It is not the best price but it is handy for anyone needs it. Made in Australia
Innoscreen COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test Kit, 20 Pack $255 Delivered @ OzMed via Amazon AU

Last edited 02/02/2022 - 12:36 by 2 other users

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OPs username does not check out.
Thanks op.
Personally if you need them, Costco still have the testsealabs which have better sensitivity (high vs acceptable) and are only $155. Even with a Costco membership costing 60 bucks you'd still be in front and have the benefit of being able to use the membership in store or online.
TGA says there's only evidence the testsealabs kit can detect delta, whereas the innoscreen has "Evidence of performance against Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Kappa, Epsilon and Omicron variants."
You are correct. Your link did not work however.
For those playing at home, here is the link in question.…
I'd love some more information though on results of testing, the definition of evidence of performance vs not performing at all or general performance.
This really should be linked on the main page for RATs where it details sensitivity.…
I also am not a fan of how they have worded this statement :
Where a test is identified as not performing as intended with a particular variant of concern, the TGA will specify this below.
They haven't specified that it doesn't perform as intended, just that it doesn't meet their criteria whatever that is for evidence of performance vs a particular variant of concern.
RAT continues to be a minefield for those that buy them and do the right thing.
Always a bad start with "It is not the best price" on Ozbargain.
PCR tests are free, now thats a bargain! I also prefer that a trained person takes the swab as opposed to myself.
Lol they ain't that great at taking swabs. Most of them feel like they haven't done the proper training to take the swab
Free to people who pay no tax.
They cost the govt near 100 each iirc
So I dunno. Probably cost some of us 300+ or so for a single test.
To be clear, whilst this is fulfilled by amazon, it is not being sold by Amazon.
As long as it's fulfilled by Amazon, are there any worries re this situation?
No longer fulfilled by Amazon…
Report this to ACCC for price gauging
Under $13/test is reasonable - not a bargain, but definitely reasonable.
The PM thinks they're $15-$20ea anyway!
Why should you not be able to price gouge RATS
But supermarkets can gouge food, fuel, toilet paper
And pharmacies can gouge medicationsCovid related stuff is just stupid gone mad.
These are only 'acceptable' sensitivity?
No wonder why so many people at work test negative until they eventually get a PCR lol.
I mean, acceptable sensitivity is still <80% sensitivity.
I'm just more annoyed that RATs are still so expensive, despite a lot of places having a lot of stock now.
80% isn't good enough if you want to know if you're positive. Then you have the detection limit and some of these need so much viral load they'll never pick anything up unless you're at peak infection.
I mean, sure. 80% isn't great, but it's not bad either I'd say. Also, the detection limit of this particular one doesn't seem too bad either. There doesn't seem to be a necessary relation between sensitivity and limit of detection.
The low sensitivity is dependent on a perfect sample.
I know that there are people at clinics who are meant to do samples who are poor at collecting good samples.
So what's the story, keep testing until finally you result positive and can relax?
OzMed Distribution Pty Ltd
just launched No feedback yetNah
Deal is misleading, title says "@ Amazon AU" but it's an unknown third party via Amazon.
Many products are promoted on ozbargain that are shipped by amazon au. If amazon au ships, they cover return and refunds. Not a valid reason for the neg.
Thanks for your contribution, but it is an unknown third party via Amazon.…
OzMed Distribution Pty Ltd
just launched No feedback yet
Literally a brand new company with zero feedback.
Title has been updated to @ OzMed via Amazon AU
Cheaper here:…
$219.95 + $8.50 delivery (High Stock Availability)
People still play pandemic?
Do you think maybe it's time to create a separate area for RATs and possibly for any mask, sanitizer ECT offers?
They are starting to pop up so often that it might be better served as it's own thing instead of being mixed in with general deals? Just a thought!agree they belong to
Agreed, like the Covid forum for example. Moderators please
It is about time we start to consider this stuff as normal items otherwise we will never ever move on
Not a bargain at all and lower sensitivity rating compared to cheaper RAT kits that have been listed.
Costco still the cheapest inc. the membership fee.
Find someone with a school aged child and use one of their kids.
Are you sure you are not associated?
overpriced for low sensitivity
It's not bargain though