I received this email from Tennis Australia today
Free court hires by using the code: FREECOURT.
Enjoy and get fit.
I received this email from Tennis Australia today
Free court hires by using the code: FREECOURT.
Enjoy and get fit.
Is Cour French for Court?
No it's like cour blimey free tennis mate
1 of 10 different meanings of nouns/verbs Court comes from Old French ;)
Nothing is more ambiguous/confusing than English spelling & idioms :(many more than Chinese characters that have some meaning)
It was just a misspelling in the title and I was trying to get OPs attention. Nothing to do with actual language.
It was just a misspelling in the title and I was trying to court OPs attention.
I am happy to have a hit with someone in VIC.
I am no easy beat though. Still play tennis after 25 years. Need the occasional toilet break.
Username checks out.
Whereabouts are you located? Anywhere around western suburbs?
South East!
I’m in the west
I prefer Ping Pong after 45 years & next 45. Hard to beat me as I never count, but play any ball that bounces from any surface.
Will utilise the toilet breaks as well ;)
site is getting hammered
site is getting "smashed"
Would love it if the site let people in
You ‘aced’ it!
The web developer is full of unforced errors
The site meltdown
anyone keen for a hit in Perth? watching aussie open has got me pumped
about intermediate lvl
Does Tennis Australia also provide free loophole plans for NoVax to get in?
Yes, Contact a guy named Craig Tiley at TA.
+61 3 9914 4000. Follow the prompts.
Yes, if you are member of Hillsong Church
A fault with your ability to pick the location does not make this a fake deal
There is an issue with selecting the location.
Are you "mad"? or are you "so sick".
Answer my question
Elsty? 3185
site getting thrashed
FYI - there's a large Facebook group called "Melbourne Hitting Partners" if you do secure a court and looking for someone to hit with. Just provide location, time and what level you think you are (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
I hit my partner, love to join a group with like-minded people.
deal available to unvaxxed?
Asking for friend
yep just dont post about it on insta
is your friend Novak Djokovic ?
Novax DjokedoutofVic
Yes, if you are member of Hillsong Church
Thanks OP!
I was trying to put in the location it didn't work on me is it because the site is not working properly?
Same here, its the site!
If you want to see the tennis clubs included they are in the terms and conditions link: https://www.tennis.com.au/doc/court-hire-promo
I wish they could have at least sorted the list by state.
Yep I thought the same thing. It certainly would've helped
What a shit website omb
everything TA does resembles a clusterF*. Their sites are full of 404s and current links to pages from last century.
I'm on the committee at one of the clubs listed as participating and its the first we've heard about it!
Web dev keeps dishing up unforced errors
Website does not work. Cannot enter post code. Lame!
Try suburb name, worked for me.
I hope people actually take this deal seriously and book a court to actually play on it.
Not just users booking it because its free then forget about it and ruin it for others.
Please book this with the right intentions to use it.
How long? 1 hour ?
Yes, you usually book 1h increment (or 30min)
not working for me, where in sydney does this code work for?
Anyone been able to book?
Here is what worked for me. Start by finding the website of your local club (from the list: https://www.tennis.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Free-Co…). Look-up their website on your favourite search engine and then book via the club's website (ie) https://play.tennis.com.au/mylocaltennisclub then hit the booking option (usually top right) and follow the process and use the code at checkout.
I tried both ways.. and keep getting "Please enter a valid promo code" and "Please enter a valid discount code"
I think it may only be for 30 min blocks.. The one I was trying to book ha s a minimum of 1hr.
Fair Enough. I booked an hour.
@theredrabitt: it ended up working, but only for a 30 min block. It didn’t work with any of my local clubs near parramatta that had a 1hr minimum booking.
3rd largest city in WA and can't even find a court to play on for free. FMD!
It’s either because you’re in WA, or something to do with your name sir.
porque no los dos?
Anyone in GC want to play?
All participating venues that offer tennis court hire via the ‘ClubSpark’
online platform, Australia wide. A list of all participating venues is included
as Attachment 1 to these terms.
site taking ages to load any courts in Brisbane
Did it actually load anything ?
tried again now and it seems to be working..
Booked at The Gap 1hr $20 session for free.
Booked at Rod Laver Arena. Now looking to hire ball kids to fetch and throw tennis balls to me and opponent.
After putting my payment details in a message came up saying my booking doesn’t meet the requirements. I didn’t realise the payments were going through so I tried different courts and got the same message. Now I have 4 pending transactions on my bank. Also it’s not a free court it’s $20 off
Seems to be $20 off if the hourly hire rate is more than $20
Same thing happened to me. Was charged after the $20 off despite no booking going through.
I got in touch with the clubs to assist
Code wasn't working. Tried 1 hour in Parramatta night session
ditto, tried it for a few that have their own booking systems, then came upon one that had booking embedded in that website (Merrylands) and was still getting "code not permitted".
Great idea…if the code works.
Please enter a valid promo code
Hasn't been a good start to the year for Craig Tiley, I imagine.
"Unfortunately your booking cannot be processed as it does not meet the booking requirements for this venue." Not sure why.
That happened to me and the transaction is still pending on my bank
Happy to have a hit with someone in Canberra this weekend if keen! I am intermediate lvl
I’m keen, will message you
Worked for me in Sydney. No payment required.
Code not working
Still Not Working
not working, have tried 2 venues now - after being redirected to their website the code does not work..
Today not working. "Please enter a valid promo code".
The offer is for one free booking only.
In TS&C's it says "One free court hire session at one of the Venues during the Offer Period.
The duration of the court hire session will be the shorter of:
1. 1 hour; or
2. where the relevant Venue’s court hire fees are more than $20 per hour, the duration of time equivalent to $20 in court hire fees at that Venue."
is this a one time or will it work throughout the whole month of feb?
One free court hire session.
I've already reported to change the title to read "One free court hire…", but it wasn't done as I suggested.
Thanks just realised you had earlier comment as well which answers this
seems like you can use countless times for whole month of feb. already used 3 times without issue
Hey first timer here. Could anyone give me some tips on the steps to go about booking a tennis court? Where would i need to enter the code?