Even Defrosting
The Inverter technology in the LG NeoChef™ enables more precise temperature control to help defrost foods and avoid overcooked and unthawed areas.
[Factory Second] LG Neochef 42L MS4296OBS (Black) $179 + Delivery @ P&S Electronics

Last edited 31/01/2022 - 11:24 by 1 other user
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I disagree - never been happy with mine
Takes longer to cook then old basic microwaves and mix of piping hot and cold areas - basically the opposite of what the description says in my experience
I have the complete opposite experience. Might be worth returning yours.
Sounds like something is faulty there
I would be replacing it. This microwave is designed to literally avoid those mix of hot & cold and it has done so perfectly for me.
I have this model, it’s been working perfectly since I got it a year ago, no complaints from me.
Takes longer to cook then old basic microwaves and mix of piping hot and cold areas - basically the opposite of what the description says in my experience
I have the opposite experience as well.
I compared the NeoChef with a Sharp with a thermal camera and found that the NeoChef was more even.
The worst was a no-turntable Panasonic where the difference between the hottest and coldest spots was 30 degrees.
all the bad ones like yours is this product. they fix all the bad ones like yours, then resell them as factory seconds. so now should work properly.
Probably! Good point
Yup 9.5/10 except for jingle.
I personally dont mind the jingle, most of the time the kids are standing watching the countdown anyway ready to open the door when done
Jingle can be turned off fyi
That turns off all sounds though.
This doesn’t have turn table right? I don’t want turn table
Then you better not buy it. Many of the photos have the turntable included.
From the product overview;
"Stable Turntable
The hexagonal ring stabilises the turntable with six support points, which helps prevent off-centre items from tipping and spilling during cooking."The turntable is removable. ;)
I think only the Panasonics have no turntable
I'm happy with mine, I find it heats things up evenly. As evenly as you'd expect a microwave to be, of course.
It plays a tune at the end which is fine, but it keeps repeating the tune every minute or so until you open the thing. Grr.
Sick tune though.
I think I read someone here said once there was a way to turn it off though.
Hold "Stop / Cancel" and "Inverter Cook" for three seconds. It'll show "Off" on the display. All sounds are disabled.
That said, I quite enjoy the microwave's little song. You can repeat the steps to turn it back on when you realise you miss its tuneful company.
All sounds are disabled.
Which is annoying as button and a single end sound are okay.
The constant repeating sound is annoying and it would be good to just disable that.
Any experience with factory seconds vs. new?
I got the factory second and I wouldn't have known if you hadn't told me. I eventually found the defect and it was a small dent on the inside of the door. I guess it's luck of the draw what your defect is, mine was minuscule with no effect on the performance of the microwave. I purchased from these guys.
Amazing, thanks for the reassurance and glad you got a good one!
Same price as this one after code, but with free delivery.
Great microwave. Only odd thing I find is that it doesn't seem to have great isolation/insulation (not sure which is the correct word in this case). When in use it affects wireless and bluetooth quite badly, more so than other microwaves I have had. Not a big deal at all for me, but may be a deal-breaker for some people?
I don't think that's the microwave - have you been vaccinated recently?
Yeah it breaks 2.4Ghz wifi and bluetooth, all channels. Set all your connections to 5Ghz band if you could
There's no such thing as 5ghz Bluetooth
He never said there was
I have one & get exactly the same ! Stuttering Bluetooth & streaming services freeze. Kids hate it
Great microwave BTW
wow thats annoying, does that mean it even affects game controllers?
No doesn't seem to. But it interrupts the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth headphones when its on. Less the Wi-Fi and more the Bluetooth IMO, but we often get yells from the kids when we use it :)
if its in a cabinet grab some of the 3M EMI shielding and apply it on the inside
Only odd thing I find is that it doesn't seem to have great isolation/insulation (not sure which is the correct word in this case)
Shielding is the word you are looking for.
That's the one! Thanks
you can purchase EMI shielding foil and some tape and line the inside of the cabinet. will likely help.
you can find the 3M brand on digikey:
It may not be the microwave alone, when I replaced my older dual band wireless router with the google nest, the interference dropped out as its probably better at dealing with interference.
Anyone know their warranty? It doesn't mention
Great if you can pick up but $70 shipping to Sydney Metro and $105 shipping elsewhere killed the deal for me sadly. Can pick up a new one from HN's at that price!
I think this $70 or $105 isn’t justified anyway. So it may just be deceptive Ad. So worth the neg for seller (not the OP)?
better this then
I still wouldnt recommend it.https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/224475773480
Same thing (refurbished), same price (after code), free shipping.
The reviews of seller aren't that great. Looks like you will get a headache if you have warranty issues:
https://www.productreview.com.au/listings/p-s-electronicsThanks for sharing. Guys read retailer reviews before buying.
Thanks. Avoid.
Saved me some serious bucks. Cheers.
Has anyone checked their microwave for radiation leaks ?
Nah. How can we do that?
On ebay, you could get cheap EMF detectors. Around 30 bucks
if the microwaves leak, they can heat up tissues closeby but they will lose energy really fast. The radiation is non ionising so not harmful especially if you are not putting your head inside the microwave while it's on.
Very few people would have a microwave detector at home. PLenty available in the marketplace if you want to try. Please let us know results.
All things being equal, you should expect that by placing your phone inside a microwave and closing the door the signal would be blocked by the shell of the microwave oven.
Not necessarily, as microwaves are designed to attenuate 2.4GHz and Australian telcos use bands bewteen 700MHz and 3.5GHz.
Has anyone checked their microwave for radiation leaks ?
Yes, it does leak more RF than the other microwave I tested which is why people report it interferes with their wifi and Bluetooth.
You can see the LG puts out more broadband noise compared to the Sharp microwave I tested.
With that unit the interference is on the upper channels so I set wifi to channel 1 and it's OK. 5GHz isn't affected.
The Sharp puts out its interference around channel 11 so if your wifi was on that channel you'd get interference too.
Don't be concerned about the word "radiation" - leakage like that is not harmful. It's non-ionising radiation and not the fukushima-type of ionising radiation.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. So when you buy a new microwave, should it have ZERO leaks ?
There will always be some leakage as the faraday cage isn't perfect. It's not a big deal as the leakage would be low unless there's physical damage, or the interlocks don't work and you can run the oven with the door open.
I just re-read my earlier post and realised I should have worded it differently. The LG doesn't necessarily leak more RF, it just has a broadband RF footprint. i.e. the brightness may be the same, it just puts out a rainbow of light instead of just red light.
You are incorrect. No conceivable equipment has 'zero' leaks as such. The microwaves that leak are harmless as well unless your head is inside the oven all day. ;)
There are industry standards for acceptable low levels of leaks among other contamination etc.
Have a look at lead contamination of fertiliser for example.
Wonder whether you can line your microwave on the outside with foil to create another faraday cage…… ;)
This isn’t the wifi scrambler one right ?
Nice looking black microwave dare I say 👍😁
I bought this in August from Myer. It lasted 5 months.
I bought my Neochef refurb from Grays in 2019.
It's still working fine.
these are terribly unreliable. Bad reviews on Product Review. Short life. Rust. Dead magnetron.
BTW why not get a new one from here? https://www.harveynorman.com.au/lg-neochef-42l-microwave-120… - sure its a different model but better than buying second hand crap from a dodgy seller.Yup, the display in mine is dying so I'm now missing 3 segments from the last 3 numbers. Makes it near impossible to tell the time…
Bad reviews on Product Review.
Don't forget that people often only look for forums like that to post complaints.
Things like kitchen appliances are relatively boring. If LG sold 100,000 of these and 1% had a fault, that's 1,000 unhappy customers, some of whom would be annoyed enough to go look for a website to post a negative review. Meanwhile the other 99,000 people probably wouldn't bother looking for websites just to write a post saying "Mine works fine".
So as a result sites like productreview will have very one-sided reviews, at least for boring products like kitchen appliances. They can be a good resource but you just have to keep in mind that it's usually only people with problems who will go to the hassle of creating an account and writing a review. You might be hearing from people who are happily using the product perfectly fine.
I have a similar one to this with the turn dial on the front.
After about 3 months of use I notice a hissing sound after its been microwaving for around 20 or more seconds, is that normal for these LGs? Everything seems to work normal, its just a bit of an odd noise.
Dunno about LG but my SMEG microwave is still going since 2006. It was $500 though.
Old LGs were unbreakable and excellent performers.
I bought this. Yes it has a turn table and it looks cool. But there are some flaws. Mainly it's hard to select more than 30seconds to 1 minute timer. There is a slider but you cannot select 10-20 minutes, it's a pain. Also the light is weak and hard to see inside
And if you want to select 10% power you have to push the power button 9 times. And if you're defrosting something and you want to let it stand for a few minutes half way through, it just turns itself off after a while.
That's why I wouldn't buy a microwave without seeing it at the store first.
It's in use too often and it's supposed to stay for years to omit any potential annoying things:
- how the time and power are set, how it starts, how it opens and closes, the sound, whether the interior is easily to clean, whether the light (or the whole things) stays on and so on…
Great microwave, when our first one got damaged by a kid putting knifes in it we replaced it with the same model!
Caution, very powerful so be careful not to overcook your food.
Great to hear how sturdy this microwave is.
How's the new kid?
Not our kid but their dad bought the new one!
I was a tad disappointed with mine. Looks great and it works ok, but the control panel and selections feels totally under done.
Can't recall the exact wording of the defrost options but there are options 1,2,3 & 4. Each represents a type of meat option. Not sure why not actually make it more user friendly instead of trying to remember which represents which meat option. I know that might seem like a minor issue, but just seems microwaves of this generation should be way more user friendly.
Like I said, it's ok, but I'm not sure if buy this same model again if I had the option too.
My next will be a Panasonic as they look like they have clear buttons so you don't need to remember cryptic meat numbers
Not sure if you've seen - but there's a mini guide to which setting is which when you open the door - up the top.
Been impressed with mine great units and good price
These work great no issues