Without any doubt, I feel that this is the best fabric softener on the market.
in saying that, I'm open to new ideas, so what do you think the best softener is out there?
Without any doubt, I feel that this is the best fabric softener on the market.
in saying that, I'm open to new ideas, so what do you think the best softener is out there?
What the best one is a link to another site….
i don't understand but oh well
Generally ends up damaging washing machines.
Small amount of white vinegar is an option.
Another vote for white vinegar.
What's with damaging the washing machine?
I heard this story before and I been using for like 10+ years no issues other than time to time I need to clean the dispenser. What kind of washing machine you got that get damage by the fabric softener?
And I like Comfort Fabric Conditioner Vanilla Orchid.
edit : According to mr google, Its can cause issue on the door seal on font loader. Mine is front loader, still good after 10+ years.
Ditto. Been using liquid for 8 odd years; used to be a powder guy as that's what my parents used to use when I was growing up; till I got sick of powder not dissolving in some washes, made the change and told my parents to do the same.
But my sister influenced them to get a front loader, which they regret now. Top loader all the way!
Citric acid is also an option. It can be bought for about $10/kg from soap making supply shops. I prefer it to vinegar as it’s smells nicer.
Used to use this.
Then realised it creates a hydro-repellent layer on the fabric due to the use of silicone.
So basically useless if you have a towel.
Although i guess it would work with sheets.
Use vinegar, dettol or pine o clean on towels.
That’s not going to smell very nice.
The vinegar smell completely disappears.
@Tames71: That wasn’t my experience of it. Perhaps I was using too much . But I was more referring to the dettol or pine o clean.
@Tames71: Oh I was taking about vinegar smell not completely disappearing. But yes I’ve used tbe dettol laundry sanitizer too. The pine o clean laundry sanitiser in cotton fragrance is probably one of the more revolting things I’ve smelled in my life. At the moment have the Aldi laundry sanitiser. I don’t find I need it with towels. I find some dark clothing sometimes gets a damp smell if I dry it in the shade (like if it’s raining) so use it in the dark wash. Wasn’t sure what willowtea was referring to, but straight up dettol or pine o clean would be revolting (to me). I’m not a fan or strong fragrances in general.
The ecostore brand doesn’t have silicone in it - expensive though.
i love downy, smells so goood
which one?
I use Downy Fabric Enhancer Mystique Liquid but the others are pretty good also. Its pricey but well worth it.
Sensitive Anco Soft Fresh Jasmine - ALDI
My Mum swears by Loveables for black items. Haven't tried it yet myself. I use Fluffy Summer Breeze (I buy in bulk).
Currently we are using Purity Sensitive Fabric Softener from Woolies or the Chemist Warehouse.
Been using various brands of fabric conditioner in the machine for over 20 years, hasn't done any damage yet.
I used to get the big dispenser Fluffy ones, the yellow one. The Aldi blue one is pretty close to that smell. Like fresh soap smell I don't like those flowery or fruity smells.
Fluffy Divine blends vanilla and coconut. Yum. Not "girly" like the floral ones, so my husband's clothes don't smell like he's wearing women's perfume! ;)
Also, it must depend what towels you have - ours have never had absorbency issues using fabric softener.
Comfort pure for sure. Also like a comfort rose one.