Fix for unformattable SD card?

I wasn't quite sure if this should be in General Discussion or somewhere else. I had a look through Computing and Electronics and couldn't find anything similar.

I bought a 32gb Extreme SD card in one of the MemoryCity deals a few weeks ago. I found that it didn't work in my GoPro, and when I plugged it in to the computer, I couldn't format it or make any changes. I have tried many of the solutions offered on the net on a PC and a Mac, but to no avail.

Any Ozbargain techies got a solution?

Help would be much appreciated,



  • +3

    Sounds like the card might be faulty if you've tried a pile of things and have not had any success.

    Might be worth a return.

  • Insert the SD card into a digital camera card slot and choose to format your card. If this doesn't work then move on to the next step…
    Place the SD card into your computers SD card slot.
    Right click on the SD card drive letter IF it appears and choose to "format."
    If this doesn't work, proceed to the next step…
    You will need to go to the website
    Here you will download, install, and run the program to format your SD card. This is the most advanced step of the three, but most likely to work 99% of the time.

    • I've definitely tried the first 2 steps,but thanks… I'll try the 3rd when I get home.

    • That program just still just comes up with an error saying that the disk is write-protected.

    • Haha… There is, but it's not locked.

      • I recommend trying to insert it in all your phones and try to format it. I had the same problem once and eventually my old Nokia was able to format it.

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