What Perks Does Your Company/Union/Society/Professional Org Give You?

I’m interested in hearing about any perks your company/union/society/professional organisation or body provides.

Let me start with myself: nothing, 0, zilch


  • +27

    Money in exchange for work output

  • +6

    CPA/CA is the biggest scam industry there is

    you literally pay them a $7-800 fee each year, and you have to complete mandatory hours each year to retain your membership. they provide literally nothing in terms of support or perks

    literally the easiest business model there is

    • +4

      $7-800 each year…

      try being being an architect,
      - professional membership
      - PI insurance
      - Annual professional courses to maintain registration

      same goes for doctors, lawyers and most professional careers.

      • plus engineers and……..

    • +1

      agreed on many fronts (esp re it being the easiest business model imaginable). Just finished my CAP exam so will be an official CA by end of the year.
      In terms of business utility its extremely poor, and having to complete CPD seems redundant when you work in industry.
      However for individuals, in 99% of cases work pays for all associated costs so there's no out of pocket for CA holders if you work in relevant fields so the cost side of it for me and many other charter holders is negligible.

      However the CA program has given me one major benefit. I was able to get my home loan as a provisional member and only require a 10% deposit (no LMI) and improved loan limits as a result of being a CA member. This has allowed me to get into the market much sooner than I'd otherwise have expected.

      • +1

        Last time I saw the no LMI, you had to go with certain institutions with a higher interest rate.

        • certain institutions yes (in fact only one). higher interest rate, at least when I signed up and locked in not really.

          I think you're correct generally as rates have since increased and my lender is now uncompetitive but at the time they were the lowest of the big 4 and only CU's/Athena were cheaper, however none of those options would've lent to me at 90% LVR nor for as large a loan balance (i was able to get a loan amount 100k larger than the next best competitor). As a part of the loan package for being a CA, I'm automatically eligible for the same rates as regular 80% LVR loan holders so that brought down the IR a fair way and made it cheaper than any other provider at the time who would've lent at 90% LVR (irrespective of LMI) and most others at 80% even though I wouldn't have been eligible with them anyways

          • @JDMcarfan: Was this ANZ? I heard recently from my friends that CBA removed LMI waivers for some careers after 2019/20 due to covid

  • +1

    Flexible working hours. Show up for work, not show up for work isn't a big deal.

  • +3

    I work for a NFP.

    16.9% salary packaging.

    Very generous PD and tech/software allowance

    Total flexibility to work the hours I want/need and from the location I choose (at home, office, beach…). I value this at about $25k per year.

    • +11

      What about medical benefits? It would appear that you had a mini stroke when creating your username.

      • To be fair, the corp discount with GMHBA is awful.

  • Paid external courses. Paid industry membership. Pretty flexible working environment. My managers are good but that's not a perk. Otherwise I'm underpaid and will probably move on by the end of this year.

    Wife on the other hand works at a startup. She gets share options, works remote and we've already invested as shareholders in her company. I guess her biggest perk would be our net worth going up if her company can get its shit together and go to IPO already.

  • +4

    I get to sit in a Herman Miller Aeron when I'm at work.

    I value this at $63.27 per year according to my 'perk at work' spreadsheet.

    My paid to poop(play.google.com) app shows I made $351.71 taking dumps at work last year.

    • LMAO the Google Play review on that app 🤣

  • Free medical, dental, physio, pharmaceuticals, subsidised rent, cheap home loans, uncapped salary sacrifice, minimum 23% super, six weeks annual leave plus unlimited paid sick leave if required, and days in lieu if we work a non standard day. Free gym and swimming pool access. Free work uniforms, probably plenty more I can’t think of on top of my head right now.

    • +1

      where do you work???? 23% Super and Six weeks annual. That's a dream job right there!

      • +2

        Could be a media advisor to the Premier

      • +1

        Don’t worry I didn’t tell you the not so good.

        Being away from your family, being told where to work and uprooting your life every couple of years, long working hours at times, risk factor of some job aspects, shaving every day and grooming standards, can’t take leave whenever I want, needs to be negotiated and even then I’ve been called off leave many times. Last minute phone calls to drop whatever you’re doing on a Sunday and go into work. I could also argue for below industry wages depending on what your specific job is compared to the outside world. Also, can’t leave your job within a certain time frame if you’re still under obligation.

        • +3

          shaving every day

          I would tell them to shove it for sure. I hate shaving. Biggest waste of time and effort.

        • Sounds like you do a lot of cleaning

          • @giftcardinspector: Maybe for the first bit of my job. Now I think I clean as much as a normal person haha.

            • @Pelicannn: I remember having similar perks to you and standing in a corridor cleaning the same piece of wall for half an hour until I was told I could go home

              • @giftcardinspector: Don’t worry reckon I could have ate off my toilet seat it was so clean. Don’t forget to not have rubbish in your bin either.

  • Substantial discounts on certain makes for new cars (circa 10%, but up to 15% on some models) which can let me save up to 8-10k (more like 15k now that D/A prices are inflated) and even more if I opt for a novated lease. Other than that its quite minimal.

    • That's pretty good - do you work in the automotive industry?

      • haha unfortunately not. Banking sector. Only a couple of mainstream brands so no high-yield investment vehicles for me!
        The discounts quoted are on the ToR/near-ToR version of respective models where the margins are largest, the base spec models usually come with minimal discounts.
        Username does not check out on this one

  • 25% off all/most products in store, also for one family member when they shop.

    Occasionally get gift cards (valued at between $30-$100) some times throughout the year (part of a 'rewards' program or something).

  • +4

    Full time WFH. As long as I meet the deliverables no one cares what I do during the workday. This comes down to approx 2 hours of work on a given day and I can use the rest of the day to do any side projects, personal development, work on additional income streams or even a Netflix binge. Best perk ever.

  • Industry membership

    Once off bonus for being fully vaccinated for COVID

    Free insurance within super (IP, TPD, Death)

  • Big discount on product. Unfortunately they are specific products that I generally have no need for
    Temptation is of course to resell as profit would be big, which a few people have actually been caught doing

  • +6

    Free house.

    I'm a lighthouse keeper

    • +2

      So it gets lit every night at your house?

      You must be a real keeper.

    • You know they say it’s more difficult to sleep with a hard on than a light on but in your case I’d say otherwise.

  • +2

    Gold-level PHI, life insurance, gym membership, 4 months paid parental leave, once-off mental health payment, daycare support, full WFH, home office expenses, $5k training budget / year.

    Probably a few other things but nice to not work for a shit company. Keeps us all happy and productive.

  • WFH full time and internet paid for along with new T equipment provided.

  • +1

    Hybrid/Remote role.

    Budget for WFH. I got a nice logitech mx master 3 for example.

    Budget for personal learning ie conferences.

    2 days off every 7 weeks. Essentially work 6 weeks then hack/learning/etc then 6 work weeks.. etc

    Free Thursday lunch budget with ubereats.

    Xmas bonus with free party and free uber ride home.

    Pay is based on role, not experience. As well, company is finalising pay structure to make it available and transparent.

    Other miscellaneous perks too.

    6 week salary for referrals. Please PM me for more details. We're hiring for a lot of positions.

    • 6 week salary for referrals.

      Whoa.. that's pretty damn good! I usually only see about $2000 referral bonuses.
      Is it six weeks of your salary or six weeks of the referred employee's salary?

      • Good question, I'll ask

  • Staff benefits: 30% off health insurance, car insurance and home insurance, optical and dental. Also Samsung EPP, JB Commercial and a whole range of other things that I don't personally use.

    And of course, the most important… decent pay!

  • +1

    Hospital and extras health insurance
    Life, TPD insurances and income protection
    Communication allowance (easily covers mobile plan and Internet)
    Health/wellness allowance (easily covers gym fees)
    US$1000 towards home office set up every two years (US$1500 in the first year)
    US$750 towards a new mobile phone every two years
    Unlimited paid leave
    20 week of parental leave (16 years too late for me through ;) )
    Working from home, beach, cafe, office, whatever.
    Working hours - up to you as long as the job is done.
    Discounted stock purchase program

  • Not a lot…..IT / apple reduction no better than a good sale and private car hire discounts no better than 5 minutes on Dr Google.

    • Top hospital and extras
    • Phone allowance
    • Gym allowance
    • Discounted share purchase program
    • WFH if client allows
    • Salary sacrificing devices
    • Referral program (not really a perk but we have it)
    • Year-end bonuses
    • Time off for company training
    • Pretty good pay

    Just from memory. Ones I don't use I don't know (I assume family/parental etc.)

  • My first job in the 80's: company matched my contribution to super, subsidised hot meals, pool and ping pong tables, squash court, sleep in board room if too tired to go home, sent me on interstate courses just as a perk.

    Current job: 4% off on e-gift cards, subsidised-but-still-not-affordable gym membership, Christmas lunch, free health and wellbeing webinars

    My wife gets 13% employer super if she contributes 5% after tax, and $200 (or $600??) per year to spend on health (she gets 6 months of gym membership when it's half price).

  • Top level Private Health Insurance for employee and partner, Income Protection insurance, gym allowance, education and training paid for, great pay, 2 days WFH each week, home office allowance, professional memberships, ubers home from company functions

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