving goals for 2012

  • +1

    For those who are having issues purchasing, you've got to create an account, and then click continue to checkout and then apply the discount at the bottom of the page and then pay the total of 1c

  • Weird looking egg whisker but hey, free is free, got one.

  • -2

    Bit of effort messing around with colours and codes, not sure it was worth 20 minutes of my life but it's gone now :)

  • +3

    I'm sorry, I have to neg this. I never got mine from the last deal. I contacted your customer service after 4 weeks and they told me to wait another 2 weeks. I then waited another 2 weeks, contacted you guys and never heard from you guys again. A few months later, you personally saw my complaint on OzBargain here and asked me to PM you my order details. I gave you all my details and once again, you never responded to my correspondence. (You sent the PM on the 29/06/11, I responded 2 days later)

    I couldn't believe all the hoops I had to jump through just for a 50c piece of wire (which, yes, I still have not received). Rotten experience, and I wouldn't not recommend you guys to anyone.

    • -4

      Love double negatives. But i think u needed a triple to make it right, so "theres no way I wouldn't not recommend…" or alternatively "i would not recommend…" or "theres no way i wouldnt recommend…"

      • -6

        Uh, Okay? I hope my spelling mistake didn't offend you all that much. Are you a teacher? School holidays got you bored or something?

        • awwwww, you sounded credible till you said that.

        • Well, I'd prefer to hear some feedback from the rep (or at least, an explanation) and not someone who goes around pointing out spelling/grammar mistakes. Yes, I made an error in my original post. So what? I'd rather stick to the issue at hand and not go off topic about anything else.

          Now, I hope that's not too much (or at least, too unreasonable) to ask for.

          Edit: I realise that my second post comes across as arrogant, and that may be regrettable. However, how would you feel if you were talked down to and given a lesson in grammar by someone who has judged you based on one spelling mistake?

          Anyway, this is how things go off-topic so I'm going to cease talking about this now.

        • -3

          and given a lesson in grammar

          a 'free' lesson… you should be grateful…

        • -3

          I'd feel depressed and very much hurt. Now where is the knife…..

        • I am sorry if i had offended you. In no way was that the intention of my comment. And i wasnt judging either. It was just an innocent play on words with double negs.

    • Thanks for that EmptyPocket. I owe you an apology too - both for the attitude and the over-sensitive nature of my post. I had a rough day and this became a convinient outlet for me to let off some storm. Sorry mate!

      • There used to be an IRC channel called #abuse, people would go in there to vent, rant & generally hurl abuse…I joined in one night for a laugh, OMFG I couldn't exit fast enough. Now, those guys really knew how to get down & dirty! They were big fibbers too, it didn't matter how many times I pressed alt+f4 I couldn't get ops! :o

        We all look like girl-guides & rank amateurs even at our worst on OzB in comparison! :)

  • I absolutely love Tiny Deal. I spend ages just looking at the "$5 and under section". This for 1c? Ordered in a heartbeat!

  • Dam, I saw this and bam I want one. Didn't read that there were other colours. Cheers for the deal.

  • I love mine I got it a while ago. So much cheap stuff that I have ordered but didn't need.

  • What was the estimated time of delivery for the free delivery?

  • +2

    Hm their website have a lot of R-rate products

    • what's R rated? the worst I've seen is PG =)

      • +2

        R rated = the couple of hundred sex toys they have for sale

  • Worked for me. I'll be interested to see how this compares to what I assume is the original (Orgazmatron). I found some people loved it, others it really gave the jitters.

    Remember you can't use it on yourself at least that's what I found - someone else has to do it.

  • +1

    Good deal… All my Mother's Day shopping is now done !!! :P

  • It would be nice to see a reply from the OP regarding that non-delivery ur2dads experienced.

  • Grabbed one

    Choose standard checkout (not Paypal express) - scroll down the page and near the bottom is the coupon code field.

  • +1

    For 1c my heads gonna be in heaven.

  • This is what I get when I try to checkout using my visa card:

    ****Sorry! Your order is not successfully checkout!
    ****Your Order Number is:
    ****Sorry! Your billing country is not equal to geolocation country(IP address).
    ****Please recheck it and correct your billing address, then try to pay again. Thanks!
    ****You may have entered the wrong card number, your card is not authorized yet or not verified by 3D Secure.
    ****Please turn to your ordering manager to confirm your order and try again.

    Tried it three times but same result. So my order remains but with payment pending.

  • Worked for me.I used paypal.then it brings you back to their website and then i entered the code. Done.

    Shame how you can only get 1! was gonna buy 100 xD

    Delivery is 25-30 days though

  • Awesome, grabbed one thanks.

  • +2

    Coupon Code is invalid or Coupon Code couldn't be applied because of the promotional items.

    • Yellow one works (click picture). I tried the blue and it gave me the same error.

  • Worked for me just then. Thanks!

    • Amazing, worked for me too at 1:30am. Can't believe its almost 8 hours after the deal was posted and it hasnt been ozbargained yet.

  • Just picked one up :)

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