I just bought a Viomi V3 robot vacuum. Our house is sort of 4 separate areas, but only separated by a single step. I put it in the largest area and it did a great job of working out where it was, cleaning, getting back. Then i thought - how do I do the other areas, I tried lifting it and carrying the device (without the charger) to a new area, that sort of worked for a while but appears to have totally wiped my original map after a while…
Should I create a new map for each of the areas and carry the charger and vacuum? If so, do I have to have the charger in the same place every time or will it work it out somehow?
If there’s nothing in the way, no “no go zones” then just let it clean 100% of each area each time and forget about the map. You only need the mal if you want to block of certain furniture or clean a specific room/area.
It just cleans big square perimeters then fills each square in before moving to the next square.