Just in Ikea getting some Ladda AAAs. And a $1 veggie dog.
Used my members $10 bonus voucher (no Min spend) free AAAs.
Ikea lady said that in April they will make the $10 voucher only redeemable with $50 min spend.
Sad face
Just in Ikea getting some Ladda AAAs. And a $1 veggie dog.
Used my members $10 bonus voucher (no Min spend) free AAAs.
Ikea lady said that in April they will make the $10 voucher only redeemable with $50 min spend.
Sad face
Also happened with the $10 birthday voucher
Damn. Thanks for the heads up though
Speaking of quarterly rewards, would anyone be kind enough to share the generic QR code?
Surely it's not generic?
Ikea getting smarter.
Yeah damn that sucks.
Used my members $10 bonus voucher (no Min spend) free AAAs.
and this is why they are bringing in a min $50 spend
do you mind sharing the voucher code, if generic?
$50 = a lotta ladda
Non issue for a lot of people as most generally end up spending more than $50 but I can understand why some people will be happy.
Is the code generic ? It used to be . not sure about the 2022
It still is :)
Anyone have a code they can share please?
I haven't received the Februay to April Quarterly $10 Reward email yet, has anyone else?
Some people abusing it so…
If I was the owner, I would do the same 100%
I doubt that would notice it. IKEA manage to get away with generating billions in revenue and then avoiding paying taxes by letting overseas entities ‘debt load’
What u said is nothing to do with the abuse
When do they release the next quarterly code?
It’s already happened for the $10 new member bonus. New accounts have a $50 min spend. It’s the end of an era :’(