• expired
  • targeted

AmEx: Spend $50 or More, Get $10 Back, up to 2 Times via Apple Pay, Google Pay or Samsung Pay Wallet


Save the offer to your eligible Amex Card and spend $50 or more, in one or more transactions and get $10 back, up to two times using Apple Pay, Google Pay or Samsung Pay at any American Express accepting businesses by 28 February 2022.

Tap to pay in-store. Also possible to pay online with apple wallet via certain stores or store apps, or with Google Pay.

Limited to the first 40,000 Cards to save the offer.

Offer valid for payments made via a mobile wallet to any business that accepts American Express. Payments can be made via Apple Pay, Google Pay or Samsung Pay and can be made in-person, in-app or online.
Prior to making payments with a mobile wallet you must first add your Card using a compatible device.
Payments must be charged to your Card by 28/02/2022 to be eligible for the offer. If a business does not charge your Card by this date (e.g. due to a delay in dispatching your goods), you may not be eligible for the credit.
If you spend in a currency other than Australian Dollars, a Currency Conversion Fee applies and this fee is not valid for the offer. For more information regarding charges made in foreign currencies refer to your Card Member Agreement.
Offer is limited to $20 credit per Card to which the offer is saved and only spend on this Card counts towards the Offer.
Excludes transactions where you do not spend directly with Apple Pay, Google Pay or Samsung Pay. Any transactions made with your physical Card (including, but not limited to, tapping or inserting your Card) are not valid for the offer.
Additional Cards are not eligible for this offer.
Credit is not redeemable for cash or other payment form.
Credit should appear on your billing statement within 5 business days from qualifying spend but may take up to 90 days from the offer end date.
Credit will not be applied to your Card Account if your Card has been suspended or cancelled.
Credit may be reversed if your qualifying purchase is refunded or cancelled.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers
American Express
American Express
Google Pay
Google Pay

closed Comments

  • +1

    Brilliant! Came up at the top of my Offers list in the app. Thanks OP.

  • +5

    Not there on mine! :(

  • +3

    no luck on Essentails

    • -1

      User name checks out 😉

      • Username checks out

  • didnt get it :( got my amex on apple pay already, not sure if thats a factor

    • Unlikely, I have Amex on Apple Pay and used it many times. I hardly take out my wallet nowadays unless paying cash.

    • I got it on one of my cards and have it on apple pay so probably not a factor. Hopefully it will come up for you later in the day.

  • +2

    Thanks OP!

  • +9

    I haven’t had any worthwhile offers for a long time. I think it’s time for me to cancel my cards especially as the travel credit is basically useless

    • Anyone worked out any travel credit hacks?

      • +1

        Not exactly a hack, but I found AMEX to be good at giving you another 12 months validity if you have to cancel due to covid restrictions, cancellations etc.

    • +2

      I feel the same way. Plus, the targeting of their offers is now just pissing me off. They're getting a bit too cute.

  • +4

    Nothing on explorer for me

  • -2

    can we use this in conjunction with paypal ?
    or have to be instore (tapping our phone)

    • +1

      Instore tapping.

    • +1

      1. I doubt it as PayPal draws direct from Amex, not through one of the 3 wallets in the offer (I believe they are all called third party payment processors).
      2. You can pay online with apple wallet at certain web stores. I don’t know about the other 2 wallets as I have not used them before.

    • +1

      It has to be through either Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Samsung Pay. PayPal is different to these. Can be in store or online as I know Apple Pay and Google Pay can be used at certain websites.

  • +1

    Bummer - not on my personal platinum…
    But thanks for posting :-)

  • Nothing on my platinum or reserve cards.

    • Got it on Plat Charge, but not reserve nor Qantas Ultimate

  • How do you pay online using Google Pay? Don't you need to use the phone to tap at a terminal?


    • +1

      You can pay online with apple wallet at certain web stores. I am guessing there’s similar set up for Google Pay… Any android user can answer?

      • +2

        Yes there are some online stores that allow you to pay through Google Pay.

    • +6

      Online merchants that allow you to pay for a transaction using Google Pay (e.g. Prezzee) will have a button on their website or app that says Buy with G Pay (or something similar), which is similar to Pay with PayPal or Apple Pay buttons.

      However, from experience, very few online merchants accept Google Pay. I think eBay and TCN (The Card Network) are other examples of online merchant accepting Google Pay.

  • +1

    nil negative numero zero

  • No luck on any of my 3 cards :(

  • Nothing on the Qantas Ultimate

  • Got it on my Ultimate. Primary only. Have used apple pay often.

  • +1

    Offer saved, thanks OP!

  • nothing on my amex gold

  • not on mine though i have 10% back up to $30

  • Looks like this will bring the value I'm getting from my Qantas Ultimate to about $60 this FY - Black Friday deal plus this

  • Got it on my red velocity

  • Nothing on my edge, explorer or Qantas ones

  • +1

    You missed a valuable term & condition:

    spend $50 or more, in one or more transactions, …

    • Added. Thanks.

    • Does this mean you can spend say $25 twice and qualify? Or does this mean spend $50+ as many times as we want?

      • +3

        To get the full $20 cashback in this offer, you need to spend at least $100 in one or more transactions and pay using Apple Pay, Google Pay or Samsung Pay by 28 Feb 2022.

        Here are some examples:

        • If you spend $25 in one transaction, $42 in another transaction and then $60 in another transaction by 28 Feb 2022, you'll receive $20 cashback. You will receive $10 cashback from the $42 transaction, and another $10 cashback from the $60 transaction.

        • If you spend $65 in one transaction, $55 in another transaction and then $249 in another transaction by 28 Feb 2022, you'll only receive $20 cashback, and won’t receive any cashback from this offer for the $249 transaction.

        • If you spend $105 in one transaction by 28 Feb 2022, you'll receive $20 cashback.

        However, if you only spend between $50 and $99.99 in one or more transactions by 28 Feb 2022, you'll only get $20 $10 cashback. (Edited on commentator's request.)

        • Nicely explained 👍

    • spend $50 or more, in one or more transactions, …

      Anyone done more than 1 transactions to make up 50 and get 10 back?

      • I have not spent less, but it is easy to spend over 50 per transaction - one grocery shopping, one petrol refill, one dining out, purchase discount gift cards at Woolworths/Coles…

        • +2

          Can confirm it works (multiple transactions) once you hit 50$ email is coming

  • So i can buy 2 x $50 JB giftcards separate transactions and get $10 back each time?

  • +1

    If you spend using Apple, Google or Samsung Pay at Country Road and you have that particular Amex deal (spend 100 at Country Road for 20 credit) you should find the deals stack and you should get back $20 from each deal.

    • +1

      Good point. The same can be said if you have these Amex offers stored: Athlete’s Foot, New Balance, Shop Small and Sony (Sydney stores).

  • offer excited for me

  • none for me :(

  • Did anyone get confirmation emails after these?

    I got none and both came through as Stripe

    • +1

      Yep got email and credit showed up the next day, purchased directly from stores though.

    • +1

      I managed to double dip. I bought a Country Road $100 GC which triggered emails for both CR and Apple Pay offers and $40 credits arrived 3 days later.

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