• expired

1 Month Free Mobile (Then $35 Per Month): Unlimited Talk, Text and Data (20Mbps Cap) for New Customers @ Felix Mobile

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The deal of https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/657248 looks ongoing and this time ends on 31/03/2022.

New customers only. Ends 31/03. T+C apply.

Was looking for a free sim to port out/in current provider and locate this deal.

Update: offer extended to 30/06.

Referral Links

Referral: random (281)

Referee gets 50% off for 4 months. Referrer gets $10 credit.

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Felix Mobile
Felix Mobile

closed Comments

  • How does the Vodafone network compare to Telstra & Optus?

    • I was gonna ask the same! I've been on the fence with Felix due to the Vodafone network!

      • +6

        Telstra > Optus > Vodafone

        • Yeah, that has been the case for a long time but how bad are they these days?

          I was on Telstra and recently switched to Amaysim (Optus) cause Telstra's network seems to be congested these days.

          Felix is appealing indeed atm.

          • @meong: I was with Vodafone for years in highschool and a bit after. I eventually switched to kogan and now boost and I never noticed any improvements when changing companies and providers. Obviously technology advances but I presume Vodafone is making as much or more advances than what telstra is, since it is playing catchup and actually has a reason to try better (unlike telstra)

        • +3

          Subject to variance. Reception in my house actually goes Vodafone > Optus > Telstra, and while Telstra is still the best in the CDB Vodafone is comparable to Optus.

          • +1

            @Tyrx: The thing is, sometimes reception shows a strong signal with 4G VOLTE but not even a single Whatsapp message can be sent… That was my experience using Telstra in Belconnen, ACT and Bright, VIC.

            I live in Melbourne inner North suburbs and when using Telstra back then I never got more than 15Mbps and now using Amaysim on Optus I never got more than 10Mbps…

            I think there are waay to maby Telstra and Optus resellers these days that the signal strength is good but mobile data is suffering…

    • Shit

      • +1

        Warning from Felix user
        This is not a regular Vodaphone network.
        Can't open the browser indoors but outdoor, not bad.
        But my second sim is with Vodaphone speed is better than Felix.

        • +1

          not a regular Vodaphone network

          Yup. On part with TPG of the internet. Very budget, to the point sometimes it doesn't work. Was in Melbourne CBD and it was doing 5Mbits down and 0.1Mbits up all times of the day.

          • @netjock: 0.1Mbps is still "up to 20Mbps". It sucks but they're delivering on their promise.

    • check the Aus phone towers app for your areas of interest.


      also, other similar, but this is a good one.

      FYI, all are rubbish where I live, even 5g.

      • But it's not a regular Vodaphone network
        There use a filter to reduce speed by 5 times all the time.
        For Eg your house Vodaphone regular speed is 20mps but with Felix, you will get 4mps.

  • +8

    How does my local KFC compare to my local Maccas?

    • both crap food eat at local greasy louy where least the salad is fresh

  • +2

    Better to use the random referral code since both referer and referee get 1 month free.

    • +1

      Not unless you plan to stay with them.

  • Only thing holding me back from this company is the fact they use voda. I live in a very populated area and even the Optus is shit here

  • +4

    +1 for ESIM support

  • +10

    I just ported out from this company. They will call you to see if you are using it in a phone. I was, but I was really offended that they thought I was using too much data. My guess is if you don't pickup the call, you will likely be banned as what I've seen from my colleagues.

    TLDR: Got called, picked up, got abused. Friends did not pick up, got banned within 7 days.

    • +1

      Oh wow that's dodgy as hell. I was going to sign up but I guess not now lol.

      • I’ve been with them for 6m never been called by them or contacted and I download a fair chunk. I suppose if you plan on downloading a TB or more a month you can expect a hello from them

    • +2

      How much did you actually download? I downloaded 800gb in 10 days and it’s all good so far. No calls or anything.

      • Oh they'll cut you off, don't worry.

        • +1

          17 days now! Still going strong….

          • @TomGum: Give them a chance. I guarantee if you keep on downloading large amounts (over 500gb) they'll cut you off at some point.

            • @Oofy Doofy: Well they have 12 days to cut me off.

              • +1

                @TomGum: Any updates on this? I'm thinking of using it in a USB modem.

    • +1

      Interesting how their social media are devoid of negative comments… Im sure there should be more that can talk or provide some critical feedbacks through their website..

      On the other hand Telstra social media has been keeping it real and let people leave negative feedbacks whenever they want…

    • +1

      I used 800+ GBs of data last month and didn't get any calls. How much were you using?

  • +1

    I have no problems maxing out at 20mb sec on Felix
    My area has crappy Optus and average Telstra
    As I only use it for internet in a phone I'm happy at 35$

  • Looks like it switch only. Do they offer new numbers? (Dumb question, but cant find this deal or new number option)

    • Yes, when you sign up you have the option of being assigned a random new number.

  • Still CGNAT?

    • +2

      always cgnat with mobile services.
      telstra, optus, voda, doesnt matter
      unless you're special

      • If you're "special" (aka on a Telstra business plan) you can call up and ask for the GPTEXB3 code to be added to your account. The code gets you a public albeit dynamic IP. It changes every few hours, but still better than CGNAT.

        Don't waste your time trying to do it on chat, they will either say they can't do it or screw up something else in your account.

    • Does this mean I share a ip address with many others?

  • +1

    I've used many companies over the years. FELIX is great if you're in a major city or town not rural. I'm in city within 30k of the CBD and consistently use 500gb a month from my mobile phone and 15-20mb/s on multiple TVs and Netflix HD no issues at all

  • Do you need to give your licence or passport number.
    How do they verify?

    • They didn't ask for either, not sure how they verify besides dob and name.

  • +1

    maybe beter deal ?
    Pay just $17.50/mth for your first three months on a no lock-in contract. Use promo code FINDER50. That’s peachy! New customers only. Offer ends 31/03/22. Then $35/mth. T+C apply.

    from https://felixmobile.com.au/purpose/finder-exclusive-offer

  • Use this code and get $35 credit for signup

  • how do i even cancel autorenewal?

  • Nice find. Reason why I'm using this is I need a temp data line due to my porting from Amaysim>Catch gone wrong. Porting in limbo and this is a godsend.

  • Can you signup for free as new customer and cancel before the one month is up?

    • +1

      i dont see why can't

  • Can you use both the promo code (FLX), and a referral code from here when signing up, which should get you 2 months free?

  • cant activate. opened the link to the app and nothing happened.

  • +1

    I signed up with this deal recently.


    • eSIM compatible

    • Quick and painless port over from Telstra


    • Expensive - Felix only have one plan for $35/month. The only reason you’d want to sign up for this is the unlimited data and even then the value is questionable. I don’t need unlimited mobile data and so this plan doesn’t stack up for me against other prepaid plans like Boost or even Telstra prepaid.

    • Does not support Wifi calling - I just discovered this. This is a deal breaker for me as I have poor mobile coverage in some parts of my home and I’ll be leaving before the end of the month

    • Does not support VoLTE

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