I am thinking of buying a second hand Ipad Air 2. I was wondering if people have any idea if it would still run YouTube and how long until YouTube would stop being supported? Is $100 an OK price? It's in a case in very good condition.
I am thinking of buying a second hand Ipad Air 2. I was wondering if people have any idea if it would still run YouTube and how long until YouTube would stop being supported? Is $100 an OK price? It's in a case in very good condition.
App not supported by apple.
Browser not supported by YouTube.
Plus a few more reasons probably.
Using the YT app on an ipad air 2 now. Not sure why you’d lie about this. Also updates.
@MS Paint: The YT app is supported by Apple. I received an update a couple of days ago. Hence you were not truthful
No clue from MS Paint over here, so ignore this stupidity.
The Air 2 runs the YouTube app fine. As others have said it's unlikely to get IOS 16 so continuing support will vary but the App itself still supports IOS 12 so you've likely got many years left of support going forward but ultimately how long is impossible to say.
I have an Air 2 and YouTube runs basically perfectly on it, it's still a fantastic device and at $100 I would happily roll the dice on it.
if it’s still supported it won’t be for much longer. I have a ipad 2 from 2011 and it’s a total potato. Very annoying
When did it stop being supported?
But the question being asked is about the iPad Air 2, not the iPad 2.
3 years difference, but it’s defs not worth $100
Possibly not, but I'd say that's how much it would be worth right now.
If it's only used for YouTube it'll probably be fine for years to come, if a little sluggish. I'd be concerned about the battery life of a used device that could be 5-8 years old though.
Potatoes have their uses…..If some one wants to read Emails, You tubes, light Internet surfing…..might be fine, especially if a child (where the investment needs to be low as it may get lost/dropped/flushed down the toilet) or some one in their 3rd generation.
From google
The Youtube App can only be installed on iPads with iOS11 or later installed.
Will the iPad Air 2 Get iOS 15?
However, as Apple announced yesterday, both the Phone 6s and the iPad Air 2 will be updated to iOS 15. The last time Apple took older devices out of the update cycle, it was due to none of them reach 2 GB of RAM that we can find in both the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 7.
should be ok as long as its been updated
I am on an Ipad air 2 right now and youtube works fine
also its not a potato. but its heavily scaled back to basics. youtube / chrome / reddit-imgur / gmail. thats about it
I had an ipad mini from 3 years later it was a potato from day 1
Do you have any idea how long it will be continued to be supported.
Apple keeps a list of what it calls "Vintage devices". Any devices that appear in this list are no longer supported (i.e. abandoned) by Apple and won't get any software updates, or hardware support.
"About vintage products
Products are considered vintage when Apple stopped distributing them for sale more than 5 and less than 7 years ago."
This doesn't mean they stop working all of a sudden, it just means the software they run will just be out of date and could exhibit issues. Youtube is a pretty low bar though and many devices that are listed in Vintage will still playback Youtube fine. Or, mostly fine.
The iPad Air 2 is still supported by iOS 15, though it's not expected to be able to update to iOS 16 due around September. That means going forward, after the last minor iOS 15 update it'll only receive security patches.
Where that starts affecting third party app updates depends on when those apps start dropping support for iOS 15. Some apps start to do that after 2-3 years, though many will still support it for many years after that.
For reference, the current version of the YouTube app on the App Store supports devices running iOS 12 and later, so devices that received their last major OS update 3.5 years ago can still run the last version of the app. That said, even if the YouTube app stops supporting iOS 15 in future updates, you'll likely still be able to use the last compatible version for quite some time, or access YouTube via Safari.
No idea, i think ive done fairly well for apple not to pull the plug on it so far.
Sirmuduck says iPad 2 is a potato.
iPad 2 is a far older model. Released March 2011 as opposed to October 2014
Specs are abysmal on the iPad 2, 0.5GB RAM, 1GHz Dual Core 32Bit CPU
Compared to Air 2's 2GB RAM, 1.5GHz Tri Core 64 Bit CPU (which is still rather dated but leagues ahead of iPad 2)
He just thinks they're neat.
iPad Air 2 is getting old, but it’s not a bad device. YouTube should be fine for many more years, but battery life could become an issue. My own Air 2 currently gets around 5-6 hours life per charge. It runs all iPad apps I’ve tried. Note, the current model iPad Air, released last year, is 4th generation, so an Air 2 is just two generations behind.
thats about on par with what battery life I get. not to shabby really, beats what my samsung S8 gets and its only 4yrs old now
Nah it's more than two generations behind, the Air 2 has an A8x chip.
iPad Air 2nd gen - A8x chip
iPad 5th gen - A9 chip
iPad 6th gen - A10 chip
iPad 7th gen - A10 chip
iPad 8th gen - A12 chip
iPad Air 3rd gen - A12 chip
iPad 9th gen - A13 chip
iPad Air 4th gen - A14 chip
In saying that, for $100 it's going to feel/perform better than any brand new $200 Android and it actually can get the latest version of iPadOS (15.3.1) so will have YouTube support for some time to come. OP should go for it.
iPad 2 (not Air 2) can still view Youtube within the browser. iPad Air 2 can still view YouTube within the app.
Have both, and YouTube is pretty much all the iPad 2 is good for (air 2 still has lots of functionality).
I still use the original iPad mini. Still works fine. Just have to install apps on iTunes (via pc), then it’ll put on the latest possible for whatever iOS it’s running. Frustrating but only have to do it once
Still working in my ipad 2 bought in 2009 or 2010, I can’t remember
Maybe some Linux coders will find a way to install a port for older "i" stuff, don't know enough about how Apple firmwares could stop this or how any limiting factors could be overcome, but this guy did hack into an Iphone for the FBI when Apple refused.
Android is based on Linux, and it’s RAM requirements are higher than IOS. You could try for an ancient version of Linux with low RAM requirements, but you’d still be better off with what older iPads really need … an early version of IOS (& probably a new battery). Apple, in their marketing driven wisdom, made it difficult at best, and impossible in most cases, to rollback to an earlier IOS.
Yes bro using air2 why would YouTube not work ?