Xiaomi Viomi V3 Cleaning House with Several Small Steps

I just bought a Viomi V3 robot vacuum. Our house is sort of 4 separate areas, but only separated by a single step. I put it in the largest area and it did a great job of working out where it was, cleaning, getting back. Then i thought - how do I do the other areas, I tried lifting it and carrying the device (without the charger) to a new area, that sort of worked for a while but appears to have totally wiped my original map after a while…

Should I create a new map for each of the areas and carry the charger and vacuum? If so, do I have to have the charger in the same place every time or will it work it out somehow?


  • +1

    If there’s nothing in the way, no “no go zones” then just let it clean 100% of each area each time and forget about the map. You only need the mal if you want to block of certain furniture or clean a specific room/area.

    It just cleans big square perimeters then fills each square in before moving to the next square.

  • +1

    Try rigging up a ramp to let it map the whole home in a single run.

    Then for future runs, it'll just assume that there's a blockage preventing it from accessing the other level.

    When you carry to the second area, it should be able to work out it's location off it's existing map..

    • +1

      The viomi mapping is terrible. If it's not starting a run from the exact to the cm place it finished last time, it'll freak out and assume you've moved to a whole new country and start a new map.

      • +1

        Fair enough, I'm only coming from experience with a S50.
        Which would cope perfectly fine with the suggestion

        • Yeah I have a viomi and an s50, both in the same Xiaomi mi home app, but the mapping back ends are different. S50 mapping is so much better than the viomi. The viomi has some nice ways to join or split rooms to make new areas, name rooms and other nice stuff like that. You can even set different schedules for different rooms. But it all gets over written when the vacuum has a positioning error and all that effort is wasted. Doesn't even start a new map so you can restore the old one you put the work into, and doesn't keep any of the schedules. Just overwrites the current map and wipes every room based schedule. I spent half an hour doing all that when I got my viomi, then on the next clean run a little bit of paper got caught in the roller. I paused it, flipped it over, pulled the paper out, put it back down where it was within about a 5cm accuracy. It spun in circles for a few minutes, said "positioning error", then started randomly searching for the dock. Everything I'd programmed was wiped. I thought it was a one off, so I set it all up a second time a week later. A few days after that, it got caught on a table leg. I pulled it off and put it down next to where it was. "Positioning error" and everything wiped.

  • I use the xiaomi home app and you can activate 'beta' mode for maps, which allows you to save maps for different areas.

    However, the feature is vacuum specific in that it's only available on the app depending on the vacuum model.

    I have roborock s7 which remembers the map when i take it upstairs. I also have a roborock s1 which does not remember maps.

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