• out of stock

1kg Biltong $49.99, 1kg Dry Wors $39.98, 14% off 200g Packs, Ship from $9.99, 6 Month Free Supply to 2 Lucky People @ 4hunters


Just found another great deal from the crew at 4 Hunters Biltong! https://www.4hunters.com.au/

Not only have they lowered the prices of the KG bags.

1kg Dry Wors- $39.98
1Kg Biltong- $49.99
1kg Jerky/Stokkies- $54.99

But they are giving a 14% discount on ALL of their already discounted 200g bags today!
DEAL is only valid between 8 am today- 14 February, and 8 am tomorrow, 15 February 2022 (or until SOLD OUT)
Considering prices around all sectors are going crazy at the moment , Peter seems to be doing everything possible to keep it down.

Use the discount code at checkout (will only give discount on 200g bags) DISCOUNT CODE – VDAY22-LOVE4HUNTERS

200g Dry Wors - Was $12.99 with 14% Now $11.17
200g Biltong - Was $13.99 with 14% Now $12.03
200g Jerky Sticks/ Stokkies - Was $14.99 with 14% Now $12.89

These guys have consistently put their money (biltong) where their mouth is, and supplied award winning biltong at ridiculously low prices, with quick delivery, every time. You need to get in quick, as they sell out really fast due to their popularity.

Peter at 4 Hunters, always makes sure the product is sliced, packed and sent out the door within a matter of days, and has always gone above and beyond with customer satisfaction.

ALL purchases made between 8 am today- 14 February, and 8 am tomorrow, 15 February 2022 (or until sold out) will see 2 lucky customers receive a 6 month supply of their award-winning biltong- 2x Taste experiences each month total value $480 each (10 x 100g of biltong & dry wors) To be announced tomorrow 15th FEB, Terms & conditions apply.

This is part of Valentine's Day Sales for 2022.

Related Stores

4 Hunters Biltong
4 Hunters Biltong

closed Comments

  • +2

    Looks good, will give it a try

    • -1

      Will you be trying the Wors one to save money?

  • +5

    A little extra something for everyone

    ALL purchases made between 8 am today- 14 February, and 8 am tomorrow, 15 February 2022 (or until sold out) will see 2 lucky customers receive a 6 month supply of their award-winning biltong- 2x Taste experiences each month total value $480 each (10 x 100g of biltong & dry wors) To be announced tomorrow 15th FEB, Terms & conditions apply.

  • +1

    will have to try some chilli ones!

    • My favourite

  • +2

    Just made an order, thanks!

    • Thanks for the support

      • Have winners been announced yet?

  • +2

    ooh thanks for sharing op! will definitely make a purchase

    • +2

      @lexdiamonds when last did you buy a kg lucky to get it for $70-$80 nowadays

      My website is usually at $54.99

      • +1

        agreed, its a good deal.

    • +1


  • Malwarebytes regards the website as a website that "may contain scam activity" whatever that means. It seem to block the cart page specificallyas opposed to sales pages..

  • hoping dispatch will be quick

    • @Maglia Nera 3 - 7 days is our shipping policy ……we start shipping tomorrow as we have stock ready…..when we sell out we sell out

      Thanks for your order

  • I'm still on the lookout for a super spicy jerky / biltong, like the old geromino jerky - and I'm talking ghost pepper kind of hot levels.

    • viking had 30% off and free delivery recently.

      • +3

        @jv Compare the prices , with current kg prices at around $75 - $85 for kg product please understand at nearly $35 cheaper than anyone we cant offer free shipping. There is also a great giveaway for today

        • -6

          Compare the prices

          I did.

          • +1

            @jv: No worries ,thanks

        • Good answer.

    • +1

      Lol….something I need to work on

      The Hot Dry Wors is hot and So are Chilli Sticks…..but not ghost peppers lol

      • It's not for everyone :) may try the hot dry wors though :)

        • not for me I like my taste buds ….Hot dry wors got a very nice heat

  • +3

    Any MSG in these ?

    • I second this question. Also keen to know about sweeteners

      • MSG yes , i'm not sure what you mean about sweeteners ? If its sugar less than 1g per 100g and that info is on our website

    • Yes it has , we are working on a MSG free range

      • Yes please! MSG tends to make my nerve issues worse

      • Thanks

    • +6

      Not discounting those who say they are sensitive to MSG just an FYI to try to clear up any misconceptions:

      MSG is one of the most extensively researched substances in the food supply and has been studied for more than 40 years.

      Numerous international scientific assessments have been conducted, involving hundreds of studies. None of these have conclusively linked MSG to asthma or ‘Chinese Restaurant Syndrome’.

      Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) reviewed the safety of MSG in 2003 concluding ‘there is no convincing evidence that MSG is a significant factor in causing systemic reactions resulting in severe illness or mortality’.

      In Australia and New Zealand, no food additive — including MSG — is approved for use in food until its safety has been established by FSANZ. MSG and other glutamates are among a group of food additives that are generally permitted in foods, due to their safety.

      Even so, a very small number of people who are sensitive to a range of foods, especially those with asthma, may be sensitive to glutamate.

      There are also multiple systematic reviews out there too.

      Source: https://www.foodauthority.nsw.gov.au/consumer/keeping-food-s…

  • Just ordered, keen to give it a go against others

    • Happy days , im sure you will love it

  • What’s the difference between the jerky and the biltong? I just started eating biltong recently so I’m a newbie

    • +4

      Biltong is just so mush better ….lol

      Seriously Biltong is air dried and in bigger pieces over 4 -5 days and Jerky is dehydrated and over a day or so.

      Hop this helps

      • Super helpful!

        • Happy days

    • +1

      Biggest differences are it tends to be dryer/more dehydrated and less sugary.

  • +2

    4Hunters do really good biltong. Nice deal

    • +1

      Cheers for that , enjoy your day

  • Thanks!! Just ordered some Chilli Jerky!! :)

    • booom …by far my favourite

  • +1

    I ordered this last time and as much as I loved them. They went mouldy within a week. Is there a way to store them longer?

    • +1

      What did you order and will happily look into it

      Brown bag in a cool area or even in fridge. If you store in a air tight container or sealed bag in warm area this generally will cause mold. We never really get feedback like that. So please pm me your order #

      • Hi, is this for the wors and jerky?

        • +1


          Never last long enough in my household with my kids

      • Would you recommend a brown paper bag,
        and inside a cool filing cabinet ? :-)

        • +1

          100% …..to be honest never last that long

    • +6

      I freeze mine and it stays fresh for long periods of time. Then unfreeze small amounts and it doesn't take long to be ready to eat due to the low (none?) water content.

    • How did you store them?

  • +2

    I grabbed their deal with the knife sharpener and to be honest, great meat, but absolutely flavourless. Shame as I would have changed to this supplier.

    • Sorry to hear that

      • I’m not sorry, keep my original supplier, less money for you with that attitude. And all the people I was going to give kudos too, not now

  • 6 Month Free Supply to 2 Lucky People

    "In the spirit of Valentine's day we wanted to give special people some hard meat 🍆"

    • Brilliant …love that

  • Ordered 5kg of the wors. I loved it last time!

    • Happy days , glad to read comments like this our dry wors is extremely popular

  • Out of stock on the Biltong

    • Only Original and Chilli Garlic and Mild Chilli Sold out

      Other Flavours still available

      Sweet Chilli
      Peri Peri
      And a few more

      Very limited left

      • Anyone who had tasted these can chime in on the flavours of these flavours left?

        • I can tell you all the flavours left are good

          • @PeterHunter123: What's shipping fee to Melbourne? Thanks.

            • -1

              @zennow: All depends on what you order, will tell you at checkout. We cant discount the shipping as all the products are heavily discounted .

        • +2

          My vote would be Peri Peri :)

  • Damn no 1kg chilli biltong left. Ended up buying 1kg of the chilli snapsticks instead with a free knife sharpener.

  • Got some small packages to refill my pantry.

    • +1

      Got to keep the pantry full

  • VDAY22-LOVE4HUNTERS discount code isn’t valid for the items in your cart

    all I've got in my cart is Biltong, dry wors and stokkies
    what am I doing wrong?

    • Code is only valid for 200gram packs

    • Only valid for 200g bags

      All 1kgs I have already pre discounted them before the deal started

      • thanks guys

  • 1kg chilli & garlic sold out 😩

    • +1

      That and Original sold out very quick today

      Still a few other great flavours left

  • +1

    Hidden 16$ shipping AFTER I'd made the payment with PayPal is a big disappointment. Anyone who gives hidden fees will be a first and last from me.

    • Hidden fees ?? What are you talking about ?…..It is very clear at check out what is charged , product cost and shipping cost.

      There are no hidden fees

  • +4

    Hi Peter, thank you for sharing the deal.

    Please consider getting rid of the pop up messages saying: "Someone from …, Australia just purchased …". I'm not sure what purpose they are supposed to serve except annoy people.

    • +1

      No worries will look into that

  • +2

    Use the code SAVENOW for a small discount as well.

    • Thank you saved me $10.74 which reduces the shipping cost.

      • More savings ….Happy days enjoy

  • ordered 2 *1kg biltong

    • Enjoy

  • Nice offer. New customer, I just ordered a kilo of biltong and a few varieties of wors. Looking forward to trying it!

    • You will love it

  • +1

    just my 2c. I tried the bushman's biltong…it was ok, pretty tough and chewy, flavour was just ok, pretty salty, and I LOVE salt. I am used to jerky and this was my first try of biltong and 4hunters. I haven't tried the chilli and garlic yet. I bought them both in 250g packs the last time there was a special. Yes, I understand that dried meats are chewy and took a while to get it down, but this just seemed excessively so, but maybe that is normal for biltong. After 3 days, anything I had left in the pack went into the freezer and I used it in a Vietnamese style soup

    • -1

      @souths123 , Thank you. for your feed back and will look into this, Im not sure about chewy as we always find it a lot easier than Jerky by a long shot. As for the salty Bushmans is very salty as per the description on our website . It is one o our biggest sellers.

      As for our Chilli Garlic there is a reason it sells out so quickly Its IS our biggest seller.

      Please email me and we can look into this as it should not be to chewy

  • There is not much stock left get in while stocks lasts.

    Once sold out today that is the deal over.

    Then tomorrow 2 lucky people will receive our giveaway .

  • These guys are the best, I order regularly from them!!

  • +1

    Lekker! Danke meneer!

  • I might give these guys a go does anybody remember that deal for jerry/biltong recently that had some issues with mailing out orders in time? Well I just opened my last pack and it had white crap all over the meat and smell was bad. I had to throw it out little bit disappointing given that It was only manufactured 3 months ago If that

    • sold out all the good 1kg stuff..next time for sure

    • Viking jerky.

      I had the same problem and was pretty annoyed. That "white stuff" was mold and it should not have occurred so quickly on jerky.

      It's ashame but it put me off them completely.

      I've ordered bilton from 4hunters several times, it's always been good.

      • Glad to see and read such great feedback

  • Oh no! The bushman's flavour in 1kg is all gone. The others are ok, but for me this is by far their best.

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