Decent price for RTX 3050, Since most of the cards are selling for $600+
ASUS GeForce RTX 3050 Phoenix 8GB Graphics Card $449 + Delivery @ PC Case Gear

Last edited 07/02/2022 - 16:55 by 1 other user
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at least better than that RX6500XT
Pretty low bar..
So is a potato 🥔
This price is more acceptable than the other $600+ ones.
Decent price considering all other options
Better than those $600+ Rtx2060 ‘deals’
Really would hope 3060 to drop to this price but given current market this is the budget card to get
Rtx2060 is much faster :) this is more inline with a GTX1660 Super at best
Yes it's faster but it's definitely not 'much faster' to worth paying 200$ extra for. Not to mention the newer 12gb 2060 are going for $900 which is like double the price of this?
no graphics card out at the moment are good value apart from day one release of RX6600XT
I got one for $639 delivered … performance of a 1080Ti/2070 Super for a lower price then those went for at release.
@vid_ghost: Shows how messed up the GPU market is that getting a product with performance of 3-5 year old cards for a little less than their release price is considered good value.
What do you mean at best? It's around 10% faster.
It fits almost perfectly between the 1660 super and RTX 2060, but has second generation RT, DLSS, etc…
I'm onto you Wilson McSockpuppet.
thats me
haha already got ozbargained so quickly !!! See if the price is right, even a low end GPU will sell out super fast!
Sold out again. I doubt they had any there. Probably clickbait
195 clicks…
More likely scripts or keen buyers
Gone already…
All gone, it only lasted 11 minutes. A shame as this is the price they'd all sell like hotcakes in the current market. As it is, 3050s at $600-800 just sit on shelves vs. a $630 6600 and even a $650 2060 from years ago.
It's cut down far too much from the 3060 to be sold in anything more than token quantities.
Thanks OP, snagged one
np, sold out quickly
Got one also
Damn it I missed it):
a shitty lil piece of crap like that is out of stock?
yup. ha ha ha
Whats wrong with this card? A ray tracing capable card thats normally priced.
What is wrong with it? It brought the RTX ray tracing bar down.
Until this came out the worst performing ray tracing card was the RTX 2060, so any developers had to make to take that into consideration when designing a game using RTX ray tracing, now this RTX 3050 performs worse than that. The 3050 should have matched the RTX 2060 in ray tracing performance.
Well at least this gives the ray tracing on AMD cards something to be better than.
Except it's using 2nd generation RT cores, so it's RT/DLSS performance destroys the RTX 2060 (1st generation RT) and AMD 6000 series cards (1st generation RT).
In DOOM it's literally 250% faster than a RTX 2060.@iseeyou1312: Why did conviently ignore in that link that the RTX 2060 out performing the RTX 3050 in 2/4 games?
TechSpot review the RTX 3050, the vast majority of games run better on the RTX 2060, and Doom Eternal is only maginally faster on RTX 3050, not 250% which is clearly an error on the reviewer you linked.
Also by this tester, in these 10 games RTX 2060 is faster: from these tests, 7 / 9 games the RTX 2060 is faster: you've cherry picked a result, but the overwhelming evidence shows RTX 2060 is faster. You are being disingenuous and my point is very much valid, RTX 3050 has lowered the bar.
@FabMan: If the 3050 gets 94 fps and the 2060 gets 26 fps, how is the 3050 only marginally better? That's ~250% stronger.
Your argument was the 3050 is bad because it has weaker ray tracing capabilities than the RTX 2060 (totally false). The DOOM benchmark is the most relevant because it was upgraded in July last year to take advantage of Nvidia's second generation RT, and is thus an extremely demanding ray tracing game. As you can see, the 2060 just can't compete because it's ray tracing tech is antiquated and the 3050 absolutely demolishes it.
To reiterate what I said before, the 3050 is using Nvidia's significantly improved second generation ray tracing, whereas the 2060 is on first generation, which is comparable to what AMD is currently using. Neither RDNA 2 nor Turing can compete with Ampere's ray tracing capability, it's just on a different level.
Now, without ray tracing, the 2060 is stronger at rasterisation (~10-15%), which I agree with. For some older games that don't utilises RT much and mostly rasterise lighting when RT is on, the 2060 is also stronger (~5-10%).
Also by this tester, in these 10 games RTX 2060 is faster:
A lot of those random YT channels use fake benchmarks. I highly doubt some random YT channel with no AIB partnerships was able to get an RTX 3050 to test before it was released lol.
@iseeyou1312: This is why Critical Thinking needs to be taught at schools, less Anti-Vaxxers and people like you who ignore majority of evidence and then cherry picks isolated information to base the beliefs on.
Your own source shows RTX 2060 outperforming RTX 3050 in 2 games. TechSpot is a much more reliable source than Scan Computers (Your source), who also show that the GTX 2060 is faster. So does PC Gamer state the RTX 2060 is faster, so does Eurogamer (Digital Foundry), so does Tech Radar, so does Games Radar, and many more.
So the vast majority of Tech sites and YouTube reviewers show the RTX 2060 is faster, but you think that Doom Eternal comparison is valid when the RTX 3060 doesn't even outperform the RTX 2060 that much. Check out below link to see that RTX 3060 is faster, but not 250% faster and yet the RTX 3050 is a slower GPU than the RTX 3060:
So think about it iseeyou1312
@FabMan: This is an absolutely hilarious example of the Dunning-Kruger effect, you are so misinformed that you have no idea how clueless you actually are.
Yes, the 2060 is faster at rasterisation. I agree with you 100% on this point.
No, the 2060 is not faster at ray-tracing because its RT cores are using very antiquated technology. Go and find some games made for Nvidia's 2nd generation RT (such as DOOM - anything Nvidia sponsored in the past year really) and you will find with ray tracing enabled that the 3050 can run them fine, but they'll be unplayable with the 2060, even with DLSS enabled, which is why your initial point that the 3050 is bad because it is bad at raytracing makes no sense. It's better at ray tracing than a 2080 Ti or 6900 XT.
Games made for 1st Gen RT mostly rasterised lighting and didn't use ray tracing for lighting that much, so the RTX 2060 is able to usually beat the 3050 in them. But at this point you need to go and look up what rasterised lighting is, what raytracing is, and how the two technologies have evolved. I have neither the time or patience to educate you.
Also, doubled vaxxed and boosted. But that ad hominem is also the kind of argument an anti-vaxxer would use. So keep on Dunning-Kruger-ing :)
@iseeyou1312: I've noticed people who use Dunning-Kruger effect usually don't know what it is, just try to use it as an insult, often being a better example of it themselves than those they are trying to insult. You see I'm not trying to be the expert here, I'm referencing sources of experts, professionals in the field. You referenced one source that has an abnormal result, and they even have results contradicting your point yet you ignore this and this is your issue, you are ignoring the sources of experts. My point about anti-vaxxers obviously went over your head, you see they ignore the majority of evidence and hang onto abnormal results, just like you are doing. So there is you and an abnormal result to believe or there is a wide range of professionals disagreeing with you to believe.
"Go and find some games made for Nvidia's 2nd generation RT (such as DOOM… but they'll be unplayable with the 2060, even with DLSS enabled"
Here is Digital Foundry showing how to get the best out of a RTX 2060 on Doom Eternal and it runs like a champ: He highlights how the limited VRAM is an issue and lowering textures frees up VRAM and allows for phenmoninal performance on a RTX 2060 with raytracing on. So how is getting 120fps, ultra grahpic settings (except textures), ray tracing on, with DLSS and DRS at 1080p unplayable? Probably what your source missed, VRAM utilisation.
Then these guys continue to provide evidence to contradict your point, that you obviously didn't research: unfortunately you will not see games running purely on ray tracing technology, so you'll need something else like rasterisation, so having mariginally better raytracing doesn't help set a minimum base line. This is the issue I was talking about, it has lowered the bar for games using ray tracing with RTX as before this it was the RTX 2060, now it is the RTX 3050.
Did you confuse it with the laptop 3050ti? Because that is actually trash. The desktop 3050 is actually quite alright given the times we found ourselves in and its not a crippled card unlike the 6500xt.
reviews online have it at GTX1660 Super levels :) not really anything special but better then the laptop version
This is however a RTX3060 die renamed into a RTX3050….
The RTX3050 dies are not ready yet and when they are will replace these cut down renamed 3060 chips and performance around the same maybe a little worse with better power usage
You are right but I have one objection, it is 1660Super level but with the addition of nvnec, RT and DLSS. Especially if you factor in DLSS than it becomes a lot more capable than 1660S. NVNEC also allows some budget streaming without putting a hurdle on your cpu, especially considering this card will likely go in a budget build with a weaker 4/6 core cpu.
Did the MSRP go up by $20? I thought it used to be $429…
yes it did but I think its still worth
Was $429 earlier today accordingly to staticice, must have up'd $20 for extra profit.
I was monitoring it, it had 2 $10 increases in the span of a few minutes shortly after coming back in stock.
Managed to pick one up from Scorptec for this RRP last week, with post included. Would not have paid more willingly.
I also managed to get a 3050 for RRP from Scorptec but it was the Zotac Twin Edge model
Same here. Been fine so far.
MWave are selling it for $599 and surprisingly (not) in stock.…
Bad form Mwave!
It's in stock (at 5:50pm).
Also, few other retails are asking $619 for the single fan version.
mwave is not nearly as good as it was years ago. Competing stores are constantly lowering their prices on gpus, mwave doesn't as much these days which is a bummer.
If you had a limited quantity of a given product that could still sell relatively quickly at a high price, would you price it any lower? Just rational human behaviour for a seller to make more profit. Just like it’s rational ozbargainer behaviour to find the best deal out there.
Will prices go down even more in the future you guys think?
My understanding is etherium switching to proof of stake will make GPUs more valuable, so who knows. All I know is that my prayer is Intel's GPUs suck for mining but are at least ok for gaming and productivity. I think that would win over a massive segment of the market.
Pretty much confirmed by Intel there is no block for mining on their cards
Best of luck!
Tangentially, they're also likely to be a great thing for gnu Linux users since Intel's drivers have a history of being pretty good so hopefully will help boost Wayland uptake and stability.
While I like your optimism, Intel hates consumers and will not hesitate to shaft you in its own interest. Fingers crossed though.
GPUs are good at repetitive calculations rather than switching tasks for anything else (like a CPU). It (GPU) doesn't know it's for mining or rendering, it just does it as fast as it can. I doubt there would be something that is great/good at games and terrible at mining. More likely the case will be it's better at rendering graphics and not as efficient for mining is the most you can hope for.
Was going to get the single, but noticed the bracket is partially blocking the vent, not ideal right?
Dual fan is quite a bit dearer, due to extra fan and OC.
Prices dropping— that's nice to see!
It's increased in price by $20 since last week.
Still, seeing prices lowering vs. $500+ on top of already crazy RRP is giving me some hope. I'm not paying scalpers and can wait. ;)
Don't be afraid to mine to recover the cost.
Help your wallet, help the network.
MSY "beats" Mwave and Computer Alliance by 1 cent.
At time of this comment:
- Mwave: $599.00
- CA: $599.00
- MSY: $599.01
1660ti with RTX and DLSS. price is ok