Hades for Nintendo switch eshop is on sale. 35% off and the lowest ever price on eshop to date. Enjoy!
[Switch] Hades - $24.37 (35% off) @ Nintendo eShop

Last edited 03/02/2022 - 08:01 by 1 other user
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Which one gives you 60 fps gaming…
Both for Hades
I haven't played the PS5 version, only Switch, but there were some parts in later levels when there was a LOT of stuff happening where it was lowering its frame a little - nothing crazy, and I'm not great with FPS numbers, so let's say at a low end maybe around 45-50. Not sure how the PS5 version will handle it - though like I said, it was only towards the end in areas with lots of enemies and lots of stuff happening on the screen, but not every run - maybe one run in 10-20 depending what have going on
PC gives you 1000fps
Installs on x286
Turbo button let's go!
Depends if you want portability at all! As far as I know it runs very well on all systems
Been playing it on xbox game pass on my pc ;-)
Problem is I'd like to own the switch version to play it more often, lends itself so well to that console. But gamepass has meant I gave it a try, got addicted and then sunk dozens of hours in to it. Same with dead cells. Really not wanting to restart either
I just play it on my phone with a game pad via gamepass when I'm lounging around
I just got the ps5 version as a gift after pumping a ton of time into the switch one. I started off a new game and man there's a lot of work to do to get everything unlocked but also to get back into the swing of combat on a different controller.
Not sure when I'm going to get time to do it with Deep Rock Galactic keeping me occupied until the new Destiny exp.
The Switch version supports cross saves with PC, so you can retain your progress across both platforms!
@toomuchdogfur: Damn I didn't know that. I did originally start on a cheap version from epic games store but I didn't want to sit at a desk to play it and thought the console version would be good. Would have picked up the switch version of I'd known the little progress I made on the pc version would carry over.
@Everettpsycho: Hmmm… someone on reddit seems to have transferred their saves from Epic/Steam to Windows Game Store to Xbox.
You could probably follow the procedure in reverse to sync your gamepass version of Hades to Epic - if that works then you'll know you can sync the Switch version before actually buying it?
(Disclaimer: I don't have gamepass so personally I don't know if this works)
@toomuchdogfur: It's worth a try right, worst case scenario I corrupt my epic save that hasn't finished the game once yet and I don't play anyway.
It is also tempting to restart both this and dead cells on the switch if anything just to see if I can get through them quicker without all the grinding to get get better weapons or skills..
Wish I'd just got it on the switch when I got the epic version, I only got it on there as it was about $10 with he vouchers I had burning a hole in my pocket.
@toomuchdogfur: Just gave this a try and it worked just fine. Copy the file from the windows store version, rename it and dump it in the epic save game folder, boot up the games and I have everything unlocked. great tip for anyone having invested time and effort wanting to move platform. It's only sony you now can't share to.
There's cross save between Switch and PC, but may only be Steam
Worth researching
@Faro: That Reddit link says there is cross save between epic/steam and the switch, then cross save between Xbox and Windows store. So the link says to:
play your switch
sync to epic/steam
dig out the save file and put it where the Windows store version lives
That should then sync back to your Xbox via cloud savesSo if I do that in reverse I could transplant my Xbox save to pc, to epic to Nintendo.
What a faff, but if it works it saves me dozens of hours of replay and means I can just play on the switch from now on.
Switch in case you want to play it in portable mdoe.
Xbox game pass for $1 :D
Switch for me.
Portability over gfx for this game as the Switch version does just fine.
Not only that if you want to resell it later on the Switch version will be more valuable.
Except that this is a digital version…
How are you going to resell a non-transferable electronic license which is tied to your Nintendo account?
sorry lads, you are correct. I was thinking physical for some reason.
Another game for the backlog!
Put it at the top of your log. Probably the best game I have played in decades. Tis pretty much perfect.
I can confirm this is one of THE roguelikes on switch!
I can confirm this is one of THE
roguelikesgames onswitcheverything!FTFY
If Switch owners still don't have this….what are you waiting for?!
50% off
50% off popular nintendo game - let me know when hell freezes over
It happens, usually near the end of a console's lifetime.
For example, I got Mario Kart 8 and Super Mario 3D World on Wii U for $10 each from Target.
Will physical copy save file work witth this?
Yes, save files are stored on the switch itself.
It's this something an 6 (almost 7) year old could play or is it too difficult?
Edit: it would probably be more for me, but he is going to want to play it too of course
Might be a bit difficult, especially later stages of the game require a lot of quick reflexes/constant dodging and moving around.
But if it's for yourself then worth picking it up nonetheless, your kid might surprise you with his skills!
I think I first got it when my son was 10 and he was alright, but that's obviously a fair bit older than 6 and he's a chronic gamer too.
I would say 6 or 7 will be OK for messing around in the first biome but he/she may struggle a bit from the first boss onwards.
Probably not. Old grandpa's like us can deal with starting a game from scratch each time because that's what we grew up with. The younguns are probably less sold on the idea.
Kicking myself for not getting the physical version of this for $30-odd from HN back in the day.
It's going for well over $100 now in eBay for a new copy.
I didn't realize how limited quantities they made available for the Switch
Tell him he's dreaming. Amazon are still selling them for $79.00. still, I remember standing there in hn and thinking ah bugger it I will just get it for cheap on epic and see how I go. Not the sort of game you want to play on desktop though.
@cannedhams: People in Australia that collect Nintendo games generally want to keep it the same Australian Classifications (PG, G , M, R etc.)
So USA games that are also available locally dont sell for as much.
Trouble is the entire game is starting over and over again.
Never had a problem with it when games were 2 hours long, don't fancy putting 100 hours in to it again though.
I'm sure a youngun could have a blast playing this, might struggle later as it really needs to click and understand the boon (power ups) system to build and use a set up to get through an entire run. Once it clicks and you finish it once you can get through it pretty quickly and easily repeatedly to see the rest of the story.
Could easily share a save file and as you progress the game and make zag stronger with each run your kids might be able to get a little further too.
To answer my question, he made it to the first boss on his third attempt. I'm very impressed. There is a lot of button smashing and he got very lucky with the boons (his first one was too heal on every attack! Wtf I've never gotten that). But still. Very impressed.
But yeah, he didn't like the idea of starting from the beginning ever time and it didn't take long before switching to Mario Odyssey.
Great and very polished game. Surprising amount of story content to keep you engaged, despite repeated graphics and combat repetition.
Great game, be careful if you're prone to getting addicted. It sucked me right in for days and nights.
For anyone that doesn't have it, it is one of the GOAT's, but….
It isn't for everyone. You have to enjoy the genre of Roguelike's to really get into it.
Similarly Disco Elysium is a perfect game in that it is perfect in what it set out to do, but it isn't for everyone.
Then again, what game is?
Can't decide whether I should buy Hades for PS5 or Switch…