This was posted 3 years 1 month 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PS4, PS5] Hades $29.96 @ PlayStation Store


This is the lowest ever price for Hades on the PlayStation Store.

93/100 on Metacritic.

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closed Comments

  • +14

    Great game.

    I've sunk over 150 hours into it and still can play more.

    But i always keep dying in this game.

    • +13


      • +2

        Haha, someone negged you.

        • +5

          Clearly by people who've not played the game.

          I'm probably around 100-150 hours, too. Not good enough to get the last statue but still fun for me.

          • @ozbargainsam: Getting that last statue took years off my life, was great to be able to go back and just enjoy the game after I did it.

    • +2

      This game is so frustrating! But kept going back for more!

      • +2

        It really isn't that frustrating. You just have to learn enemy patterns. 10 hours in, nothing should kill you but the bosses.

        • +13

          pro gamer cool guy coming through

          • +7

            @191919: Not "pro gamer", just saying that the game is not "frustrating" because it's never unfair. It's just about learning. My apologies if that seemed snobby.

            • +1

              @E4xtream: aw im just yanking your chain. it's not too hard as those roguelites go! sorry :)

  • Excellent game! I've only beaten it once but that was enough!!

    I'll go back one day

    • +2

      Once ?

      You need to beat it at least 50 times to get new details about other characters in the game.

      • +1


        But it was so hard getting there the first time haha!!

        I'll go back eventually

        • +1

          You will get the hang of it the more you play it.

  • +4

    This game is amazing. I bought it Dec 27, within 3 weeks I had over 100 hours played. It is the most addictive game I think I've ever played, and is insanely polished in every single aspect. Could not recommend more.

    Only downside is now that I have 100% of the trophies it's hard to convince myself to keep going for more runs.

    • Have you done it on Max heat settings?

      • +1

        I've beaten 32 heat so I have all of Skelly's trophies. I haven't tried higher than 32.

  • +5

    If you have games pass this game is free there

  • +2

    Death's Door is another good one that is discounted

  • After playing Hades, Its hard to be impressed by any other roguelike.

    • +2


      • +5

        I liked Returnal but imho Hades>>Returnal

        • +4

          They offer different experiences. Returnal is more precise, involved and punishing whereas Hades is more arcadey and forgiving because almost any single run offers you permanent benefits. Hades is amazing, 10/10 and while Returnal is only an 8/10 for me, it's the more enjoyable one because I have to use all of my wits.

    • +3

      Have you ever heard of a little game called FTL?

  • This game is lit, super addictive, as a hard working Aussie dad I rarely see games through these days but I played through all of this in handheld mode on my Switch. Would be amazing on more powerful consoles.

    • Exact same boat and couldn't agree more. Super good to pick up and put down where you find little pockets of time.

  • Should I get this on PS4 or Switch? Probably playing this on the couch 90% of the time.

    • Use remote play on the couch?

    • Lol.. i have this on my PS… would remote play on my Laptop downstairs or on my phone in the bedroom..

    • Played it solidly on Switch
      Runs really well never encountered any slowdown etc.

      Game's a bit to intense to play on the toilet though!

      • -1

        have it on XSX and switch, a shame there's no cross save.
        But the only downside is hand cramping on the switch in hanheld.

    • +1

      I got it on switch and I wish I hadn't as its sorta blurry on the tv.

    • +2

      Switch is better imo, you can pause it and go do whatever.

      PS5 would look way better though!

  • Anyone happen to know what the download size is on the PS4?

    • +1

      8.11GB (8.13 after installed) - that's for the PS4 version downloaded on a PS5, but can't see why it would be any different.

      The PS5 version is 7.94GB.

      • +1

        Thanks friend, that's not too big. I picked it up on PS4.

  • Fantastic game.

  • So addicted to this atm. My first full run was a cast build with the bow and arrow. I barely even used cast before it but got some nice boons for it and went for it.

  • +1

    I got the platinum for this in December.

    I found Malphon the twin fists were the best weapon to escape the fastest.

    • What's your technique? I still can't get the hang of fists, waiting for the combo to finish gets me ganked a lot 😅

      • Zagreus aspect and Hermes' boons. I'm also fond of doom too.

  • -1

    I've been curious. I've been recommended to get it. I've been told its addictive.

    There's a few things holding me back.
    1. The art style doesn't really appeal to me.
    2. Uncertain of 30-39$ value. Plus I've heard its included on xb game pass.
    So if I bought it and didn't like it, I'd feel extra disappointed.

    Given the above, maybe i discover I really like the game play but not sure that's enough reassurance.
    I do like returnal but i find it quite difficult.

    • +2

      Just shut up and buy the game.

      Geez its really not that hard, It's not like your making a life decision to get married or buy a house.

    • +1

      If you don't like the art style then don't buy it. It is a great game but it is also a pretty basic game, It has a lot of charm and certain replayability if you are drawn into the chase. If you don't like the art then the rest will also probably be not your cup of tea.

    • +2

      I rarely buy games due to high standards on writing, production, voice acting, and gameplay. The characters alone make the game worth picking up.

      Played Hades for "free," dropped 100+ hours into it, and bought the game to support the devs.

      Difficulty isn't an issue since there's a god-mode that reduces damage taken from enemies by 20% and an additional 2% for each death. It maxes out at 80%. If you're not keen on using that feature, much of the game is about patience and insightful play. Pay close attention to attack patterns, refine your burst windows, and embrace the kiting lifestyle. :D

      Make no mistake: You will die. It will never feel unfair. Each death makes canonical sense, and you unlock more dialogue with your favourites.

  • That's the price it should be at launch!!
    Pathetic! Good thing I've got a huge backlog of PS4/switch games so Hades can wait

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