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Arlec 100 Lumen LED Head Torch $3.95 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store) @ Bunnings


OzBargain's favourite (?) budget headlamp is now $1 cheaper, was around $5 before.

Saw the lower price during a stroll through today, confirmed standard on the website.

If you don't have a headlamp or two around the house yet this is one of the better budget ones imo. Good light output from rechargeables, not using old school dome package LEDs like other cheapies. Certainly much better than the SCA cheapies I had before.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Does the job, though the strap stretches out after awhile

    • +1

      Can vouch for this, get your missus to sew an elastic waistband strip and your good to go

    • Just wondering how you are wearing it?

  • +1

    A surprisingly bright little unit that works well with Eneloops.

  • +1

    Bought last week and used in the roof. Confirm it does a good job

  • Anyone use this for crabbing? Any good?

    • +40

      Nets are easier

      • +3

        Depends on the species of crab

      • Depends where perhaps. Nets might be easier but I generally bag out much quicker scooping or diving.

    • +2

      I would just avoid any girls likely to have crabs rather than using this.

    • my GP used one similar when examining my crabs.
      He got most of them, too.

  • +8
    • +1

      lol, people just gotta do this

    • +1

      Only $38.95 with AFTERPAY10

    • He actually sold one too!

    • good to see Broden is doing well.

  • +4

    perfect for valentines round the corner

    • you gonna get your missus wear this as her thong?

  • "Can vouch for this, get your missus to sew an elastic waistband strip and YOU'RE good to go"..

  • thanks op

  • -1

    should be rechargable

    • +1

      You get 3 AAA batteries, which cost $2.50 for a pack 4 thrown in for free and you want it to be rechargeable too for this price. lol

    • +3

      I don't. Means you won't ever have a dead propriety internal battery issue. Sure, a Li-ion the size of that battery bay would have a lot more capacity, but for the price …

    • then use eneloops

  • +2

    Only 3.75 for Powerpass Holders. Extra 20 cents off for trade.

  • +3

    thanks OP Valentine's Day sorted!

  • This is good value for the price.

  • If you're thinking of using it for outdoorsy type activities, it's not that great. It'll do for things like map reading (if you're an old fart like me) but for bush walking it's a bit naff. You'll be walking through spiders' webs before you see them.

    • I hate spider webs

      • +2

        The webs don't bother me. It's the knowledge that there was probably a bloody great spider in the middle before I walked into it and I don't know where it now is that bothers me.

        • Especially as it might be on you.

          Me too. I’m frightened of spiders but it kicks in when they get to a certain size and hairiness. We have some spiders that feast on the flies in our worm farm, but they don’t bother me. Daddy longlegs don’t bother me either. However, when we get to huntsmen the man has to evict them.

        • +1

          I felt the spindly legs of an orb weaver on my collarbone and that freaked me out more than the web

          • @tdw: You just made me shiver. My grandmother dreamed that an octopus had hold of her face and when she woke up there was a huntsmen on the wall above her bed. She wondered if it had walked across her face.

  • +1

    The headband quality is surprisingly better than the headbands that torch manufacturers include with their premium headlamps ($50+).

    I bought two from Bunnings a few years ago for emergency use when we have power outages in Melbourne. They're super floody and have a cool white CCT.

    The clip for the battery compartment hasn't snapped yet but the plastic feels like it'll break.

  • -2

    3AAA batteries in this headlamp. I really wish they would put in AA batteries instead. I understand that they're trying to reduce bulk,
    but 2AA batteries store twice the power as 2x mAh than 3AAA. Eg: most Eneloop, Duracell, Energizer AA rechargeable batteries hold about 2,500mAh,
    but their AAA variants only hold around 800mAh, 3 times less. So if you only had 2AA batteries in there, you would still have twice the amount of power,
    so the headlamp should last twice as long!! The math: 2AA is 2X2,500mAh=5,000mAh compared to 3AAA 3x800mAh=2,400mAh

    • +1

      How does the volume of 3AAA compare to 2AA - if similar then it makes perfect sense - also 3 is a painful number as battery packs come in even numbers 2, 4 etc….

    • +1

      Wrong logic, the LED cluster requires 4.5V which for standard alkaline batteries, only 3x AAA or 3x AA can provide.

      • -1

        Um, wrong logic?! That's not true, for starters it can run on NiMH batteries at 1.2Vx3= 3.6V, that's 20% less voltage than 4.5V.
        I have this headlamp and know it to be true. But anyhow I wasn't suggesting to just change the batteries, a different COB LED
        would be required with lower voltage requirements to match the 2xAA Alkaline 3.0V battery or the 2x NiMH 2.4V batteries.

        • So you're saying you want Arlec to re-engineer the entire unit - downgrade LED's from 4.5V down to 3V, change battery case from 3x AAA to 2x AA, upgrade head straps to take the increased weight of 2x AA (50g) vs 3x AAA (33g) - and then wholesale the new model to Bunnings so they can still retail it for $3.95? OK 👍

          • -1

            @You Were Warned: No that is not what I'm saying, but it's amusing to see that you went to all that effort for me, thanks!
            I'm saying, from the consumers perspective 2AA batteries are better than 3AAA batteries.
            A couple of other people in this thread have posted good points also @Ruckmauler states that 3AAA leaves you with one spare battery when you buy a pack of four. But if the headlamp is 2AA then you have a spare set when you go away camping.
            Also if @Somewhat Anonymous is correct then 2AA batteries (or 2AAA) "has the advantage of an LED that is uniformly bright throughout the battery's lifespan".

    • +1

      If you prefer AA battery this might interest you.


      Me too I dislike 3xAAA or 3xAA. I think (correct me if I am wrong) LED torches that uses 1 or 2x 1.5V needs more smarts to boost the voltage up, and that has the advantage of an LED that is uniformly bright throughout the battery's lifespan.

  • +1

    This is what we want! Thanks mate!!

  • +1

    I have one of these and it's nothing to write home about. However, the value is less so in the item itself but the exceptional warranty and forgivingness provided by Bunnings. Nothing rivals the ability to head in-store with a broken unit (provided it was normal use), scan your receipt, and exchange it for a brand new one.

  • Bunnings pull out that web page, is it meant Sold Out?

  • +1

    Not too bright but good enough to screw in the dark. With a screwdriver of course.

    • bad luck for those who only read the first sentence of each comment here.

  • I have a 100 lumen Arlec rechargeable head torch from Bunnings. Cost $24.95.

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